"The Culture of the Smug White Liberal"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Interesting piece on HuffPo right now. What is currently described as Liberalism has changed in many ways, and some on the Left are not very comfortable with it:

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal

Excerpt, my bolding:

I have spent my life as a Democrat which probably isn’t that surprising considering that I am African-American. One of the things that always attracted me to the party were the ideals of equality, fighting for the little guy and our openness to differing opinions, but lately I have seen my party take a turn that makes me uncomfortable. Somewhere along the way we stopped fighting for the little guy and became the party of the smug, educated elites who look down on those with less education and deem them unable or unworthy of being able to make personal decisions for their own lives...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

So the smug white liberal is the college student, well if one must attack the novice stage of human development, why not, it's certainly the weakest, yet most passionate group...Yet these college students are really a minority of overall liberals in society...They are a specific one if they all include the same mantra of beliefs, yet I bet they have their differences of opinions...
Yet the op/ed is wrong in it's assumptions, it speaks to have knowledge of the whole, but only shows a partial knowledge of a few..
Interesting piece on HuffPo right now. What is currently described as Liberalism has changed in many ways, and some on the Left are not very comfortable with it:

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal

Excerpt, my bolding:

I have spent my life as a Democrat which probably isn’t that surprising considering that I am African-American. One of the things that always attracted me to the party were the ideals of equality, fighting for the little guy and our openness to differing opinions, but lately I have seen my party take a turn that makes me uncomfortable. Somewhere along the way we stopped fighting for the little guy and became the party of the smug, educated elites who look down on those with less education and deem them unable or unworthy of being able to make personal decisions for their own lives...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The Democrats are not liberals, they are Democrats. The same with college students. Both tend to be more "liberal" than say, the GOP. The above is society not liberalism.

A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
Yes! And that's why many are troubled by the examples the writer points out in her piece of "liberals" behaving in the opposite way.
Those are NOT LIBERALS. They may be liberal, in thought and action, but they are not liberals which is why we call them Democrats and College Students.

The Founding Fathers had no political parties. They were liberals and used liberalism as the foundational principle to create a republic in which people with liberal attitudes could go to college and join political parties. They all have different names so why is this so fucking hard for you people to understand that they are different things?
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The author’s ‘problem’ with ‘liberalism’ fails as a straw man fallacy.

The author attempts to misrepresent the ‘liberal position’ by contriving the lie that liberals concern themselves only with what people say, taking no action to address a given problem – which is clearly false.

The author then attacks the lie contrived (straw man) claiming to have made a ‘valid’ point, when in fact she succeeds in only demonstrating that the premise of her ‘argument’ is devoid of merit.

For example, the author is critical of liberals’ use of social media to address issues of racism, bigotry, and hate while she ignores substantive achievements made by liberals to combat bigotry and racism at the ballot box and in the courts, where liberals have realized recent success in defending the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, and the voting rights of minorities.

And liberals are currently engaged in defending the rights and protected liberties of those transgender from the bigotry and hate legislated by conservative lawmakers.

Consequently, the author of the article is factually wrong, conservative Republicans are indeed the bane of African-Americans and other minorities – conservative Republicans hostile to the rights and protected liberties of minorities, and who enact un-Constitutional legislation with the sole intent of disadvantaging minorities whom conservative Republicans fear.
In defense of those dumbass college students, they grow out of it.

Most conservatives, however, never grow out of their "whiny eternal-victim" mentality.
Liberals may have changed, but I am not really concerned about them. What concerns me is how the Republicans have changed, they have lost the virtue of the ardent defense of conservatism. There was a time when a GOP controlled congress would not allow a president to run over the top of them with unconstitutional executive orders, nor would they show such disregard towards conservative base as to allow an orange clown to become the nominee.
In defense of those dumbass college students, they grow out of it.

Most conservatives, however, never grow out of their "whiny eternal-victim" mentality.
Good luck finding a conservative. They died off decades ago.
A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
Yes! And that's why many are troubled by the examples the writer points out in her piece of "liberals" behaving in the opposite way.
Those are NOT LIBERALS. They may be liberal, in thought and action, but they are not liberals which is why we call them Democrats and College Students.
Yes, proud traditional liberal Kirsten Powers uses the term "illiberal" when describing them.
Liberals may have changed, but I am not really concerned about them. What concerns me is how the Republicans have changed, they have lost the virtue of the ardent defense of conservatism. There was a time when a GOP controlled congress would not allow a president to run over the top of them with unconstitutional executive orders, nor would they show such disregard towards conservative base as to allow an orange clown to become the nominee.
Again, Republicans are not Conservatives, they are Republicans who tend to be more conservative than say, Democrats, who are Democrats and tend to be more liberal than say, Republicans. We have dictionaries people, use them!
A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
Yes! And that's why many are troubled by the examples the writer points out in her piece of "liberals" behaving in the opposite way.
Those are NOT LIBERALS. They may be liberal, in thought and action, but they are not liberals which is why we call them Democrats and College Students.
Yes, proud traditional liberal Kirsten Powers uses the term "illiberal" when describing them.
She is a hack author. It hardly matters a damn what she says but illiberal is a perfectly valid description for what is not liberal. Most of this nation has no clue what liberalism is. This thread is a perfect example of such a thing.
A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
Yes! And that's why many are troubled by the examples the writer points out in her piece of "liberals" behaving in the opposite way.
Those are NOT LIBERALS. They may be liberal, in thought and action, but they are not liberals which is why we call them Democrats and College Students.
Yes, proud traditional liberal Kirsten Powers uses the term "illiberal" when describing them.
She is a hack author. It hardly matters a damn what she says but illiberal is a perfectly valid description for what is not liberal. Most of this nation has no clue what liberalism is. This thread is a perfect example of such a thing.
And the premise of the article is nothing new – the same ridiculous lie that liberals are ‘all talk and no action,’ when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Liberals aren’t being ‘smug’ when they accurately and appropriately oppose racism, bigotry, and discrimination through both word and action.

Conservative Republican lawmakers in North Carolina were in fact wrong to prohibit transgender Americans from using public restrooms of their choice, and liberals were correct when they stated that the measure violates the Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and they were correct to challenge the measure which is prima facia un-Constitutional – there is nothing ‘smug’ about obeying the law and following the Constitution.
I just realized I should add this piece to my ever-growing list of honest liberals who feel the hardcore Left has gone too far! Bottom of the list now!
I just realized I should add this piece to my ever-growing list of honest liberals who feel the hardcore Left has gone too far! Bottom of the list now!
Where's your list of honest conservatives who think Trump and the GOP, not to mention everything Alt-Right, are fucking nuts?
I just realized I should add this piece to my ever-growing list of honest liberals who feel the hardcore Left has gone too far! Bottom of the list now!
Where's your list of honest conservatives who think Trump and the GOP, not to mention everything Alt-Right, are fucking nuts?
There is definitely a bunch of those, the Alt Right has pretty much wrecked that party.

Doesn't change my post one iota, though.
I just realized I should add this piece to my ever-growing list of honest liberals who feel the hardcore Left has gone too far! Bottom of the list now!
Where's your list of honest conservatives who think Trump and the GOP, not to mention everything Alt-Right, are fucking nuts?
There is definitely a bunch of those, the Alt Right has pretty much wrecked that party.

Doesn't change my post one iota, though.
So. you only have the one list then? Umpires make calls for both teams, just in case you hadn't heard of such a thing.
I just realized I should add this piece to my ever-growing list of honest liberals who feel the hardcore Left has gone too far! Bottom of the list now!
Where's your list of honest conservatives who think Trump and the GOP, not to mention everything Alt-Right, are fucking nuts?
There is definitely a bunch of those, the Alt Right has pretty much wrecked that party.

Doesn't change my post one iota, though.
So. you only have the one list then? Umpires make calls for both teams, just in case you hadn't heard of such a thing.
If I were an umpire, I'd jump right to it.

You're welcome to, though, I could probably add to it pretty easily.

As an Independent, I get to be honest.
A true liberal would never have a problem hearing the other side. We invented the idea.
Yes! And that's why many are troubled by the examples the writer points out in her piece of "liberals" behaving in the opposite way.
Those are NOT LIBERALS. They may be liberal, in thought and action, but they are not liberals which is why we call them Democrats and College Students.

The Founding Fathers had no political parties. They were liberals and used liberalism as the foundational principle to create a republic in which people with liberal attitudes could go to college and join political parties. They all have different names so why is this so fucking hard for you people to understand that they are different things?
They consider themselves liberals.

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