The Cold Hard Facts About A Pandemic...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Let me apologize in advance that this is going to appear heartless and without empathy. I am going to lay out the cold hard facts about pandemics and death. Many will take issue with the assessment I am about to lay out, but these are the statistics, the cold hard numbers and they represent lives lost that NO ONE was going to be able to save.

In 1918/1919 the Spanish flu pandemic killed hundreds of thousands of people. It was a virus that humans had never before seen and it spread rapidly. It burned through cities and country sides unimpeded. Those people did not know how to respond to a new viral infection and hundreds of thousands died.
The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919. In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918.

It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States. Mortality was high in people younger than 5 years old, 20-40 years old, and 65 years and older. The high mortality in healthy people, including those in the 20-40 year age group, was a unique feature of this pandemic.

Once again we face a microorganism that is 10 times more lethal than our current flu strains and one the human race has never encountered before. As we have never encountered this virus it is capable of rapid burn and massive death. The University of Washington assessed the COVID-19 progression from information obtained from the Chinese and the WHO. The original projections were 2.2-2.5 million dead if we do nothing and 350,000 to 400,000 dead if we do everything right. A far cry from the 50 million dead of the Spanish Flu.

Even if we do mitigation and lock-downs the deaths in the US alone will be in the 400,000 range. Today we are at just 225,000 dead but we still have about 9 months to go before we near herd immunity and this virus naturally subsides. If we get the vaccines in the next month or two the expected deaths will decline rapidly as we will reach herd immunity far earlier.

In pandemics people die. I could go into the reasons they die but they differ with each virus and organism, so this is a highly subjective area to discuss and deals with the physical properties of the virus and the items used in treatments.

If we rate how Trump and the team responded we are well within the natural progression curve of DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLY RIGHT. Shutting down travel, quarantines, initial lock-down to slow the spread so we had time to ramp up medical support to a level with the ability to tackle the problem, Defense production act which allowed us to create the needed PPE and medical devices, the partnerships to create rapid testing, vaccines, and therapeutics, removing bureaucratic red tape to make it all happen at warp speed and be safe for use. No one has ever done what Trump was able to accomplish inside 7 months...

From everything I have discussed with others in the field of biological warfare what has been done is the best anyone could do with a new virus that the human body has never before seen. When you look at the hard numbers and fit them with the projections curve there is not a whole lot of room for improvements.

Every life is precious but we must still live in reality. Reality is a cold, hard, place and you can not hide from it in a basement...
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I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

Bull Shit!

Our over all death rate is far less than 18 other countries were are second from having the lowest fatality rate per capita...

I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

I guess NYC should have closed down a lot sooner than it did.
That's the NYS Governor's job...and he blew it.

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Of course no one will admit that most of these fatalities were among older people with pre-existing conditions.
And a lot had COVID but actually died from other causes such as cancer.

Oh! The Bullshit!
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

I guess NYC should have closed down a lot sooner than it did.
That's the NYS Governor's job...and he blew it.
Yep. Coumo sucks as bad as trump. Glad he is not running for Pres. Too bad about trump.
One of the reasons I have never gambled in a casino or purchased a lottery ticket in my life is that I was cursed at an early age with an understanding of math.

There have been innumerable plagues, outbreaks, pan- and epi-demics, in human history and yet, your chances of dying in one remain relatively small compared to the staggering number of other mundane things that could (and will) kill you. Your chances of shuffling off this mortal coil purely by contacting COVID19 are so staggeringly small as to make it a true 'sucker's bet'.

One thing does however, distinguish this outbreak from every other one in human history.

This is the first time, to my knowledge, that we have allowed our panic over getting sick deliberately lead us to completely destroy the global economy, put millions of people out of work, and cause us to throw away our liberties as if they were last week's TV Guide.

I suspect that, as a species, we have truly turned a corner from what allowed us to dominate the planet into a semi-intelligent variety of rabbit, cowering in fear from every threat, real or perceived.
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I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

I guess NYC should have closed down a lot sooner than it did.
That's the NYS Governor's job...and he blew it.
Yep. Coumo sucks as bad as trump. Glad he is not running for Pres. Too bad about trump.
I guess you don't get out much; Trump is going to trounce Biden.
As I just stated on another Thread, my community had over 1,000 deaths and is still voting for Trump.
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

I guess NYC should have closed down a lot sooner than it did.
That's the NYS Governor's job...and he blew it.
Big time !
Of course no one will admit that most of these fatalities were among older people with pre-existing conditions.
And a lot had COVID but actually died from other causes such as cancer.
I still wonder what else was on the plate of country singer Joe Diffie.

One of the reasons I have never gambled in a casino or purchased a lottery ticket in my life is that I was cursed at an early age with an understanding of math.

There have been innumerable plagues, outbreaks, pan- and epi-demics, in human history and yet, your chances of dying in one remain relatively small compared to the staggering number of other mundane things that could (and will) kill you. Your chances of shuffling off this mortal coil purely by contacting COVID19 are so staggeringly small as to make it a true 'sucker's bet'.

One thing does however, distinguish this outbreak from every other one in human history.

This is the first time, to my knowledge, that we have allowed our panic over getting sick deliberately lead us to completely destroy the global economy, put millions of people out of work, and cause us to throw away our liberties as if they were last week's TV Guide.

I suspect that, as a species, we have truly turned a corner from what allowed us to dominate the planet into a semi-intelligent variety of rabbit, cowering in fear from every threat, real or perceived.
I second this.

God bless you two and Joe's family always!!!

Holly (one of his many fans)
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

......''''total death toll''''--again, you people prove you haven't graduated from 4th grade..we've been over this before in other threads--I've linked the stats/etc '''THINK'' he did a crap job---thank you--your babble crap opinion only
..I THINK he is doing a great job
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

......''''total death toll''''--again, you people prove you haven't graduated from 4th grade..we've been over this before in other threads--I've linked the stats/etc '''THINK'' he did a crap job---thank you--your babble crap opinion only
..I THINK he is doing a great job
More power to ya. Already knew your commitment.
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

......''''total death toll''''--again, you people prove you haven't graduated from 4th grade..we've been over this before in other threads--I've linked the stats/etc '''THINK'' he did a crap job---thank you--your babble crap opinion only
..I THINK he is doing a great job
More power to ya. Already knew your commitment.
thank you
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

Please explain why your hate of "orange man" and the USA is blinding you from actual data. Nobody before this "pandemic" believed in these massive lockdown practices, and for good reason. They don't stop the spread, they likely result in many more deaths that are not virus related, and oh yeah, people have RIGHTS.

One of the reasons I have never gambled in a casino or purchased a lottery ticket in my life is that I was cursed at an early age with an understanding of math.

There have been innumerable plagues, outbreaks, pan- and epi-demics, in human history and yet, your chances of dying in one remain relatively small compared to the staggering number of other mundane things that could (and will) kill you. Your chances of shuffling off this mortal coil purely by contacting COVID19 are so staggeringly small as to make it a true 'sucker's bet'.

One thing does however, distinguish this outbreak from every other one in human history.

This is the first time, to my knowledge, that we have allowed our panic over getting sick deliberately lead us to completely destroy the global economy, put millions of people out of work, and cause us to throw away our liberties as if they were last week's TV Guide.

I suspect that, as a species, we have truly turned a corner from what allowed us to dominate the planet into a semi-intelligent variety of rabbit, cowering in fear from every threat, real or perceived.
And the people who are what you said may get violent if you do not obey the dictums of panic. Which is insane in itself.
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

Please explain why your hate of "orange man" and the USA is blinding you from actual data. Nobody before this "pandemic" believed in these massive lockdown practices, and for good reason. They don't stop the spread, they likely result in many more deaths that are not virus related, and oh yeah, people have RIGHTS.

I think separating the sick from the healthy, does in fact have potential to slow down and help control the spread. If family was sick, we would tend as necessary and bring into our home to nurse back to health, but do in knowing we were risking the exposure. Strangers running around unknowingly spreading, refusing to mask, ignoring precautions, ignoring community for the benefit of self and to emulate and support their leader, is something else.
I will tell you cold hard facts of what donnie said and it may make you mad, we are doing worse than any other country on total death toll and there is no reason it had to be this way, if he had just leveled with the American people and taken the lead supporting masks, precautions, closings as necessary or local draconian restrictions as necessary, but he led to what he thought would benefit economy and re-election the most. He made his bet, made his moves and lost, big time!
I think he has done a crap job and his projections have been crap.

President Donald Trump said Friday that the projected number of deaths related to the coronavirus will be “substantially under” early estimates that indicated 100,000 people in the U.S. could die from COVID-19

“The minimum number was 100,000 lives and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,” Trump said during a White House press conference. “Hard to believe that if you had 60,000, you can never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.”

Please explain why your hate of "orange man" and the USA is blinding you from actual data. Nobody before this "pandemic" believed in these massive lockdown practices, and for good reason. They don't stop the spread, they likely result in many more deaths that are not virus related, and oh yeah, people have RIGHTS.

The shut downs worked to slow inital spread but as you can see it was NY and surrounding regions that didn't lock down that created the first spike and that was the democrats screaming all was well...

A lot of deaths could have been stopped if the democrats were not jerking themselves and us off with their TDS. Had they not placed people into nursing homes that were infective that first spike would have been far less. The fact that we opened up and allowed our people to become infected and get over this virus is why were are near the bottom of the deaths per 100,000- In the end Europe is paying dearly and we are going to be much better off.
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