The Clintons are white supremacists

Strange, a year after he signs the implementation of NAFTA Clinton is on TV complaining about the rate of illegal immigrants flowing into the US.
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.

His was, in fact, the last excellent presidency we have had.

But the point here is what has happened to his party.

The media and the Regressives would be screaming RACIST if Trump said these same words.
What policies? Gee, one of our worst recessions in history and no jobs, but policy is what stopped them from coming over?

Ray, are you suffering from some kind of learning disability?

I just explained to you what caused the spike in undocumented workers.

Bill Clinton is a very skilled politician.

In that he can explain a problem in a way that all sides can say, "Yeah, that sounds reasonable", as opposed to the Orange Shitgibbon, who uses inflammatory language, embarrasses decent people on his own side and then sells out the principles that he set forth on to start with?
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.

I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
The media and the Regressives would be screaming RACIST if Trump said these same words.

Yes, because it's 2016 and not 1995.

You see, it's not really the policy anyone has a problem with. Most liberals think we SHOULD deport criminal aliens and had no problem with Obama did exactly that at a greater number than any previous president.

It's when you are using language like calling people "rapists" and their countries 'shitholes" that people kind of have a problem with you. And then calling racists who run down people with cars "Fine People".

The problem with Trump isn't his policies... because you never know what his policy is going to be week to week. Our problem with him is his ugly rhetoric that appeals to the worst in people.
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.
I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.
The truth about Liberal Politicians and Pundits is that they do believe that they are superior to other people. They regard the middle class taxpayers as their slaves who should be silent.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.

Guy, get real.

Hillary was everything you moderates wanted. She didn't stand for anything and she took a poll to decide what her opinion was.

And she lost. Because everyone saw she was kind of a phony.

But here's Mac, saying, "Let's do more of that, and not stand for anything!!!"
Strange, a year after he signs the implementation of NAFTA Clinton is on TV complaining about the rate of illegal immigrants flowing into the US.

Quite right. He's complaining about a problem he created.
Largely, yes. But what was done to the Mexican culture and is affecting our own is completely ignored to focus on rhetoric about who is a poopy head for the language used. And brain dead Americans wonder why nothing gets solved. For every action there is a reaction that has nothing to do with white superiority and everything to do with misguided feelings of American superiority.
You'll notice that this one doesn't even TRY to deny my actual point.

So at least give him credit for THAT, I guess.

You don't have a point.

Clinton didn't use the inflammatory racist language Trump uses every day.

He didn't even call Mexico a "Shithole". He didn't call anyone a rapist. He didn't say that a Mexican Judge wasn't fit to judge his case. He didn't pander to the worst racists in the room. He just said, "We have a problem, here are some of the ways to fix it."

And at the time he said it, IT REALLY WAS A PROBLEM, because on his watch, the number of illegals DOUBLED.
. Laugh, so your take is that Bill was just way more slick in his racism eh ?? They didn't call him slick Willie for nothing, because you sure drank his coolaid didn't you ?? Your false allegations against Trump being a racist makes you look like a sheep following your Demon-crat masters. Just saying.
Of course, Bill Clinton is/was no white supremacist, the OP was merely making a (good) point about what has happened to the Democratic party.
I think the point was that when Republicans take such a stance, they are called racists, but when Democrats do it, they are just being Americans.
Sure. What they want to avoid is what has happened to the party.

Their party is no different than it was 20 years ago. Now they just try to label everything racist. "Good morning how are you?" is now considered racist by the left.

The good thing is they are not smart enough to realize what a mistake they are making, and keep on making it. I work with people all day long. When the subject comes up--even by people not politically involved, they constantly ask "Why is every Fn thing racist today???"

People are just good and fed up with the rhetoric. That's why Hillary's Deplorable comment ushered in Trump. We don't want to be such a fragile society where we have to worry about the Thought Police coming to take us away to be reprogrammed.
You see, it's not really the policy anyone has a problem with. Most liberals think we SHOULD deport criminal aliens and had no problem with Obama did exactly that at a greater number than any previous president.

LA Times

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

It's when you are using language like calling people "rapists" and their countries 'shitholes" that people kind of have a problem with you. And then calling racists who run down people with cars "Fine People".

But twisting words into lies is not a problem????

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