The Crooked Hillary Corruption Thread

Crooked Evita Peron also had a charitable foundation just like Crooked Hillary. she took in millions of pesos from foreign sources. in 1950, the government arranged that a portion of all lottery, movie, and casino revunues should go to the Peron Foundation.

When the foundation was shut down, Argentines discovered stashes of undistributed food and clothes. they didn't care about helpin the poor, clearly.

Democrats have long played Crooked Evita's tune, insisting they're looking out for the little guy. but somehow the little guy always remains where he is, while progressive elites advance to new heights of wealth and power.
Horny Bill Clinton's commerce secretary Ron Brown frequently complained that he had become a "motherfucking tour guide;" for Crooked Hillary because foreign trade missions had become nothing more than payback trips for Clinton donors.

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