The Birth Of The Birthers

Why did you drink her piss that Obama was born in Kenya?
Why did you drink her piss that Obama was born in Kenya?

You use that phrase a lot don't ya, pervert? Like the golden shower from your boyfriend do ya?

I see I am inducing cognitive dissonance in your fragile mind, and provoking an anger response.

If you don't want to be ridiculed as a piss drinker, there's a simple solution. Stop drinking piss.

I notice you aren't answering the question. You are a birther. You started a topic blaming Hillary for starting birtherism.

Why did you drink her piss? Did you know at the time you drank the birther piss that it came from Hillary's twat? If you didn't, would it have changed things if you had known the source?
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Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Here are the facts:
More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
The campaign released the turban photo.


The conclusion to be drawn is simple and straight out of Alinsky's playbook...when caught, in lies and subterfuge, blame the accuser.


It’s an interesting bit of history that the birther movement appears to have begun with Democrats supporting Clinton and opposing Obama. But Trump, and others who have made this claim, neglect to mention that there is no direct tie to Clinton or her 2008 campaign.

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?

Horseshit....I just laid out where it with it, sucker!

At least you’re consistent at being an idiot and wrong.

And obviously most conservatives are as stupid as you.
Wow. Look at him working hard to divert from his own disaster! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Birthers blaming Hillary for their birtherism, and they can't explain why they drank her piss! :lol:

Wow. Look at him working hard to divert from his own disaster! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Birthers blaming Hillary for their birtherism, and they can't explain why they drank her piss! :lol:


"piss drinking" again? still got dick on the mind eh, pervert? :suck:
what's a ''birther''? what does that even mean? who came up with that bastardization of the english language?
It's a rhetorical shortcut. Easier than saying "retards who believe Obama was born in Kenya" every damn time.
it's like the mandlebrot set of the ad hominem, oh know better just go along with whatever the aborter says, wouldn't want to be labeled... o_O
Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Here are the facts:
More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
The campaign released the turban photo.


The conclusion to be drawn is simple and straight out of Alinsky's playbook...when caught, in lies and subterfuge, blame the accuser.

Do the people quoting Breitbart realize the world sees them as a joke?
it's like the mandlebrot set of the ad hominem, oh know better just go along with whatever the aborter says, wouldn't want to be labeled... o_O

:lol: Another leftist fried eggs for brains chimes in.
Obama Campaign Accused Clinton Of Feeding 'False Claims' About His Origins In 2008

So who was the first Birther?


Clinton's 2007 campaign manager Mark Penn circulated a campaign strategy memo in which he suggested attacking Obama for not being "fundamentally American" and targeting then Senator Obama's "lack of American roots."

Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link @ Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link
[I'm aware this idea is to not load the forum down with extra long posts. But, I think this important and needs to be shared in full]

Clinton's Campaign Started the Birther Idea

(It was actually Obama himself who claimed to be born in Kenya for school aid purposes)

So, who cares if she personally said it or not? It was her campaign and she should be held accountable for what happened.

Obama’s Occidental College Transcripts: Indonesian National, Islamic Religion Posted on October 14, 2013 by Admin
Obama’s Occidental College Transcripts: Indonesian National, Islamic Religion

Obama became an Indonesian citizen as a child. Obama’s Indonesian school registration transcript states ~ Name: Barry Soetoro – Religion: Islam – Nationality: Indonesian.

The smoking gun evidence that annuls Obama’s presidency is Obama’s college transcripts regarding his application for and receiving of foreign student aid. Obama’s college transcripts from Occidental College indicates that Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school.

The transcript from Occidental College shows that Obama (Barry Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a fellowship (scholarship) for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship program – an international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government.

Grants are available for U.S. citizens to go abroad and for non-U.S. citizens with no U.S. permanent residence to come to the U.S. To qualify, for the non-US citizen scholarship to study in the U.S., a student applicant must claim and provide proof of foreign citizenship...

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
Online archive from April 2007 by publishing agency Acton & Dystel has Mr Obama's birthplace listed as Kenya - two months after he announced he was running for president

The same online archive dated two weeks later in April 2007 has changed the current U.S president's birthplace to Hawaii / President Obama published Hawaiian birth certificate last year in hopes to end 'birther' theories

This follows the discovery of a 1991 booklet from Acton & Dystel announcing that the Democrat was ‘born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.’

By Beth Stebner Published: 17:51 EST, 18 May 2012 | Updated: 17:54 EST, 18 May 2012

Read more: Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency
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Senator Barack Obama in Kenya By Guest Column Paula Abeles August 8, 2008 Obama and Odinga: The True Story

... "In August and September 2006, Senator Barack Obama traveled to South Africa, Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Chad and Kenya as a congressional delegation of one (Codel Obama) (“Codel Obama” The Hill 9/7/2006) While in Kenya, Obama consistently appeared at the side of fellow Luo Raila Odinga (“your agent for change’), who was running for President. (“Senator Rebukes Kenya’s Corruption” Chicago Sun Times 8/29/2006) Because of his African heritage, Obama was treated as a virtual “Head of State” in Kenya While campaigning with Odinga" ... Obama’s partisan support for Odinga was considered so transparent, that the Kenyan Government spokesman, Alfred Matua, complained of political posturing to aid Odinga’s election chances: “It is very clear that the senator has been used as a puppet to perpetuate opposition politics,”(“Walking The World Stage” Newsweek 9/11/06) And, “... "we earlier thought he was mature in his assessment of Kenyan and African politics,” Mutua told AFP.“We forgive him because it is his first time in the Senate and he is yet to mature into understanding issues of foreign policy,” he said.”(“Obama’s Kenya Honeymoon Ends Abruptly After Graft Rebuke” 8/29/06) Subsequently, Ambassador Ogingo Ogego made a public complaint to the US.(“Kenyan Envoy Kicks Off Diplomatic Row” My Africa 9/27/2006)" ...

... "The BBC initially reported that Obama and Odinga were first cousins.(“Odinga Says Obama is His Cousin” 1/8/2008)

The Obama campaign has since denied a familial relationship. Raila Odinga’s father, Oginga Odinga, was leader of the “Kenya People’s Union” and perceived as a “committed socialist” (“Oginga Odinga: Kenya’s Most Persecuted Politician” Kenya: Key Issues 8/21.2002). Odinga Sr. was also the political ally of fellow Luo; Barack Obama Sr. (The Risks of Knowledge (Ohio University Press, 2004) p. 182)
What we do know about Odinga is not good. A former Minister of Energy, Odinga is reported to have been set up in the oil business by the al Bakri Group and Muammar Quaddafi (“How Rich is Raila-The ODM Kenya Presidential Aspirant?” African Press 4/26/2007) Abdel Qader Bakri (or- Abdulkader al Bakri) was listed on the infamous “Golden Chain”—an internal Al-Queda list of wealthy Saudi financial sponsors seized by Bosnian police in a Islamic “charity” raid in 2001. (“Terrorist Financing Staff Monograph 9/11 Commission and “The Golden Chain”) According to his website, Odinga was educated in Communist East Germany, (Herder Institute, Leipzig & Otto von Guericke Tech. Institute, Magdeburg) ( Odinga’s eldest son is named “Fidel” (

Perhaps most troubling is Odinga’s links to Islamic extremists in Kenya. According to Voice of America and the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, on 8/29/07, Odinga signed a secret agreement (exposed 11/27) with Sheikh Abdullah Abdi of the National Muslim Leaders Forum (NAMLEF) in which he agreed to institute Islamic law in exchange for Abdi’s support (—thereby potentially disenfranchising and curtailing the liberties of millions of Christian Kenyan women. Further, he promised that Muslims suspected of terrorism would be safe from extradition—thereby establishing a ‘safe haven’ for terrorists in Kenya.

After the public outcry, Odinga denied signing a secret agreement. Angry at Odinga’s apparent repudiation, a member of NAMLEF subsequently released the agreement to the press. Odinga then claimed the document was a forgery, but acknowledged a secret agreement had been signed in exchange for Muslim support.

Finally, under constant pressure, Odinga released what he claimed was the actual document (“Real” MOU) a considerably watered down version of the original; but still anathema to many Christian groups. “In response to the revelations, The Evangelical Alliance of Kenya released a statement in which church leaders said Raila, in both MOUs, ‘comes across as a presumptive Muslim president bent on forcing Islamic law, religion and culture down the throats of the Kenyan people in total disregard of the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of worship and equal protection of the law’” (“Concerns Raised Over Alleged Vow To Enforce Islamic Law in Kenya” Christian Post 12/18/2007)

To many westerners, the idea of imposing Sharia in a predominantly Christian country may have seemed fanciful. However, Kenya has had Sharia courts for family law (not criminal law)—called Khadi courts—since 1963.

For the US and “the war on terror”—the most worrisome section—contained in both agreements—concerns extradition (or renditions) of suspected terrorists to the US and elsewhere. The Kibaki government had been a leading supporter of the US’s efforts to dismantle Al-Queda cells in Kenya (National Commission of Terrorist Attacks on the United States- 9/11 Report) and elsewhere. Raila Odinga made opposition to the government’s crackdown of suspected Al Queda supporters a cornerstone of his campaign “In Kimanthi’s view, ‘only some of the leaders’...were Al Queda sympathizers. The renditions- along with frequent police sweeps on the Swahili coast-had become an emotional issue in the presidential race. Islamic outrage had placed the incumbent, Kibaki, on the defensive and provided Raila Odinga with a tool to rally the support of Kenya’s Muslims.” (“The African Front” New York Times Magazine 12/23/2007) And, “Our government will not be held at ransom to extradite Muslims to foreign lands”, Odinga told supporters in the coastal city of Mombassa. ‘This government is behaving as if it is still a colony.’” (“Outcome of Kenyan Election Could Impact Anti-Terror Cooperation” 10/17/2007)" ...

Obama brother tied to Hamas \ Al Qaeda-funding accounts
Obama brother tied to Hamas Al Qaeda-funding accounts

While operating a nonprofit in the U.S. that was granted tax-exempt status by the official dismissed in the IRS scandal, President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, has been supporting the terrorist organization Hamas as a fundraiser for the Muslim Brotherhood, according to bank-account information.

Malik’s work with the Sudan-based Islamic Dawa Organization has prompted criminal charges in Egypt of aiding and abetting terrorism.
“If you think Malik Obama, President Obama’s brother, dons a Hamas scarf for sentimental reasons, think again,” writes former PLO-member and native Arabic-speaking researcher Walid Shoebat on his blog.

Shoebat was referring to a report earlier this week of a photograph posted on the website of Malik Obama’s nonprofit, the Barack H. Obama Foundation. It showed him wearing a Hamas scarf that bears the well-known Palestinian slogan “Jerusalem is ours – We are coming!”

Now, Shoebat reports, evidence has surfaced confirming Malik Obama, as the executive secretary of the Islamic Dawa Organization, has operated bank accounts in the Middle East with known ties to al-Qaida that are being widely utilized to raise money for terrorist activities conducted by Hamas in Gaza...
Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Here are the facts:
More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
The campaign released the turban photo.


The conclusion to be drawn is simple and straight out of Alinsky's playbook...when caught, in lies and subterfuge, blame the accuser.


God has already told us what he thinks of him and his kind.
Although the left vehemently denies it, the campaign to portray Barack Hussein Obama as a muslim born in Kenya, was born in Hillary Clinton's 2008 run for the White House. Progressives are quick to deflect and redirect these dirty little deeds to blame their targets. It is now considered common knowledge that it was the GOP who started the rumors about Obama, much like the GOP was blamed for the Willy Horton story planted by Al Gore on Michael Dukakis. But back to the is Poppy somebody or other all upset and interrupting when a Kasich supporter points out where the birther movement first moved:

The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election—and to Democrats. … Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it. … Penn wrote: … “[H]is roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values.”

Here are the facts:
More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo.
The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself.
Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies.
Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary).
The campaign released the turban photo.


The conclusion to be drawn is simple and straight out of Alinsky's playbook...when caught, in lies and subterfuge, blame the accuser.


God has already told us what he thinks of him and his kind.

Attack, deny, divert.

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