The cop that murdered floyd

Any time that the social contract has been breached, the Law of Nature becomes the law of the land. Everyone then has the right to destroy that which is noxious to the people.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..

Murder charge will never stick. Even if public sentiment coerces a guilty verdict at trial, it will never survive an appeal.

I disagree completely. After being informed that the victim had no pulse the cop kept his knee in place for an additional 2 minutes forty three seconds. No effort to save the man at all.

That's about as clear a case of murder as I have ever seen.

Never underestimate a good criminal lawyer (and police unions are pretty lawyered up).

You can make an argument that without training as a clinician, an untrained cop would be unable to tell if a person had a pulse or not. The opinion of a non-clininician as to whether or not the victim had a pulse would be worthless.

I'm not making any judgement of guilt or innocence here, I don't have all the facts of the case. At this point, no one does.

But, any criminal lawyer would be foolish not to pursue such an argument against the idea that the victim had no pulse.

Your tactic only works if they have a judge hear the case. If it's a jury he's toast. Even with that, over two minutes is damning.

I'm fairly sure everyone had the same expectation when George Zimmerman went to trial.

I didn't. I actually read all of the evidence that was available. I knew Zimmerman would walk.

All those people who rioted didn't seem to be that insightful.

The rioters are paid progressive scum.

The majority of protesters are peaceful. The violent ones are antifa, and black bloc terrorists intent on destruction, looting, and weakening the USA.
The rioters are paid progressive scum.

The majority of protesters are peaceful. The violent ones are antifa, and black bloc terrorists intent on destruction, looting, and weakening the USA.
Don't forget the out of state white supremecist agitators.

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
Disrespecting the American flag causes violence..
Disrespecting the American flag causes violence..

Thanks for the timely example. Always appreciated.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
Disrespecting the American flag causes violence..
Disrespecting the American flag causes violence..

Thanks for the timely example. Always appreciated.
No problem
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
It’s not murder it’s manslaughter. Murder is pushing it, as well as public executions. I don’t think Missouri has 3rd degree murder but I’d be okay with that.

That being said what the cop did was absolutely wrong. I’ve been saying for years, before even Micheal brown, there needs to be major reforms in police training. It’s fucked up that the rules of engagement for soldiers in war zones is a higher standard to meet than what our cops have. Take philando Castile, told the cop he was carrying and had a permit to do, reached for his wallet, cop told him not too, castille said something to the effect of I’m grabbing my wallet, cop shot him without actually seeing the weapon. Cop was found of no wrongdoing under the law. The law is what’s messed up. Did Castille not follow proper procedure during a pullover, he did not, but anyone honest would say the cops level of danger was incredibly low in that situation. Also, “resisting arrest” needs to be more clearly defined, to something more like someone is actually fleeing police. Nobody wants to get arrested, it’s natural to try to pull your hands away from getting cuffed. Almost everyone in that highly emotional state thinks they can talk the police out of arrest if they’ll just listen.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.

He should be arrested, tried in a court and when and if found guilty by all the evidence he should be treated like any other criminal.
What really needs to happen is police departments all over the country need to sit everyone down and pound it through their heads that this shit is not tolerable or you will be treated like any other criminal and your badge thrown in the garbage where it belongs. Respect for the badge is a two way street and a double edged sword. The people wearing it cannot abuse their power.
I believe for the most part cops are there to look out for the public, but I have a real problem with how the other 4 cops stood around not stopping it. There seems at times to be this disconnect that is very disturbing and sickening.
Law enforcement actually has their own bill of rights that affords them more protections in legal situations than the average citizen. That’s something that needs to be thrown out immediately.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
It’s not murder it’s manslaughter. Murder is pushing it, as well as public executions. I don’t think Missouri has 3rd degree murder but I’d be okay with that.

That being said what the cop did was absolutely wrong. I’ve been saying for years, before even Micheal brown, there needs to be major reforms in police training. It’s fucked up that the rules of engagement for soldiers in war zones is a higher standard to meet than what our cops have. Take philando Castile, told the cop he was carrying and had a permit to do, reached for his wallet, cop told him not too, castille said something to the effect of I’m grabbing my wallet, cop shot him without actually seeing the weapon. Cop was found of no wrongdoing under the law. The law is what’s messed up. Did Castille not follow proper procedure during a pullover, he did not, but anyone honest would say the cops level of danger was incredibly low in that situation. Also, “resisting arrest” needs to be more clearly defined, to something more like someone is actually fleeing police. Nobody wants to get arrested, it’s natural to try to pull your hands away from getting cuffed. Almost everyone in that highly emotional state thinks they can talk the police out of arrest if they’ll just listen.
It’s not murder it’s manslaughter. Murder is pushing it, as well as public executions. I don’t think Missouri has 3rd degree murder but I’d be okay with that.
You don't think at all.
From 24 hours ago....

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Teump encouraged police brutality, people dont forget.

What a contemptible lie.

You are a disgusting piece of cow dung.

Guess you're forgetting, (you guys really do have a bad memory for all things Trump) when he said this:

""I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad," Trump said."""

So, geni-ass....who is "they"?

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
It’s not murder it’s manslaughter. Murder is pushing it, as well as public executions. I don’t think Missouri has 3rd degree murder but I’d be okay with that.

That being said what the cop did was absolutely wrong. I’ve been saying for years, before even Micheal brown, there needs to be major reforms in police training. It’s fucked up that the rules of engagement for soldiers in war zones is a higher standard to meet than what our cops have. Take philando Castile, told the cop he was carrying and had a permit to do, reached for his wallet, cop told him not too, castille said something to the effect of I’m grabbing my wallet, cop shot him without actually seeing the weapon. Cop was found of no wrongdoing under the law. The law is what’s messed up. Did Castille not follow proper procedure during a pullover, he did not, but anyone honest would say the cops level of danger was incredibly low in that situation. Also, “resisting arrest” needs to be more clearly defined, to something more like someone is actually fleeing police. Nobody wants to get arrested, it’s natural to try to pull your hands away from getting cuffed. Almost everyone in that highly emotional state thinks they can talk the police out of arrest if they’ll just listen.
It’s not murder it’s manslaughter. Murder is pushing it, as well as public executions. I don’t think Missouri has 3rd degree murder but I’d be okay with that.
You don't think at all.
From 24 hours ago....

Oh this is in Minnesota, I thought it was in St. Louis. I’m fine with 3rd Degree murder. Whoops. 2nd would’ve been way too much to charge.
Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.

What happened to Floyd was nothing less than a lynching: 4 white guys, 1 black guy, just no rope or tree.
Two of those white guys were asian. Must be some of those new white asians we’ve been hearing about lately. I guess after the “white hispanic” sales success, this was inevitable. When are they gonna pitch the white negros?
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
Disrespecting the American flag causes violence..
Only by mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, half wits.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
Last edited:
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Sure, dope. We would have had riots over the last few days anyway. Without any police killing as provocation.

Who do think believes that? Just insane. :cuckoo:
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Sure, dope. We would have had riots over the last few days anyway. Without any police killing as provocation.

Who do think believes that? Just insane. :cuckoo:
You are the idiot that thinks these people are actually enraged over a police killing where the cop has been arrested and is getting charged with murder - you know actual justice is being served. These morons are not rioting for Floyd, they are just using Floyd as a convenient excuse.

Interesting that this does happen but the hundred other cases are utterly ignored. It is a disgusting tactic to use an evil act that has been addressed with the justice system as an excuse to riot, loot which results in even more innocent people being killed.
The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.

The cop that murdered floyd should get a public execution for murdering him. We can't allow cops to murder the people that they're suppose to serve and we must make a example of this guy in order to show that we're serious about this and to calm the public. Anyone that is burning, looting and committing criminal acts should be punished severely for their crimes but the killer should pay for the destruction that he has helped caused.
Floyd was on drugs he died of a heart attack,
Stop your hate
The 911 call said that Floyd was heavily under the influence of something. He might have died of an overdose.

Mob justice and public lynching.

Very progressive.
Just mob justice. The public lynching was done already.

Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.
Mob justice isn't justice. Its basically we're everyone pumps up their testosterone and yells and screams and feels good..........and then nothing is accomplished.

Except when the pressure from the mob forces action. We now have murder charges. It's a shame that it takes such an uproar to get movement toward justice..
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.
Bullshit. The officers were going to be charged before the mob decided to burn down buildings and loot.

Looting has nothing to do with justice at all.

Rioting and looting are the result. Not the cause. The cause is obvious but continues to be ignored and even defended by those who see no problem at all. I understand the rage. Nothing seems to come from peaceful protest but white indignation over the challenge to their privilege. That doesn't make it right. Only understandable.

View attachment 342990
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
No, they are not simply the 'result.' There is no excuse what so ever for this kind of bullshit. There is ONE way to make the public in general not care about this case and they managed to achieve it.

These riots are not because Floyd, that event is nothing more than an excuse.
It wouldn't be happening otherwise, dope.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Yes, it would, 'dope.' They would use another excuse. There is always someone somewhere out of 300 MILLION people that died suspiciously.

In this case, the officer was jailed and awaits trial for MURDER. What are they rioting about? Justice? Clearly not. It is even in the BLM tag line of hands up, don't shoot - a bald faced lie.
Sure, dope. We would have had riots over the last few days anyway. Without any police killing as provocation.

Who do think believes that? Just insane. :cuckoo:
You are the idiot that thinks these people are actually enraged over a police killing where the cop has been arrested and is getting charged with murder - you know actual justice is being served. These morons are not rioting for Floyd, they are just using Floyd as a convenient excuse.

Interesting that this does happen but the hundred other cases are utterly ignored. It is a disgusting tactic to use an evil act that has been addressed with the justice system as an excuse to riot, loot which results in even more innocent people being killed.

The killing of Floyd precipitated all of this. Your retarded musings in no way change that fact.

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