The creation of American cultural problems


Aug 27, 2020
My wife from England asked me what creates America's cultural problems.

I told her that many things do.

What creates a drug addict or a thug most often, is poverty and parents who don't love the kids and don't look after the wellbeing of the kids or who do infact abuse their kids.

What creates a Redneck is a historical cultural precedent of untrammeled violence to enforce their ways..
An education no greater than that required for menial labor or basic, non-modern agriculture..which is very little or none at all..
And a history of Committing treason, physically forcing other human beings to perform their labor for them for free under threat of murder...
And a history spanning the entire length of American history, of bigotry and hatred and the inability to think for one's own self.

What creates America's capitalism, is a political hostage situation, created by those rednecks who have no experience around people requiring teamwork and cooperation by multiple groups who engage in teamwork to accomplish productivity....
In short, no experience around urban or suburban people.

When you go out in public. ... :cuckoo:
My wife from England asked me what creates America's cultural problems.

I told her that many things do.

What creates a drug addict or a thug most often, is poverty and parents who don't love the kids and don't look after the wellbeing of the kids or who do infact abuse their kids.

What creates a Redneck is a historical cultural precedent of untrammeled violence to enforce their ways..
An education no greater than that required for menial labor or basic, non-modern agriculture..which is very little or none at all..
And a history of Committing treason, physically forcing other human beings to perform their labor for them for free under threat of murder...
And a history spanning the entire length of American history, of bigotry and hatred and the inability to think for one's own self.

What creates America's capitalism, is a political hostage situation, created by those rednecks who have no experience around people requiring teamwork and cooperation by multiple groups who engage in teamwork to accomplish productivity....
In short, no experience around urban or suburban people.
Yea, everyone gets it.
Thanks for another reminder.
The Democrats hate working class white voters.
The Democratic Party is been based on hate.
Most Democrat Voters are bigots of one type or another.
The three major groups of people who the Progressives Extremist loath are 1) rich people 2) white people 3) christian people.
But in general Liberals Dogmatists are intolerant of the people who are the cultural and economic backbone of our country>>mainstream society, suburbanites, midwesterners, southerners, rural citizens, working class folks, patriots, LEOs, wasps, devout catholics, observant jews, small business owners, traditional families........they even hate babys
Some of the notorious hate groups in the Democrat Coalition of Hate are the Nation of Islam, Klan, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, BLM, Antifa......
My wife from England asked me what creates America's cultural problems.

I told her that many things do.

What creates a drug addict or a thug most often, is poverty and parents who don't love the kids and don't look after the wellbeing of the kids or who do infact abuse their kids.

What creates a Redneck is a historical cultural precedent of untrammeled violence to enforce their ways..
An education no greater than that required for menial labor or basic, non-modern agriculture..which is very little or none at all..
And a history of Committing treason, physically forcing other human beings to perform their labor for them for free under threat of murder...
And a history spanning the entire length of American history, of bigotry and hatred and the inability to think for one's own self.

What creates America's capitalism, is a political hostage situation, created by those rednecks who have no experience around people requiring teamwork and cooperation by multiple groups who engage in teamwork to accomplish productivity....
In short, no experience around urban or suburban people.
Europeans have been dumbed down beyond belief...and it was bad in the 90s when I lived there for a few years
Americans know very well what the main reason is for this nation's "cultural problems."

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