
Crickets. Whenever you point out the obvious, easily-confirmed fact that secret societies and fraternal orders have (and have had) a great degree (no pun intended) of influence over governments and nations, nobody has anything to say. But thank you for saying it anyway.
So people get the idea that human nature is depraved, despite the fact that in their own lives there is no supporting evidence for this opinion. I have never seen someone murdered in person
So something doesn’t happen unless you see it with your own eyes? There is some fine libertarian “logic”.

Speaking of logic, perhaps you've heard of the straw man? Alas, if he only had a brain...

Typically I'm more cordial, but I've turned on the flame-thrower for you because you've got an avatar depicting men whose works you've clearly never read, or if you did, did not do so with an earnest desire to understand anything they were talking about.

I did not say that because people don't see something with their own eyes, it never happened. Who the hell would say that? Nobody. So why even pretend that's what I meant unless you're content with being a dishonest hot air balloon with no respect for truth? Your founding fathers are spinning a tunnel to the Earth's core as we speak.

I'm talking about a skewed view of reality. If you never met my wife, and all I do is complain about her constantly for 2 years before you meet her, what are you going to think when the introduction is finally made? You'll think she's a fucking she-devil. If the news keeps cherry-picking murder and mayhem, and entertainment is overflowing with all manner of depravity, and you fill your dome with that all day, every day, you think that's not going to affect your worldview?

Meanwhile, in your own life you may have been mugged once, or had your house robbed, but millions of other people you've come in contact with dealt with you in a reasonably moral fashion. They're not attacking you everywhere you go. There aren't fires in the streets and people throwing bricks through store windows all over the place. Just imagine you lived like Charles Ingles, and never had a TV or radio - how would that affect your ideas about "human nature?"

The poisoning of worldview is a tactic used by dominators to get you to hand over wealth and power to them. There's always some enemy, some danger, that requires you giving them the reigns, at the cost of your dollars, and individual liberty. Just listen to the words of the Stalins, the Hitlers, it's as clear as day. And we think the people who supported those governments were indoctrinated morons, then spout off about the dangers of Muslim extremists, Russians, leftist communists, or whoever, and support our own governmental tyrants, saying they need to spend money this way or that, and make laws about this and that, all the while thinking we're somehow smarter than the rest of the world.

I'm not saying that dangers don't exist, but they don't exist to the degree nearly everyone is walking around believing, and it's NEVER a viable solution to create a seat of immense power and choose some of the worst from amongst the "immoral throng" to sit upon it. And yes, it's proven that sociopaths are drawn to positions of such power, and that they are especially adept at coming across like normal, moral people to dupe everyone into giving them what they want.

They are not public servants. They would gut you for a dollar if they could get away with it. And moreover, external authority is demonstrably and irrefutably invalid and immoral. So, I'm sorry to have to say it, but your OP was just mind-control vomitus on a million and one levels.

Now please reply with the inevitable "TL;DR" and we can go on about our business.
So people get the idea that human nature is depraved, despite the fact that in their own lives there is no supporting evidence for this opinion. I have never seen someone murdered in person
So something doesn’t happen unless you see it with your own eyes? There is some fine libertarian “logic”.

Speaking of logic, perhaps you've heard of the straw man? Alas, if he only had a brain...

Typically I'm more cordial, but I've turned on the flame-thrower for you because you've got an avatar depicting men whose works you've clearly never read, or if you did, did not do so with an earnest desire to understand anything they were talking about.

I did not say that because people don't see something with their own eyes, it never happened. Who the hell would say that? Nobody. So why even pretend that's what I meant unless you're content with being a dishonest hot air balloon with no respect for truth? Your founding fathers are spinning a tunnel to the Earth's core as we speak.

I'm talking about a skewed view of reality. If you never met my wife, and all I do is complain about her constantly for 2 years before you meet her, what are you going to think when the introduction is finally made? You'll think she's a fucking she-devil. If the news keeps cherry-picking murder and mayhem, and entertainment is overflowing with all manner of depravity, and you fill your dome with that all day, every day, you think that's not going to affect your worldview?

Meanwhile, in your own life you may have been mugged once, or had your house robbed, but millions of other people you've come in contact with dealt with you in a reasonably moral fashion. They're not attacking you everywhere you go. There aren't fires in the streets and people throwing bricks through store windows all over the place. Just imagine you lived like Charles Ingles, and never had a TV or radio - how would that affect your ideas about "human nature?"

The poisoning of worldview is a tactic used by dominators to get you to hand over wealth and power to them. There's always some enemy, some danger, that requires you giving them the reigns, at the cost of your dollars, and individual liberty. Just listen to the words of the Stalins, the Hitlers, it's as clear as day. And we think the people who supported those governments were indoctrinated morons, then spout off about the dangers of Muslim extremists, Russians, leftist communists, or whoever, and support our own governmental tyrants, saying they need to spend money this way or that, and make laws about this and that, all the while thinking we're somehow smarter than the rest of the world.

I'm not saying that dangers don't exist, but they don't exist to the degree nearly everyone is walking around believing, and it's NEVER a viable solution to create a seat of immense power and choose some of the worst from amongst the "immoral throng" to sit upon it. And yes, it's proven that sociopaths are drawn to positions of such power, and that they are especially adept at coming across like normal, moral people to dupe everyone into giving them what they want.

They are not public servants. They would gut you for a dollar if they could get away with it. And moreover, external authority is demonstrably and irrefutably invalid and immoral. So, I'm sorry to have to say it, but your OP was just mind-control vomitus on a million and one levels.

Now please reply with the inevitable "TL;DR" and we can go on about our business.

I've been on this forum a long time.

I don't bother with a long replies very much anymore. Patriot said something or other about something we all could see with our own eyes. . .

Empirical proof as it were.

So I obliged him.
So people get the idea that human nature is depraved, despite the fact that in their own lives there is no supporting evidence for this opinion. I have never seen someone murdered in person
So something doesn’t happen unless you see it with your own eyes? There is some fine libertarian “logic”.

Speaking of logic, perhaps you've heard of the straw man? Alas, if he only had a brain...

Typically I'm more cordial, but I've turned on the flame-thrower for you because you've got an avatar depicting men whose works you've clearly never read, or if you did, did not do so with an earnest desire to understand anything they were talking about.

I did not say that because people don't see something with their own eyes, it never happened. Who the hell would say that? Nobody. So why even pretend that's what I meant unless you're content with being a dishonest hot air balloon with no respect for truth? Your founding fathers are spinning a tunnel to the Earth's core as we speak.

I'm talking about a skewed view of reality. If you never met my wife, and all I do is complain about her constantly for 2 years before you meet her, what are you going to think when the introduction is finally made? You'll think she's a fucking she-devil. If the news keeps cherry-picking murder and mayhem, and entertainment is overflowing with all manner of depravity, and you fill your dome with that all day, every day, you think that's not going to affect your worldview?

Meanwhile, in your own life you may have been mugged once, or had your house robbed, but millions of other people you've come in contact with dealt with you in a reasonably moral fashion. They're not attacking you everywhere you go. There aren't fires in the streets and people throwing bricks through store windows all over the place. Just imagine you lived like Charles Ingles, and never had a TV or radio - how would that affect your ideas about "human nature?"

The poisoning of worldview is a tactic used by dominators to get you to hand over wealth and power to them. There's always some enemy, some danger, that requires you giving them the reigns, at the cost of your dollars, and individual liberty. Just listen to the words of the Stalins, the Hitlers, it's as clear as day. And we think the people who supported those governments were indoctrinated morons, then spout off about the dangers of Muslim extremists, Russians, leftist communists, or whoever, and support our own governmental tyrants, saying they need to spend money this way or that, and make laws about this and that, all the while thinking we're somehow smarter than the rest of the world.

I'm not saying that dangers don't exist, but they don't exist to the degree nearly everyone is walking around believing, and it's NEVER a viable solution to create a seat of immense power and choose some of the worst from amongst the "immoral throng" to sit upon it. And yes, it's proven that sociopaths are drawn to positions of such power, and that they are especially adept at coming across like normal, moral people to dupe everyone into giving them what they want.

They are not public servants. They would gut you for a dollar if they could get away with it. And moreover, external authority is demonstrably and irrefutably invalid and immoral. So, I'm sorry to have to say it, but your OP was just mind-control vomitus on a million and one levels.

Now please reply with the inevitable "TL;DR" and we can go on about our business.

I agree.

In his OP he stated. . .

Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens.



That Time Ronald Reagan Hosted Those 'Freedom Fighters' At The Oval Office
That Time Ronald Reagan Hosted Those 'Freedom Fighters' At The Oval Office

Reagan's Osama Connection
How he turned a jihadist into a terrorist kingpin.
How Reagan made a terrorist kingpin of Osama.

Arming the Middle East The Checkered History of American Weapons Deals
The United States has upset its European allies with plans for a massive arms deal with several governments in the Middle East. Washington has been down this road before.
Arming the Middle East: The Checkered History of American Weapons Deals - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International

And yet, it was Obama that took down Bin Laden. Odd that.
Obama did absolutely nothing to “take down Bin Laden”. It was the intel from the Bush Administration policies which lead to him (policies that Obama denounced) and it was the Seals that went in and killed him.

Obama’s big contribution was taking 4 months to say “ok - I give the green light to go in”. A decision everyone else would have made in under 4 minutes.
If you never met my wife, and all I do is complain about her constantly for 2 years before you meet her, what are you going to think when the introduction is finally made? You'll think she's a fucking she-devil.
Only if one is a simple-minded dill hole (such as yourself). Me? I would listen to your stories and decide for myself. For instance:

If you complain that she wants too much sex - I’d consider you an idiot

If you complain that she wants too much cocaine - I’d consider her an idiot

You’re actually scared of information if it’s not in the exact form you prefer. Which makes you a vintage fascist. And the men in my avatar would find you weak-minded, pitiful, and cowardly.
You agree with the tinfoil hat view that “events which occur are arranged at levels far ABOVE governments”? Bwahahahahaha! Why am I not surprised? :laugh:
In his OP he stated. . .
Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens.


That Time Ronald Reagan Hosted Those 'Freedom Fighters' At The Oval Office
Wait....let me get this straight. Your “proof” that I’m wrong that 9/11 never occurs if Ronald Reagan is in office is to post a picture of the people behind it sitting in the Oval Office as our allies? Bwahahahahaha! Wow - you really showed me!

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Ok, so politicians aren’t bought-out and controlled by others, and fairies pay kids for teeth, and fat guys bring presents down chimneys.
Even if that were true - it’s still the person who was “bought-out” in the government who is casting the votes, creating the policies, etc.

Seriously, grow up already. This whole idiotic Hollywood “Illuminati” shit is so tired and played out. You sit here whining about the media, and you’ve been fucking duped by Hollywood. Hollywood! :laugh:
The Masons?!? Holy shit....bwahahahahaha!

Snowflake, my father was a 33° mason. The highest rank achievable. He never met with world leaders, was never asked for input on foreign policy, and didn’t control the direction of industry. Believe me when I tell you, the Masons are the most boring, idiotic organization ever created. They would meet in their “lodge”, put on aprons (like a woman in the kitchen in the 1940’s), and act out plays.

You dumb tool. You are the vintagte low IQ libertarian who is so easily duped by conspiracy theories. At the very least you could have gone with Skull n’ Bones. At least they were all Yale graduates with lots of wealth and power.

The Masons... :lmao: :laughing0301:
Had Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush been in office instead of Bill Clinton, 9/11 never happens.

You have no way of knowing that.

actually we do know that 9/11 bin laden wanted us to take bin sultan AFB out of Saudi Arabia and we know that it was directly related to daddy bush's gulf war. it is likely that if anyone but a Bush had been elected that 9/11 would have happened.

yes, that is speculation. but it is speculation based on actual reality.
I hope I'm around when the state turns against the statists. That way I can die laughing.
See...I hope I’m around to see the state restore constitutional government. But that’s the difference between you and I. I’m educated, you’re not. I want constitutional government, you get an erection at the thought of a Hollywood movie come true.
actually we do know that 9/11 bin laden wanted us to take bin sultan AFB out of Saudi Arabia and we know that it was directly related to daddy bush's gulf war. it is likely that if anyone but a Bush had been elected that 9/11 would have happened.

yes, that is speculation. but it is speculation based on actual reality.
For someone who claims to be an attorney, your grammar is absolutely atroctioius. That wasn’t even a coherent sentence.

I think what you’re trying to say is that Bin Laden turned on us because we launched Gulf War operations out of Saudi Arabia (which is true) - at the invitation of the Saudi Arabian government (which is also true).

Which shows that Bin Laden was an irrational person with mental health issues. The fact that you side with him over the U.S. shows that you too suffer from the same mental health issues. It wasn’t “Daddy Bush’s Gulf War”. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Now, as a sick fascist, we know how you love invasions, government control, etc. But.....but....the entire world responded to that atrocity. France. Russia. Germany. Canada. Fucking Canada.

It was Saddam Hussein’s war, you uneducated, anti-American nitwit. George H.W. Bush did exactly what ALL world leaders did. They stopped the atrocity.
If you never met my wife, and all I do is complain about her constantly for 2 years before you meet her, what are you going to think when the introduction is finally made? You'll think she's a fucking she-devil.
Only if one is a simple-minded dill hole (such as yourself). Me? I would listen to your stories and decide for myself. For instance:

If you complain that she wants too much sex - I’d consider you an idiot

If you complain that she wants too much cocaine - I’d consider her an idiot

You’re actually scared of information if it’s not in the exact form you prefer. Which makes you a vintage fascist. And the men in my avatar would find you weak-minded, pitiful, and cowardly.

I’m weak minded and cowardly, says the person who believes the political narrative of professional liars, and who is willing to sacrifice his own inherent liberty for the promise of protection.

Where did I demonstrate a fear of information? I’m citing the purposeful manipulation of the mass consciousness, and advocating not being scared on that account.

You don’t think there’s any merit to the notion that people’s worldviews are skewed by news media and entertainment?

You don’t think that politicians purposefully use fear to garner more control? War on drugs? Patriot Act? Just honest efforts to protect the people, then?
Ok, so politicians aren’t bought-out and controlled by others, and fairies pay kids for teeth, and fat guys bring presents down chimneys.
Even if that were true - it’s still the person who was “bought-out” in the government who is casting the votes, creating the policies, etc.

Seriously, grow up already. This whole idiotic Hollywood “Illuminati” shit is so tired and played out. You sit here whining about the media, and you’ve been fucking duped by Hollywood. Hollywood! :laugh:

Because I’m sure you’ve investigated the topic earnestly before coming to a decision. You would never bounce an idea at the door based on precinceived notions.

And what does it mean to say that it’s still the elected official that actually signs the papers? That doesn’t mean he’s making the decisions. A soldier pulls the trigger too, but his owners tell him who to shoot, and have leverage over him if he disobeys.

I didn’t get these ideas from Hollywood, but by exploring a variety of different topics from various sources, and using common sense correlation to link it all together. I, too, thought it all sounded too elaborate and far-fetched before that time.

Do the work, then come back and tell me that all is as it’s purported to be. Until then, your uninformed opinion just sounds like a Tourette outburst.

And really, is it unreasonable to expect that people with immense wealth and influence could control government officials through bribes, blackmail and the like? It’s not like I’m pitching a flat Earth here.
You don’t think there’s any merit to the notion that people’s worldviews are skewed by news media and entertainment?
Oh I do. Simpletons are absolutely skewed by news media. Some are even influenced by Hollywood. :eusa_whistle:

What I don’t think there is any merit to, however, is your juvenile and idiotic claim that “all events are orchestrated above government”.
Where did I demonstrate a fear of information?
When you spent 4 hours whining about the liberal media. Like a typical fascist, you want to shut them down.

I don’t fear them. The more MSNBC and CNN open their mouths, the more they destroy their own credibility. Hell, they couldn’t even prevent Donald Trump from being elected. Don’t know what you’re so afraid of. :dunno:
You don’t think there’s any merit to the notion that people’s worldviews are skewed by news media and entertainment?
Oh I do. Simpletons are absolutely skewed by news media. Some are even influenced by Hollywood. :eusa_whistle:

What I don’t think there is any merit to, however, is your juvenile and idiotic claim that “all events are orchestrated above government”.

Ok, ok, that’s fine. I don’t recall saying “all”, and it seems unlikely that I would, since I don’t actually think that. I’m quite sure the overwhelming majority of government officials are unaware of any scheme coming from the top. I’m also fairly certain that decisions are made (even high level politicians) that are not specifically directed by their handlers.

I would compare it more to a coaching relationship, in practical terms. I’m talking about sports coaches, though, who actually have perceived authority, not life coaches or something. There’s an overall strategy that’s intended to guide the day-to-day activities genrally, and sometimes specific important calls come from the bench. And the agreement is that the plan will be followed, and if it isn’t, you could get yanked.

The people I’m talking about have no national allegiance. They play all sides. They didn’t get where they are by letting nature take its course, either - they rig the game as best they can. Take something like the Federal Reserve Act... That’s an example of how they get what they want, and there’s nothing juvenile about acknowledging it.
Where did I demonstrate a fear of information?
When you spent 4 hours whining about the liberal media. Like a typical fascist, you want to shut them down.

I don’t fear them. The more MSNBC and CNN open their mouths, the more they destroy their own credibility. Hell, they couldn’t even prevent Donald Trump from being elected. Don’t know what you’re so afraid of. :dunno:

I don’t want them forcibly shut down; I want them ignored out of existence. They’re a harmful influence, as they do not serve truth overall, even if the specifics of their reports were all perfectly accurate. I also have reason to believe they’re a propaganda machine and nothing more.

Good God, this man just called an anarchist a fascist... irony certainly abounds.
I hope I'm around when the state turns against the statists. That way I can die laughing.
See...I hope I’m around to see the state restore constitutional government. But that’s the difference between you and I. I’m educated, you’re not. I want constitutional government, you get an erection at the thought of a Hollywood movie come true.

9/11 was used as a pretext for subverting and throwing out the Constitutional order.

It will never be restored. Give it up.
The Masons?!? Holy shit....bwahahahahaha!

Snowflake, my father was a 33° mason. The highest rank achievable. He never met with world leaders, was never asked for input on foreign policy, and didn’t control the direction of industry. Believe me when I tell you, the Masons are the most boring, idiotic organization ever created. They would meet in their “lodge”, put on aprons (like a woman in the kitchen in the 1940’s), and act out plays.

You dumb tool. You are the vintagte low IQ libertarian who is so easily duped by conspiracy theories. At the very least you could have gone with Skull n’ Bones. At least they were all Yale graduates with lots of wealth and power.

The Masons... :lmao: :laughing0301:

Listen Patriot, I respect you and like you. There is no reason to make this personal. I have always thought you are a good guy, honestly. We can have a disagreement about the nature of serious politics without getting nasty.


That is how this works. Folks being influenced and doing favors for higher reasons they are not even aware of.

My Grandfather who was a 33rd degree, a post master general appointed by JFK and was on the destroyer that captured that Japanese sub that is now on display in The Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) in Chicago, and my other Grandfather who also was a 33rd degree, both would have had no idea of what is going on beyond the highest levels of the counsels of government in their own communities.

If you understand how Masonry works, you would understand that there are several other secret societies within their ranks. Most of them are extremely good, philanthropic and beneficial to this nation. There is, however, a Lucifarian one, one that worships the works of man over that of the creator.

When we talk of the Deep State, folks think it is a monolithic over arching entity, with one goal, one purpose, united. It is not.

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