The day 300,000 idiots flattened the Golden Gate Bridge....1987


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
The 'Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge,' an event The Chronicle's Peter Hartlaub once referred to as "the largest clusterfuck in Bay Area history where no one actually died."

The organizing group expected a crowd of 80,000 people, but instead received an estimated 800,000 people at the event.

Approximately 300,000 people actually engaged in the walk across the bridge, an experience that — in the most generous terms — could be described as "extremely unpleasant."

"While trapped shoulder to shoulder in the mob, unable to move for more than two hours, I remember discussing with my wife the real possibility that we were about to participate in one of the 20th century's landmark disasters," San Francisco painting and plastering contractor Winston Montgomery recounted 10 years after the event. "A bridge collapse would have put to shame all those petty Third World bus and ferry tragedies you read about in the newspaper."

The weight of the 300,000 people flattened the normally arched roadbed, although bridge engineers later said there was never any real danger.

"The Golden Gate Bridge, all 419,000 tons of it, groaned and swayed like an old wooden plank thrown across a ditch," Montgomery wrote. "Frightened and seasick people vomited on their shoes."

According to Montgomery, people began throwing bicycles and strollers off the bridge in order to lighten the load on the bridge.


Evidently they were trying to give Darwin an overdose.

LOL.....300,000 of today's sized people probably would've collapsed the bridge, I say we try it again. ;)
Obvious idiots. All those people and not of them brought a fishin' pole.
You would need 225' of line just to get to the water and another 400' to reach bottom (maybe) at slack tide.

It is a long way down. I walked halfway across it in 1968.

Sat on a dock of the bay too, watching the ships roll in. Then I watched them roll away again. We caught some crabs in a trap and then had a crab boil. But those weren't the only crabs I caught there. People would would walk by you on the sidewalk and advertise their drugs. They'd say "Acid, Mescaline, hash..." Haight-Asbury was nasty by 1969, it was full of bikers, burnouts, and methheads. I can't believe I actually quit high school, got on a bus, went there for a year, and got wasted.
I was on a friend's boat about 500 yards away from the bridge that day.

Quite the sight watching it go flat.

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