The Culture War: A Strange Game ...

there is no such things as an “anchor baby” defense to deportation:

More directly, if an undocumented immigrant is caught by authorities and put in deportation proceedings, the fact that they have a child who is an American citizen will not help them:
undocumented immigrant
Liberal speak for Diseased Illegal Alien who shoudnt be here".
Ah yes, citizens that once their illegal parents crossed the border, dropped their anchors right in the free emergency rooms. Got it, then when it is called out that our healthcare services and now public schools are overwhelmed, you whiny bitches say "we need more funding, because there are just too many of them here". I saw that shit in Manassas, where when i first got there, the area was about 60 percent white, 25 percent black and the rest were brown and yellow. After 5 years it was 75 percent brown, no blacks and 5 percent yellow. Why? Because of KKK hoodie Ralphie Northam who wanted Va to be a Sanctuary state. Manasses turned into a Mexico shithole with beer bottles outside pepboys and most signage converted to Spanglish.

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Unkotare is like all globalists…he’ll happily take in 1,000 illiterate, taxpayer dependent, criminal minded subhumans to get that one kid that MAY become a Home Depot worker one day.
Don't post a quote that I never said, liar. Don't make me tell you again.
I never said that you did moron, but when you said "Undocumented Immigrant" that is code word by the left meaning Diseased Illegal Aliens. Man you need to go back to school and learn what language is.

As for not making me tell you again, what the fuck is your pansy ass going to do about it? Make me pound the chalk board erasers? Oh my!

Do you think that the only way to stop them is to respond in kind? Do you see how that only perpetuates the war?
"Nuts!": Battle of the Bulge

We use to win all our wars. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. As John Paul Jones said before capturing the ship that had sunk his own ship, "I have not yet begun to fight."
I didn't, shitforbrains.
You lying piece of shitbrains, here is your own fucking post....

The "Anchor Baby" Myth

There are no "anchor babies," there are only Americans.
there is no such things as an “anchor baby” defense to deportation:

More directly, if an undocumented immigrant is caught by authorities and put in deportation proceedings, the fact that they have a child who is an American citizen will not help them:
Click to expand...
undocumented immigrant
Liberal speak for Diseased Illegal Alien who shoudnt be here".

Your post that means you said it, moron.
There is no such thing as an anchor baby, as I have explained to your dumb ass many times.
Are you telling me the dictionary is not telling the truth?

Anchor baby is a disparaging and offensive term123used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother in a country that has birthright citizenship123. The term implies that the birth is planned to facilitate eventual legal residency for the family13. The term is often used in the context of immigration debates in countries such as the United States.
Learn more:
1. dictionary.com2. dictionary.cambridge.org3.

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