The Black Investigator Who Went Undercover as a White Man in the Jim Crow South


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
There is an attitude that exists in far too many white racists that manifests itself as the belief that they still have the right, lawful or otherwise, to hunt down and kill black people in the United States of America and then call it something other than what it is.

"Walter Francis White helped the NAACP document the truth about lynchings in America. The fact that he could pass as caucasian came in very handy.

Story by A. M. Brune · Edited by Genelle Levy · 5.28.20

On a hot September day in 1919, Walter Francis White found himself running for his life.

In the two days since he had been in Elaine, Arkansas, White had seen the bodies of dozens of black men and women strewn across dirt roads. The ones who were lucky enough to still be alive remained hiding in the cotton fields.

White ducked down an alley, then picked up speed along the railroad tracks. Breathless and weary, he reached the station and climbed onto the platform just as the conductor announced the final call for the doors.

As recounted in White’s autobiography, A Man Called White, the conductor gave White an odd look before asking him why he was leaving before the fun began. “There’s a damned yellow ****** down here passing for white,” the conductor explained. “When they get through with him, he won’t pass for white no more!” he cackled.

What the conductor didn’t know was that the last-minute passenger he was talking to was in fact the very man he was talking about. White later wrote in his autobiography, “No matter what the distance, I shall never take as long a train ride as that one seemed to be.” When he finally set foot back in New York, his colleagues at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) sighed with great relief.

Walter White is one of the most important yet overlooked civil rights leaders of the 20th century. He played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance and led the NAACP to its zenith as its executive secretary. But what makes White stand out is the unusual method he used to achieve racial justice. His biggest secret? He was a biracial man who passed for white in order to help the NAACP investigate some of the greatest racial atrocities in post-Reconstruction America, helping to establish the organization as a veracious force for African-American justice and liberty.

In 1919, White was on assignment in Arkansas investigating the Elaine Massacre: the state-sanctioned murder of dozens of black sharecroppers under the order of Arkansas Governor Charles Brough. At the time, the Arkansas farming industry was dominated by white landowners, and black sharecroppers — frustrated by low wages — had formed the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. That September, the union met in a local church to discuss an upcoming lawsuit against white landowners, but their meeting was interrupted by gunfire from white vigilantes. The sharecroppers returned fire in self-defense. A white security officer was killed, and the town’s deputy sheriff was wounded.

The body of a black person slain during the Elaine Massacre in Arkansas in 1919. (Photo courtesy the Arkansas History Commission)

When the news reached the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock, Brough declared the event an insurrection. He called up 500 Arkansas National Guard soldiers from Camp Pike and instructed them to kill any black person who refused to surrender immediately. More than 200 African-Americans were murdered and an additional 200 were tortured and imprisoned. A century later, the Elaine Massacre remains the bloodiest occurrence of racial violence in Arkansas history and one of the deadliest in U.S. history as well.

Sharecroppers in Elaine, Arkansas, being rounded up by troops and taken to a detention area, after they formed a union that was seen as a threat to white farmers. (Photo courtesy the Arkansas History Commission)

White traveled to Arkansas to advocate for those imprisoned sharecroppers. He planned to meet with the local sheriff and report back to the NAACP. But it was not safe for a black man to freely roam around Arkansas. So White devised a plan. He obtained fake press credentials through personal contacts, and impersonated a Chicago Daily News reporter, hoping everyone would assume he was white.

But right before his meeting with the sheriff, his plan backfired.

As White recounted in his memoir, while he was walking down the street, he was overtaken by a black man who whispered, “Mister … I don’t know what you are down here for, but I just heard them talking about you — I mean the white folks — and they say they are going to get you.” With that warning, White started sprinting to the train station and never looked back."

Continued here:
The Black Investigator Who Went Undercover as a White Man in the Jim Crow South
It sure is 2020 and we still have white racists chasing down black folks and killing them while other white racists argue incessantly how the racists were within their rights to do so because they were [allegedly] acting in self-defense.

No matter how you explain it to them, they just can't seem to grasp the concept that chasing someone down and confronting them while armed with no lawful authority invalidates a self-defense claim.

1919 to 2020, the laws may have changed, the attitudes not so much yet.
..blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..blacks are racist also
..blacks commit hate crime and rape at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks aren't perfect
It sure is 2020 and we still have white racists chasing down black folks and killing them while other white racists argue incessantly how the racists were within their rights to do so because they were [allegedly] acting in self-defense.

No matter how you explain it to them, they just can't seem to grasp the concept that chasing someone down and confronting them while armed with no lawful authority invalidates a self-defense claim.

1919 to 2020, the laws may have changed, the attitudes not so much yet.
we still have blacks MURDERING whites also
There is an attitude that exists in far too many white racists that manifests itself as the belief that they still have the right, lawful or otherwise, to hunt down and kill black people in the United States of America and then call it something other than what it is.

"Walter Francis White helped the NAACP document the truth about lynchings in America. The fact that he could pass as caucasian came in very handy.

Story by A. M. Brune · Edited by Genelle Levy · 5.28.20

On a hot September day in 1919, Walter Francis White found himself running for his life.

In the two days since he had been in Elaine, Arkansas, White had seen the bodies of dozens of black men and women strewn across dirt roads. The ones who were lucky enough to still be alive remained hiding in the cotton fields.

White ducked down an alley, then picked up speed along the railroad tracks. Breathless and weary, he reached the station and climbed onto the platform just as the conductor announced the final call for the doors.

As recounted in White’s autobiography, A Man Called White, the conductor gave White an odd look before asking him why he was leaving before the fun began. “There’s a damned yellow ****** down here passing for white,” the conductor explained. “When they get through with him, he won’t pass for white no more!” he cackled.

What the conductor didn’t know was that the last-minute passenger he was talking to was in fact the very man he was talking about. White later wrote in his autobiography, “No matter what the distance, I shall never take as long a train ride as that one seemed to be.” When he finally set foot back in New York, his colleagues at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) sighed with great relief.

Walter White is one of the most important yet overlooked civil rights leaders of the 20th century. He played a key role in the Harlem Renaissance and led the NAACP to its zenith as its executive secretary. But what makes White stand out is the unusual method he used to achieve racial justice. His biggest secret? He was a biracial man who passed for white in order to help the NAACP investigate some of the greatest racial atrocities in post-Reconstruction America, helping to establish the organization as a veracious force for African-American justice and liberty.

In 1919, White was on assignment in Arkansas investigating the Elaine Massacre: the state-sanctioned murder of dozens of black sharecroppers under the order of Arkansas Governor Charles Brough. At the time, the Arkansas farming industry was dominated by white landowners, and black sharecroppers — frustrated by low wages — had formed the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America. That September, the union met in a local church to discuss an upcoming lawsuit against white landowners, but their meeting was interrupted by gunfire from white vigilantes. The sharecroppers returned fire in self-defense. A white security officer was killed, and the town’s deputy sheriff was wounded.

The body of a black person slain during the Elaine Massacre in Arkansas in 1919. (Photo courtesy the Arkansas History Commission)

When the news reached the Governor’s Mansion in Little Rock, Brough declared the event an insurrection. He called up 500 Arkansas National Guard soldiers from Camp Pike and instructed them to kill any black person who refused to surrender immediately. More than 200 African-Americans were murdered and an additional 200 were tortured and imprisoned. A century later, the Elaine Massacre remains the bloodiest occurrence of racial violence in Arkansas history and one of the deadliest in U.S. history as well.

Sharecroppers in Elaine, Arkansas, being rounded up by troops and taken to a detention area, after they formed a union that was seen as a threat to white farmers. (Photo courtesy the Arkansas History Commission)

White traveled to Arkansas to advocate for those imprisoned sharecroppers. He planned to meet with the local sheriff and report back to the NAACP. But it was not safe for a black man to freely roam around Arkansas. So White devised a plan. He obtained fake press credentials through personal contacts, and impersonated a Chicago Daily News reporter, hoping everyone would assume he was white.

But right before his meeting with the sheriff, his plan backfired.

As White recounted in his memoir, while he was walking down the street, he was overtaken by a black man who whispered, “Mister … I don’t know what you are down here for, but I just heard them talking about you — I mean the white folks — and they say they are going to get you.” With that warning, White started sprinting to the train station and never looked back."

Continued here:
The Black Investigator Who Went Undercover as a White Man in the Jim Crow South
Yeah.....kill Whitey....
That's a nasty story. This country certainly has racist roots. But I think the degree of racism is highly exaggerated today. I'm conservative but I never met a person who would do violence to another person based on race. I do know a lot of people of all races who use racial epithets. Talk is cheap. I don't blame some Black dude who thinks he got disrespected for calling the disrespecter a honkie, cracker, trailer park trash or goober. BFD. People have to get over small shit like that. People get pissed, people say shit they shouldn't.
There is an attitude that exists in far too many white racists that manifests itself as the belief that they still have the right, lawful or otherwise, to hunt down and kill black people in the United States of America and then call it something other than what it is.

The vast majority of people that you lefties call, "white racists" are not racist, nor do they believe they have the right to kill black people.

You are insane and a hate filled racist.
..blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..blacks are racist also
..blacks commit hate crime and rape at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks aren't perfect
Let's talk about your criminal history shall we?
huh??!! people and the news try to make it like blacks do no wrong--when in FACT, they murder whites at TEN times the rate/etc
Lets document the Black on White killings the last few decades and longer like we did the lynchings. What a lot of mileage on this.
There is an attitude that exists in far too many white racists that manifests itself as the belief that they still have the right, lawful or otherwise, to hunt down and kill black people in the United States of America and then call it something other than what it is.

The vast majority of people that you lefties call, "white racists" are not racist, nor do they believe they have the right to kill black people.

You are insane and a hate filled racist.
..blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..blacks are racist also
..blacks commit hate crime and rape at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks aren't perfect
Let's talk about your criminal history shall we?

Wanna be an ahole?

Lets talk about YOUR criminal history, shall we?
Sure we can about it, if you're willing to talk about yours. Harmonica however is always casting aspersions on black people because he's too simple minded to analyze and understand the data that he's always citing.

It's unfortunate that for some reason you are offended by my relating of this story and that you are unable to understand why I might be drawing parallels between the rabid reactions of cold stone racists then and now.

Actually the way some of you start twitching and jumping to defend the idiocies of one another isn't all that much different from my perpsective.
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And so what we see here are classic examples of white fragility .

Whiteness is a location of structural advantage, of race privilege. Second, it is a ‘standpoint,’ a place from which White people look at ourselves, at others, and at society. Third, ‘Whiteness’ refers to a set of cultural practices that are usually unmarked and unnamed.

Dr. Ruth Frankenburg

“Whiteness is a structural, ideological, embodied, epistemological and phenomenological mode of being – and it is predicated upon its distance from and negation of blackness. This is what so many white people forget or refuse to see: their being racialized as white and socially and psychologically marked as privileged has problematic implications for my being black.

Whiteness is what I call the “transcendental norm”, which means that whiteness goes unmarked. As unmarked, white people are able to live their identities as unraced, as simply human, as persons. And this obfuscates the ways in which their lives depend upon various affordances that black people and people of color don’t possess.

White racism is thus a continuum, one that includes the KKK, the loving white Christian and the antiracist white. Even good, moral white people, those who have black friends, friends of color, married to people of color, fight for racial justice and so on, don’t escape white racist injustice against black people and people of color; they all continue to be implicated within structures of white privilege and to embody, whether they realize it or not, society’s racist sensibilities. White people possess white privilege or white immunity from racial disease. And because of this, others of us, black people and people of color, reap the social, political and existential pains of that racialized social skin.”

George Yancey
When that perception of the most high perfection of whiteness gets challenged we see the retreat to defensiveness whereby they start talking about black crime or how that was in the past and if all else fails, you become a black racist.

“White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

You know it's funny how 1919 is in the past when it displays white racism, but 1860 is very much in the present when they try telling us how we should support the racist, oops, republican party.

“Any white person living in the United States will develop opinions about race simply by swimming in the water of our culture. But mainstream sources—schools, textbooks, media—don’t provide us with the multiple perspectives we need. Yes, we will develop strong emotionally laden opinions, but they will not be informed opinions. Our socialization renders us racially illiterate. When you add a lack of humility to that illiteracy (because we don’t know what we don’t know), you get the break-down we so often see when trying to engage white people in meaningful conversations about race.”

Dr. Robin DiAngelo
..blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa
..blacks are racist also
..blacks commit hate crime and rape at TWICE the rate of whites
blacks aren't perfect
Let's talk about your criminal history shall we?

Wanna be an ahole?

Lets talk about YOUR criminal history, shall we?
Sure we can about it, if you're willing to talk about yours. Harmonica however is always casting aspersions on black people because he's too simple minded to analyze and understand the data that he's always citing.

It's unfortunate that for some reason you are offended by my relating of this story and that you are unable to understand why I might be drawing parallels between the rabid reactions of cold stone racists then and now.

Actually the way some of you start twitching and jumping to defend the idiocies of one another isn't all that much different from my perpsective.
....plain and simple--the MSM and blacks make it out like blacks are INHUMAN-PERFECT --are they ???

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