The Cost Of Free College Education In The U.S.

I smell a dirty sock poster..

And I smell an un-American traitor who is unwilling to spend 65 cents a week to make America stronger.
You don't know the meaning, since you can't look it up on your computer...

Look at post #38.
Where is you link to back up your quote? If you don't use one your are plagiarizing and are violating TOS....

Plagiarizing? I never claimed to own in any way what i showed. And why did they have it on the internet to begin with? For people to read. For the small portion I copied, I fulfilled their intent.
I did.
Your number is wrong. You're welcome.


If only you could prove it was.......

If only you could prove it wasn't.

While these goals are the right ones, the reality is that free public college would make it harder to achieve them. Part of the concern relates to how best to use government funds. The idea would cost $70 billion per year, more than twice what the federal government spends on Pell grants. And much of that money would provide a free education to students whose families can already afford it.

Most of the approximately
243 million adults in the United States, as of 2013, pay some type of federal taxes. About 122 million Americans pay federal income tax. All U.S. workers pay payroll taxes, which are levied at a flat rate and capped.

How many U.S. taxpayers are there?

$70 billion divided by 243 million is $288.

$0.63 a week is only $32.76.

Your huge error is proof that free education would be wasted on you.

I entered into my browser, "How much would free college education cost the average American taxpayer." One of the websites that came up, as you probably know, was one called, "The next time someone tells you we can't afford free college, show......" I will include a small portion of the text. $33.00 dollars a year comes out to about $0.65 a week.
View attachment 107206

$8 billion a year is where you went wrong..........
How much would it cost to have free college for college students in the U.S.? For each tax payer, it would cost them about $0.63 cents a week! So for those morons who are opposed to having college be free in the U.S. like it is in many other countries, SUCK IT!
There is no such thing as "free" you moron. I'm not paying for someone else's education. And if it only cost $0.63 per week - then they should have no problem paying for it themselves!

By the nitwit - when you type $0.63 it is redundant as hell to type "cents" behind that. Either type 63 cents or type $0.63 but don't type both. Now go find yourself $0.63 and get yourself an education - because you need it.
I smell a dirty sock poster..

And I smell an un-American traitor who is unwilling to spend 65 cents a week to make America stronger.
You don't know the meaning, since you can't look it up on your computer...

Look at post #38.
Where is you link to back up your quote? If you don't use one your are plagiarizing and are violating TOS....

Plagiarizing? I never claimed to own in any way what i showed. And why did they have it on the internet to begin with? For people to read. For the small portion I copied, I fulfilled their intent.
You plagiarized, nitwit. You didn't cite a source for credit. You posted as your own information.
Move to those Countries then.
I couldn't afford college, so I'm definitely not paying for your college education, Sorry.
Oh. So you are a proud filthy traitor then. And YOU want ME to move to another country? More traitor reasoning there. Also, I am not in the market anymore to go to college. But that doesn't mean I would be against making our country stronger by making it easier for students to go to college here. To most AMERICANS, I think they would be willing to spend $0.65 a week on patriotism.
Perfect! You set up a foundation in the free market and get your communist friends to donate of their own free will - and you can send all of these kids to college. You have been free to do that since this nation was officially founded in 1776.

Isn't freedom great?
I smell a dirty sock poster..

And I smell an un-American traitor who is unwilling to spend 65 cents a week to make America stronger.
I smell a lazy, greedy, selfish progressive who is unwilling to set up a foundation in the free market and get his communist friends to donate of their own free will "to make America stronger". You are an embarrassment to America.
I entered into my browser, "How much would free college education cost the average American taxpayer." One of the websites that came up, as you probably know, was one called, "The next time someone tells you we can't afford free college, show......" I will include a small portion of the text. $33.00 dollars a year comes out to about $0.65 a week.
And yet you didn't even add a link to the results you claim to have found. In addition, you're now admitting you did no real research into this issue - but instead did one quick Google search and believed the first thing you found on the internet which supported the conclusion you had already formed. :eusa_doh:
For morons like overland...

If you want college education then f-ing get a job and pay for it.
How do y'all think it's my responsibility to pay for your education so you can make the big bucks. Sorry ain't going to happen!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Questions for those who advocate "free" college education:

(1) Who qualifies? Do you have to demonstrate that you are capable of doing COLLEGE work? College is intended to educate tomorrow's leaders, so should be limited to people who are capable of being leaders, not just average shmo's who don't feel like getting a job out of high school.

(2) What about people who could benefit from technical or trade education, but have no interest or aptitude for schoolwork? Is their schooling also free?

(3) What about worthless college majors? Should taxpayers have to pay tuition for someone studying philosophy or - worse yet - "Ethnic Studies"? (or ANYTHING with the word, "Studies" in its description).

(4) Will the spigot be turned off for people who FAIL academically? Or must we pay for "career students"? What about people who change majors every year, so would take 8 years to graduate? Do we have to pay for them forever?

(5) What about the Tenth Amendment? Congress is prohibited from paying for anything that is not listed in Article I, Section 8. Education ain't in there.

(6) Where does the money come from? Surely, a program this large cannot paid with Government's spare change. There would have to be a new, separate revenue stream to pay for this boondoggle.

(7) Does "Free College" include books, room & board, transportation, and living expenses? What good is "free college" if the nearest college is three hours from my home?

(8) Is there an age limit? If I'm retired and decide I want to pursue a bachelor's degree (or a Masters), can I get this free college thing? You can't discriminate against me just because I'm old.

If only you could prove it was.......

If only you could prove it wasn't.

While these goals are the right ones, the reality is that free public college would make it harder to achieve them. Part of the concern relates to how best to use government funds. The idea would cost $70 billion per year, more than twice what the federal government spends on Pell grants. And much of that money would provide a free education to students whose families can already afford it.

Most of the approximately
243 million adults in the United States, as of 2013, pay some type of federal taxes. About 122 million Americans pay federal income tax. All U.S. workers pay payroll taxes, which are levied at a flat rate and capped.

How many U.S. taxpayers are there?

$70 billion divided by 243 million is $288.

$0.63 a week is only $32.76.

Your huge error is proof that free education would be wasted on you.

I entered into my browser, "How much would free college education cost the average American taxpayer." One of the websites that came up, as you probably know, was one called, "The next time someone tells you we can't afford free college, show......" I will include a small portion of the text. $33.00 dollars a year comes out to about $0.65 a week.
View attachment 107206

$8 billion a year is where you went wrong..........

I didn't invent the numbers. I just looked them up on the internet.
How much would it cost to have free college for college students in the U.S.? For each tax payer, it would cost them about $0.63 cents a week! So for those morons who are opposed to having college be free in the U.S. like it is in many other countries, SUCK IT!
There is no such thing as "free" you moron. I'm not paying for someone else's education. And if it only cost $0.63 per week - then they should have no problem paying for it themselves!

By the nitwit - when you type $0.63 it is redundant as hell to type "cents" behind that. Either type 63 cents or type $0.63 but don't type both. Now go find yourself $0.63 and get yourself an education - because you need it.

65 cents is about right. (does saying it that way make you feel better?) Also, that reflects what each taxpayer would need to spend. There are far fewer college students than there are taxpayers.
And I smell an un-American traitor who is unwilling to spend 65 cents a week to make America stronger.
You don't know the meaning, since you can't look it up on your computer...

Look at post #38.
Where is you link to back up your quote? If you don't use one your are plagiarizing and are violating TOS....

Plagiarizing? I never claimed to own in any way what i showed. And why did they have it on the internet to begin with? For people to read. For the small portion I copied, I fulfilled their intent.
You plagiarized, nitwit. You didn't cite a source for credit. You posted as your own information.

Wrong, nitwit. In post #38 where I posted what I had printed, I told both how I found the website and what the website was called that I copied and posted the excerpt from.
If only you could prove it was.......

If only you could prove it wasn't.

While these goals are the right ones, the reality is that free public college would make it harder to achieve them. Part of the concern relates to how best to use government funds. The idea would cost $70 billion per year, more than twice what the federal government spends on Pell grants. And much of that money would provide a free education to students whose families can already afford it.

Most of the approximately
243 million adults in the United States, as of 2013, pay some type of federal taxes. About 122 million Americans pay federal income tax. All U.S. workers pay payroll taxes, which are levied at a flat rate and capped.

How many U.S. taxpayers are there?

$70 billion divided by 243 million is $288.

$0.63 a week is only $32.76.

Your huge error is proof that free education would be wasted on you.

I entered into my browser, "How much would free college education cost the average American taxpayer." One of the websites that came up, as you probably know, was one called, "The next time someone tells you we can't afford free college, show......" I will include a small portion of the text. $33.00 dollars a year comes out to about $0.65 a week.
View attachment 107206

$8 billion a year is where you went wrong..........

I didn't invent the numbers. I just looked them up on the internet.

Yes, you regurgitated the wrong numbers.
Good job!
How much would it cost to have free college for college students in the U.S.? For each tax payer, it would cost them about $0.63 cents a week! So for those morons who are opposed to having college be free in the U.S. like it is in many other countries, SUCK IT!

In post #38, I said what the name of the website was. All you need to do is enter it into your browser and press enter. If that is too much bother for you, then you shouldn't even be bothering to ask me anything.
I smell a dirty sock poster..

And I smell an un-American traitor who is unwilling to spend 65 cents a week to make America stronger.
I smell a lazy, greedy, selfish progressive who is unwilling to set up a foundation in the free market and get his communist friends to donate of their own free will "to make America stronger". You are an embarrassment to America.

First, I am talking socialism. Not communism. Next, you are bought and paid for. Your ability to think is just an illusion. Your master, capitalism, is effective at smashing any sort of socialist system. Seeing how they are smashed, they can't foot the bill. The capitalists are in power. So THEY should foot the bill. Next, YOU are the embarrassment.
I entered into my browser, "How much would free college education cost the average American taxpayer." One of the websites that came up, as you probably know, was one called, "The next time someone tells you we can't afford free college, show......" I will include a small portion of the text. $33.00 dollars a year comes out to about $0.65 a week.
And yet you didn't even add a link to the results you claim to have found. In addition, you're now admitting you did no real research into this issue - but instead did one quick Google search and believed the first thing you found on the internet which supported the conclusion you had already formed. :eusa_doh:

Oh. So now you feel the need to tell me how much I looked around. How sad.

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