The Civil War Of 2016: U.S. Military Officers Told To Plan To Fight Americans...

Those who take up arms against their country are traitors

Our soldiers would treat them accordingly

Since congress gave the president sole authority to pick his cabinet without any congressional oversight we have become a nation of no elective representation since it will be those cabinet members and heads of departments who will be making the rules and regulations we are to follow. I think at that time revolt is all you have left.
There was a time in our history when our extreme right wing resorted to terrorism in enforcing their twisted views. They resorted to firebombing churches, schools and lynching those who opposed their views

The federal government stepped in to stop them and no troops refused

Because they saw the Justice in what they were doing, See what happens when you ask the All Volunteer, Mostly Conservative Military of today to turn on Americans simply because they don't agree with Liberals. lol

Oh and just a note, most of the people doing the lynchings and Fire Bombings back then, were Democrats.


Both Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans supported the right wing terrorism. In fact, Northern Democrats were among the leaders in fighting for civil rights. Stop trying to turn a North South issue into a Democrat Republican issue

Um... Abe Lincoln was a Republican.
Those who take up arms against their country are traitors

Our soldiers would treat them accordingly

Since congress gave the president sole authority to pick his cabinet without any congressional oversight we have become a nation of no elective representation since it will be those cabinet members and heads of departments who will be making the rules and regulations we are to follow. I think at that time revolt is all you have left.

The cabinet is part of the Executive Branch and is confirmed by Congress
I think it all comes down to what would precipitate the "insurrection"

If you had a President whose favorite expression was "Bypass Congress" and the People revolted in response to Obama casting about like a Dictator, then maybe the military would do their duty and defend the people against the domestic enemy, but not he one the Progs wanted

[ame=]Barack Obama "Bypass Congress" Dictator? YOU DECIDE (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited: dont do dick but complain about it on teh internetz. what courage of conviction.
Conservatives beware. The Socialists/Progressives are in the process of getting you labelled 'Anti-American Terrorists.' And they've been pretty open about doing it too. It's not a secret.
Conservatives beware. The Socialists/Progressives are in the process of getting you labelled 'Anti-American Terrorists.' And they've been pretty open about doing it too. It's not a secret.

what are you going to do about it, commando?
Conservatives beware. The Socialists/Progressives are in the process of getting you labelled 'Anti-American Terrorists.' And they've been pretty open about doing it too. It's not a secret.

They're reporting us to their Fearless Leader, just like they do in every other Progressive Mecca: Cambodia under Pol Pot, North Korea, Cuba and their hometown the USSR but when they had a real strong Democrat Leader like Stalin
"OMG ! OMG ! Why did you shoot him ? He was unarmed !"
Sorry mom, just following orders. Dad was on the terruh watch list.
Chukluk-chuklunk.....and you're a known accomplice.
Gawd Blass murka.
"OMG ! OMG ! Why did you shoot him ? He was unarmed !"
Sorry mom, just following orders. Dad was on the terruh watch list.
Chukluk-chuklunk.....and you're a known accomplice.
Gawd Blass murka.

Yes, how many in the Military would follow these orders? Personally, I think a great many would.
smells like vagina in here. it's getting quite pussified this past week, all these dudes acting like their country has been taken over, and only have the gumption to sit and gossip about it on the internet like little fucking bitches.

sitting there in their moth-ball smelling disgusting living rooms, looking up the day's propoganda articles and can't wait to get on boards and tell everybody, like little prisses.

police state - and you cry on the internets while doing nothing.

progressive commies taken over government and "its over!" - and you cry about it on the internet, is the extent of your fightback.

"OMG ! OMG ! Why did you shoot him ? He was unarmed !"
Sorry mom, just following orders. Dad was on the terruh watch list.
Chukluk-chuklunk.....and you're a known accomplice.
Gawd Blass murka.

Yes, how many in the Military would follow these orders? Personally, I think a great many would.

Just think of how many Progressive children will turn their parents in!
"OMG ! OMG ! Why did you shoot him ? He was unarmed !"
Sorry mom, just following orders. Dad was on the terruh watch list.
Chukluk-chuklunk.....and you're a known accomplice.
Gawd Blass murka.

Yes, how many in the Military would follow these orders? Personally, I think a great many would.

You think a great many in the military would shoot their own fathers?

The guys who risk their necks so you can sit here like an effeminate clown on the internet? Those guys, would shoot their own fathers you say? What a piece of shit, you really are.
Military officers take an oath to protect and follow the US Constitution, not the he would make a serious mistake trying to put himself above the Constitution with the military. He would be locked away in some hole if he tried.
Spent a brief time in the military police and one of training programs was crowd control, we used bayonets and advanced on the make-believe crowd using bayonet thrusts. The military has often been used to control civilians, think of the Whiskey Rebellion, the bonus veterans, Little Rock and others. The primary job of the President is to enforce the laws of the United States. The questions politicians have, is how can I capitalize on this event to make the other political party look evil.
Spent a brief time in the military police and one of training programs was crowd control, we used bayonets and advanced on the make-believe crowd using bayonet thrusts. The military has often been used to control civilians, think of the Whiskey Rebellion, the bonus veterans, Little Rock and others. The primary job of the President is to enforce the laws of the United States. The questions politicians have, is how can I capitalize on this event to make the other political party look evil.

Good points. It's all about forcing agendas on others. Unfortunately, that's what our Nation has become. Very few Americans fight for real Freedom & Liberty.
Spent a brief time in the military police and one of training programs was crowd control, we used bayonets and advanced on the make-believe crowd using bayonet thrusts. The military has often been used to control civilians, think of the Whiskey Rebellion, the bonus veterans, Little Rock and others. The primary job of the President is to enforce the laws of the United States. The questions politicians have, is how can I capitalize on this event to make the other political party look evil.

Good points. It's all about forcing agendas on others. Unfortunately, that's what our Nation has become. Very few Americans fight for real Freedom & Liberty.

You don't fight for that.
Spent a brief time in the military police and one of training programs was crowd control, we used bayonets and advanced on the make-believe crowd using bayonet thrusts. The military has often been used to control civilians, think of the Whiskey Rebellion, the bonus veterans, Little Rock and others. The primary job of the President is to enforce the laws of the United States. The questions politicians have, is how can I capitalize on this event to make the other political party look evil.

I.E. Kent State.

I hear ya, but how many would disobey an order?

Those soldiers would have every right to disobey an order considering it would be illegal to attack US citizens...

It's the left who are brainwashing people into their domestic terrorist cult - they're the domestic threat - they're the ones who dream of using the military to enforce their tyrannical laws.....

I'm quite certain the strong majority of the military would disobey orders to attack civilians. Hell I'm sure many would just take their guns and flip sides - that's what I would do.

Besides - it was standing up to oppressive authoritarian government that birthed this nation.

They say history repeats itself and that is 100% true.... People or societies never learn from their past out of pure ignorance and those societies always repeat those past mistakes.....

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