The Cultural Enrichment of Freiburg

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Crime “increased by leaps and bounds”
North Africans terrorize green university town

Stormy times in the Green stronghold of Freiburg: the left-wing university town has been hit hard by aggressive criminals from North Africa for several weeks. The police don’t impress them.

After a massive wave of crime by North Africans in downtown Freiburg, the police and prosecutors have announced tougher action against the suspects. The police describe the suspects as “specifically young men, mainly from the North African region, who have often only been in Freiburg for a few days and whose identity is generally not certain.” If they were discovered “and handed over to the police by the shop detective and confronted with the charge, the perpetrators are usually unimpressed. Police officers are often verbally abused or insulted.” [You’ve let them in, you’ve handled them with kid gloves, and they will cut your throat in thanks. How stupid can one be?]

Arrest warrants have now been issued for 16 suspects by the Freiburg District Court. They were then taken into custody. “The public prosecutor’s office in Freiburg has filed an application for accelerated judgment against almost as many suspects. In this procedure, the main hearing before the Freiburg District Court takes place on the day of the arrest or the following day, or within a week in the case of more complex investigations,” the investigating authorities said.

North African suspects often give the wrong age [What a surprise that they are using the “Get out of Jail Free” card extensively]
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western Europe will burn .....soon

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