The boy who cried Jew


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.
more Storm front nazi itchiness....



I'm an incredibly dumb blonde, with the IQ of a mentally retarded oyster, who has never heard of this Emanuel Celler dude and this damn 1965 Immigration Act in my entire life and therefore don't have the slightest idea what the hell I'm talking about.

But since I own a computer and have Internet access I don't wanna miss this opportunity to show the entire Board that I'm a total shithead unable to present anything even remotely similar to an intelligent reply.

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.

Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.

Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?
They are so sly and evil, we never really noticed our own demise...

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.


Do you support Donald Trump for President?
Heya, Bruce...

I don't have a say in american elections... and even if I did I probably wouldn't even bother, to tell you the truth.

As Fidel Castro once said, disputing the claim that he was a dictator:

"The US, with its two political parties eternally alternating themselves in power, saying essentially the same things, proposing the same political platform, managed to create the most perfect one-party system in the world."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.

Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?
They are so sly and evil, we never really noticed our own demise...

It's that cannibalizing creeps up on you every time.
Originally posted by Coyote
Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?


A female member who can at least debate things... who can at least concatenate her thoughts like a rational being.
Originally posted by Coyote
Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?


You and other posters, have a well established reputation of debunking Holocaust deniers... people who ignore all available factual evidence and insist that nazi Germany didn't slaughter Jews, Gypsies and other "undesirables".

Now think for a moment...

As an american congressman, Emanuel Celler's entire political carreer was infinitely more documented, scrutinized than the exact number of jewish victims

The degree of certainty that Celler spent 50 years in the US Congress trying to allow massive non-white immigration into the US is much greater than the "certainty" that exactly 6 million Jews died in WWII.

Every single word spoken by an american politician in Congress is recorded in the annals of that intitution... You can't even compare the US Congress with the tremendous mess, chaotic scenario of a war, specially in Eastern Europe where people were buried in mass graves.

Don't get me wrong, please:

There is the same level of certainty that the Germans exterminated millions of Jews as the fact that Congressman Celler spent his entire carrer trying to destroy America's racial composition.

But the level of certainty that Celler did what he did is incomparably greater than the number of 6 million victims.

It could have been 5 or 7 million... same with the total number of casualties of any conflict, Korea, Vietnam, you name it... no one will ever know for sure.

All this long story to ask you this, Coyote:

Aren't you doing with the issue of jewish american involvement in the destruction of the nation's racial composition exactly what you accuse Holocaust deniers of doing?

Ignoring mountains of historical evidence that present an uncomfortable truth to you?

The fact that jewish organisations and jewish politicians spent the entire first half of the last century trying to allow massive non-white immigration into the US is a fact that cannot be disputed, Coyote.

I have a reputation of being a critic of the state of Israel so it's perfectly OK that people like you take everything I say about this issue with a grain of salt... But don't take my word for it, see what the Jewish Virtual Library, a strongly pro-Israel, pro Jew website, says about congressman Celler:

The Johnson act passed the isolationist Congress and was signed into law. Despite this setback, Celler had found his cause, and for the next four decades he advocated eliminating the national origin as a basis for immigration restriction.

Emanuel Celler | Jewish Virtual Library
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Originally posted by Coyote
Jews destroyed the white majority? Dayum. Who'd have thunk they were so powerful?

If I said that the changes in America's immigration laws were achieved through an alliance between american Jews and "american leftists like the Kennedy family" I'm obviously placing a big part of the blame on the country's anglo saxon political elites of that time.

Let's debate what I'm actually stating, Coyote, not a strawman.
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Heya, Bruce...

I don't have a say in american elections... and even if I did I probably wouldn't even bother, to tell you the truth.

As Fidel Castro once said, disputing the claim that he was a dictator:

"The US, with its two political parties eternally alternating themselves in power, saying essentially the same things, proposing the same political platform, managed to create the most perfect one-party system in the world."

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well the reason why I was asking the question is to find out if you support Trump and his words, so let me ask you it that way then?
Originally posted by Bruce_T_Laney
Well the reason why I was asking the question is to find out if you support Trump and his words, so let me ask you it that way then?

The answer to your question, Bruce, involves extremely complex issues that would take a whole book to answer fully but I'm gonna try to simplify:

In the decades that followed WWII America went through a process of redifinition of her identity as a nation.

In simple man's terms America said the following:

"From now on we are no longer a white country... being a predominantly caucasian is no longer part of what we are as a nation...

We are now a multiracial, multicultural, nation.

This redefinition of America was the result of an alliance between american Jews and white gentiles that represented the more liberal sectors of the American society.

Accompanying this redefinition of America the american educational system started indoctrinating generation after generation of young Americans that being a predominantly white, Caucasian was not what America was meant to be, that her overwhelming white majority was just an "accident of History" and the result of "racist laws" that artificially preserved America's white majority for centuries.

If you're 40 or even 50, 60 years old today... you are surely the product of this indoctrination, Bruce.

The american educational system certainly "bombarded" your mind for years on end that being majority white was never what America was intended to be.

If you accepted or rejected this indoctrination only you can answer but you surely were subjected to it at school and by the mass media.

Now you have at least 3 generations of Americans that mindlessly parrot the total insanity that America or any other western country merely preserving its racial identity through immigration control is an act of "racism".

And you can see this sad reality of 300 million Americans brainwashed into believing America doesn't have the right to preserve its non-supremacist white character every single day in this Board:

Here a few examples:

TheOldSchool called me and Pennywise racists just because I called America a madhouse for not protecting its racial composition.

Did I advocate, for example, the reestablishment of slavery or Jim Crow laws to deserve being called a racist?

No, all I did was to point out the insanity of multiracialism.


TheDoctorIsIn recently called a member a "white supremacist" for merely saying the same thing.

JRoc also called me a "white supremacist".

Coyote thanked this absurd, insane statement by Flopper:

"Opposition to illegal immigration in America is mainly based on racism."

Strangely enough I don't see anyone accusing China or Nigeria of being racists for preserving their racial makeup. Just western countries.

Rightwinger listed the 1965 Immigration Act the law that's destroying America's national identity as part of the western world as one of the "great" achievements of Teddy Kennedy.

In his mind, warped by the multiracialist nuttery, the destruction of an integral part of a country's national identity counts as an "achievement".

Now you see, Bruce...

Accusing someone of being a "white supremacist" for saying what I did, someone who doesn't support the subjugation of any ethnic group in America is pure madness and denotes a state of enormous mental confusion on the part of Flopper, Jroc, Coyote, Rightwinger, TheOldSchool etc...

But then you have to remember that within this insane multiracialist paradigm they were taught at school (that it's racist for America to preserve its white identity) their statements make perfect sense.

If America is no longer a white nation then the mere act of supporting its right to preserve its racial composition is perceived as "racist", "supremacist" in the minds of people like TheDoctorIsIn, Coyote, Flopper, etc...
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Now answering your question directly, Bruce.

Donald Trump both as a candidate or as an american president has to work within the limits imposed by this redefinition of America as a non-white country.

That's why you'll never hear a single candidate stating that America should abolish the outrageous 1965 Immigration Act and save its own white, causasian, western identity.

That's why Trump carefully limits his criticisms to illegal mexicans, never saying a single world about changing America's immigration laws themselves that were designed to erase the country's white majority.

He knows he needs to work within the boundaries of the multiracialist paradigm America adopted after WWII.

So I would agree with Trump if he criticised not only illegal immigration but America's immigration laws as a whole.

But he knows perfectly well this would mean political suicide.

300 million Americans, brainwashed from birth into believing that preserving the racial composition of a non-supremacist country is in itself an act of racism would see to it.
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Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.

And we all lived happily ever after.

The End.

Once upon a time there was a boy who blamed Jews for everything bad that happened under the sun and after careful investigation the people in his village invariably concluded that it was all the figment of his imagination, the hallucinations of a deranged mind.

Then, one day, the boy finally came up with something that was really true:

The pivotal role played by american jews in the destruction of the country's racial composition through changes in its immigration laws, conceived and promoted by the jewish american congressman Emanuel Celler in 1965 (in an alliance with american leftists like the Kennedy family):


But because of the boy's reputation as a lunatic, as someone who saw jewish conspiracies at every corner, no one took him seriously this time, did nothing to stop the indescribable insanity of a democratic, non-supremacist country cannibalizing itself, willingly destroying its own national identity as a western country and the US white majority was eventually destroyed.
Too late our work is almost done!! :laugh2:

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