The Clintons’ plan to counterattack Obama; The president holds the cards and they are damning


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
The Clintons’ plan to counterattack Obama

The president holds the cards and they are damning

Has the Clinton counterattack against President Obama begun?

The Clintons have never taken a political hit lying down. But given their weak and panicky reactions to Mr. Obama’s current, well-orchestrated hit on her — the FBI investigation into her alleged mishandling of classified material as secretary of state — they have appeared to passively absorb the escalating attack. Until now.

As he presses his attack,Mrs. Clintonhas two choices. Option one: fold early and negotiate a mild end to the investigation in exchange for dropping out of the race. But Mr. Obama is not a forgiving sort, and now that he’s drawn blood, he’s likely to go for the kill.

That suggests that the Clintons are going with option two: fight him — as part of an elaborate, unspoken negotiation between them over their secrets and futures. That requires a plausible defense. Their go-to strategy has always been to blame others, or inanimate objects such as documents, servers, “processes” — and to designate a fall guy (or gal) to take the rap.

A critical point: the federal government classifies by information, not by marking; that is, if a document contains obvious classified material, ie. information provided by a foreign government, it is automatically considered classified, even if it isn’t marked as such.Mrs. Clinton knew this — or should have. Further, the federal government could not classify material that originated with her since they had no access — or knowledge — of her private server.

Some documents have also been manipulated. Their classified markings have been removed or changed, which would explain why she has changed her public statements about what was in her possession — and when. Initially she claimed unequivocally that there “was no classified material.” She now says, “The facts are I did not send nor did I receive material marked classified.”

This appears to be the basis for her defense: that some of the documents’ classified markings were removed or changed — without permission — before she saw them.

By whom? There are only three people who were close enough to her to have had that kind of access: Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan, and her longtime Gal Friday, Huma Abedin.

Ms. Mills, Mrs. Clinton’s Valerie Jarrett and shadowy hatchet gal, is a lawyer, which may present evidentiary issues for the government as much of her communication with Mrs. Clinton may be privileged.

Ms. Abedin, who has had her own issues involving her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, her family’s alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and her extracurricular employment activities while at State, is not a lawyer and may be more exposed. She lawyered up recently, but like Ms. Mills, she knows too much about the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton operations and how they mixed with Mrs. Clinton’s State Department (and server) to be sacrificed.

This leaves Mr. Sullivan, the outsider. If it’s true that he is cooperating with the FBI, Mrs. Clinton may try to smear him as a John Dean-style rogue, who either didn’t alert her to unmarked classified material or removed the markings himself and is now trying to save his own hide.

Read more:

MONICA CROWLEY: The Clinton scheme to counterattack Obama
This is like living a movie. How will it turn out? Who gets the last laugh?
Zero chance of happening.

Obama remains grateful for Bill Clinton hitting the campaign trail in 2012 and quelling moderates from jumping ship. Hillary Clinton is best equipped to win in 2016 and she'll preserve his programs better than Biden who has always been a pragmatic deal-maker who is cozy with the GOP establishment.

I really wonder where you get this shit; I also wonder why you continue to broadcast obvious cartoonish narratives that have no basis in reality.
From the link, I love this part.....

Soundd familiar? It’s the Whitewater strategy. Mrs. Clinton knows how to manipulate documents and designate a chump. Like a game of Clue, the Whitewater documents were found years later in the study with Col. Mustard and a pipe. She got away with it then, but unlike Susan McDougal, Mr. Sullivan isn’t prepared to go to prison.
The Clintons’ plan to counterattack Obama

The president holds the cards and they are damning

Has the Clinton counterattack against President Obama begun?

The Clintons have never taken a political hit lying down. But given their weak and panicky reactions to Mr. Obama’s current, well-orchestrated hit on her — the FBI investigation into her alleged mishandling of classified material as secretary of state — they have appeared to passively absorb the escalating attack. Until now.

As he presses his attack,Mrs. Clintonhas two choices. Option one: fold early and negotiate a mild end to the investigation in exchange for dropping out of the race. But Mr. Obama is not a forgiving sort, and now that he’s drawn blood, he’s likely to go for the kill.

That suggests that the Clintons are going with option two: fight him — as part of an elaborate, unspoken negotiation between them over their secrets and futures. That requires a plausible defense. Their go-to strategy has always been to blame others, or inanimate objects such as documents, servers, “processes” — and to designate a fall guy (or gal) to take the rap.

A critical point: the federal government classifies by information, not by marking; that is, if a document contains obvious classified material, ie. information provided by a foreign government, it is automatically considered classified, even if it isn’t marked as such.Mrs. Clinton knew this — or should have. Further, the federal government could not classify material that originated with her since they had no access — or knowledge — of her private server.

Some documents have also been manipulated. Their classified markings have been removed or changed, which would explain why she has changed her public statements about what was in her possession — and when. Initially she claimed unequivocally that there “was no classified material.” She now says, “The facts are I did not send nor did I receive material marked classified.”

This appears to be the basis for her defense: that some of the documents’ classified markings were removed or changed — without permission — before she saw them.

By whom? There are only three people who were close enough to her to have had that kind of access: Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan, and her longtime Gal Friday, Huma Abedin.

Ms. Mills, Mrs. Clinton’s Valerie Jarrett and shadowy hatchet gal, is a lawyer, which may present evidentiary issues for the government as much of her communication with Mrs. Clinton may be privileged.

Ms. Abedin, who has had her own issues involving her husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, her family’s alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and her extracurricular employment activities while at State, is not a lawyer and may be more exposed. She lawyered up recently, but like Ms. Mills, she knows too much about the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton operations and how they mixed with Mrs. Clinton’s State Department (and server) to be sacrificed.

This leaves Mr. Sullivan, the outsider. If it’s true that he is cooperating with the FBI, Mrs. Clinton may try to smear him as a John Dean-style rogue, who either didn’t alert her to unmarked classified material or removed the markings himself and is now trying to save his own hide.

Read more:

MONICA CROWLEY: The Clinton scheme to counterattack Obama
This is like living a movie. How will it turn out? Who gets the last laugh?

Ahhhhh, the double-dare Nixon game.

But where is the evidence? Proof? Audio? Video? Links? Testimony? Depositions?


Thanks for the laugh, coming from the same crowd of kooks who were just SURE, by golly, that Bill Clinton was going to torpedo Obama's re-election bid during his speech at the DNC in 2012...

For the youngsters....

Hillary Clinton's Long History of Hiding Documents - Breitbart

Hillarys Missing Whitewater Documents. In 1996, a special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the FBI demonstrating that documents sought in the Whitewater investigation had been found in the personal Clinton quarters of the White House. The First Lady’s fingerprints were on them. The documents had gone mysteriously missing for two years. Mark Fabiani, special White House counsel, immediately stated that there was no problem, according to theTimes: “He added that she had testified under oath that she had nothing to do with the documents during the two years they were missing and did not know how they ended up in the family quarters.” Hillary remains the only First Lady in American history to be fingerprinted by the FBI. Those weren’t the only missing Whitewater documents later found in the Clinton White House. Rose Law billing recordswere found years after being sought“in the storage area in the third-floor private residence at the White House where unsolicited gifts to the President and First Lady are stored before being sorted and catalogued
Well the Clintons don't like Obama and the feeling is mutual.

After all, 2008 was Hilbats year and the DNC decided to support Obama and had no problem throwing her under the bus.

I wouldn't be surprised by anything that goes on between the Clintons and Obama.
Hillary needs to go nuclear on Obama and threaten to tell the press about how Obama and Val Jarrett's armed ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Jihadists through the Benghazi Consulate
It sounds like Jacob Sullivan is all lawyered up and ready to give the hearing an earful. Of is he going to claim the 5th like the person who set up the server in the first place. Think his name is Pagliano. We need a deep throat.

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