The Biggest Threat to America...

This thread is well deserved blow back to the Liberals and their quest for FREE SPEECH................FREE SPEECH only when they agree..........................

They have compared conservatives to terrorist scum time and time again...............and whine like the little bitches they are when it is thrown back in their faces.......................

Oh de da..............

The thread implies left-leaning people shouldn't have a vote or a place in our system.

That's some free speech...
This thread is well deserved blow back to the Liberals and their quest for FREE SPEECH................FREE SPEECH only when they agree..........................

They have compared conservatives to terrorist scum time and time again...............and whine like the little bitches they are when it is thrown back in their faces.......................

Oh de da..............

The thread implies left-leaning people shouldn't have a vote or a place in our system.

That's some free speech...
Pay back is a bitch.

This thread is well deserved blow back to the Liberals and their quest for FREE SPEECH................FREE SPEECH only when they agree..........................

They have compared conservatives to terrorist scum time and time again...............and whine like the little bitches they are when it is thrown back in their faces.......................

Oh de da..............

The thread implies left-leaning people shouldn't have a vote or a place in our system.

That's some free speech...
Pay back is a bitch.


Me spanking you in this thread is not what "butt hurt" means.

I mean, your butt hurts, figuratively, after I spank you, embarrass you, make you look like the ass that your are....
This thread is well deserved blow back to the Liberals and their quest for FREE SPEECH................FREE SPEECH only when they agree..........................

They have compared conservatives to terrorist scum time and time again...............and whine like the little bitches they are when it is thrown back in their faces.......................

Oh de da..............

The thread implies left-leaning people shouldn't have a vote or a place in our system.

That's some free speech...
Pay back is a bitch.


Me spanking you in this thread is not what "butt hurt" means.

I mean, your butt hurts, figuratively, after I spank you, embarrass you, make you look like the ass that your are....
Whips and chains person aren't you................KINKY.....

Those to the left of the king were for democratic/republican government. They wanted to liberalize control.
But, what do words matter when 'gut feeling' is substituted for rational thinking?
1) the liberal vote.....yup
The biggest threat to America is voters, period. Just look at what they've done to this once great nation over the past half century. And, folks, that says it all. Questions?

The biggest threat to America is the uneducated, uninformed voter. Those who Hillary Clinton is going after. Those who want free stuff. Those who feel entitled to free stuff. Those who don't realize there is not enough money in the coffers to continue supporting their lazy lifestyles.
1) the liberal vote.....yup
The biggest threat to America is voters, period. Just look at what they've done to this once great nation over the past half century. And, folks, that says it all. Questions?

The biggest threat to America is the uneducated, uninformed voter. Those who Hillary Clinton is going after. Those who want free stuff. Those who feel entitled to free stuff. Those who don't realize there is not enough money in the coffers to continue supporting their lazy lifestyles.
Hillary has absolutely nothing to do with it. Hillary hasn't been running for office for the past half century, which is how long voters have been sending this nation down into the abyss of ruin. It's " ALL " voters that elect or re-elect professional politicians to serve in government, period.

As far as "Free Stuff" goes, what about the astronomical amount we spend for the care and support of illegal immigrants, foreign aid, unnecessary military spending, subsidies, bailouts, perks and benefits for members of Congress, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and projects such as the wasteful stupid "Fence" along our southern border? Yet, you want to complain or say something about the needy, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the less fortunate getting a hand-out? Shame on you.

Before you single out Hillary, or any other professional politician, look at the track record of professional politicians over the past half century, and then step outside your door and take a look at Main Street America. Consider unemployment, closed plants and factories, lost industries, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, the loss of privacy, our prison population, our poor health care compared to cost, poverty, homelessness, less home ownership, cities going bankrupt, troubled pension funds, job out-sourcing, illegal immigration, our rundown infrastructure, the injustices in our judicial system, and many other social and economic woes inflicted on America and her citizens.
1) the liberal vote.....yup
The biggest threat to America is voters, period. Just look at what they've done to this once great nation over the past half century. And, folks, that says it all. Questions?

The biggest threat to America is the uneducated, uninformed voter. Those who Hillary Clinton is going after. Those who want free stuff. Those who feel entitled to free stuff. Those who don't realize there is not enough money in the coffers to continue supporting their lazy lifestyles.
Hillary has absolutely nothing to do with it. Hillary hasn't been running for office for the past half century, which is how long voters have been sending this nation down into the abyss of ruin. It's " ALL " voters that elect or re-elect professional politicians to serve in government, period.

As far as "Free Stuff" goes, what about the astronomical amount we spend for the care and support of illegal immigrants, foreign aid, unnecessary military spending, subsidies, bailouts, perks and benefits for members of Congress, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, and projects such as the wasteful stupid "Fence" along our southern border? Yet, you want to complain or say something about the needy, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the less fortunate getting a hand-out? Shame on you.

Before you single out Hillary, or any other professional politician, look at the track record of professional politicians over the past half century, and then step outside your door and take a look at Main Street America. Consider unemployment, closed plants and factories, lost industries, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, the loss of privacy, our prison population, our poor health care compared to cost, poverty, homelessness, less home ownership, cities going bankrupt, troubled pension funds, job out-sourcing, illegal immigration, our rundown infrastructure, the injustices in our judicial system, and many other social and economic woes inflicted on America and her citizens.
Those that complain about the FREE stuff and getting off their asses and work for a living aren't saying we are throwing the ACTUAL NEEDY UNDER THE BUS....................

That is ridiculous..................I'm saying that the system is far as the debt and outsourcing..............yeah I agree............our Political whores are screwing america for their own personal gain...................and they need to go...................

But we have program after program after program for the poor..................That is costing this country a MOUNTAIN of money as well......................and doesn't fix the main problem...............which is less spending.............get away from free Trade............and bring back jobs desperately in this country...........................

Anyhow......................the argument that if people like us ran the show the poor would be bare foot, homeless, and living on DOG FOOD is utterly insane.............

Term limits................flat fair taxes.........No more Free Trade..........and stop spending beyond our means.
1) the liberal vote.....yup
The biggest threat to America is voters, period. Just look at what they've done to this once great nation over the past half century. And, folks, that says it all. Questions?

The biggest threat to America is the uneducated, uninformed voter. Those who Hillary Clinton is going after. Those who want free stuff. Those who feel entitled to free stuff. Those who don't realize there is not enough money in the coffers to continue supporting their lazy lifestyles.

Whether or not voters are educated or informed, they still have a right to vote. By the way, the "lazy lifestyle" argument is, itself, lazy thinking.
“If governments are involved in a cover-up, they are doing a much better job of it than they seem to do at anything else.”
- Stephen Hawking
Yes, somehow it was the same liberal mindset that said "taxed enough already" back then yet if people say the same thing today, liberals call them "racist". It was the same liberal mindset that sought to break away from European economic models and yet now liberals tell us we should emulate Europe. It was liberal and left leaning to put individual freedom above the collective or the State. Now the inverse is true. So, at what point did the modern day liberal revert and adopt the old conservative ways that it once abhorred?

Yes, somehow it was the same liberal mindset that said "taxed enough already" back then yet if people say the same thing today, liberals call them "racist". It was the same liberal mindset that sought to break away from European economic models and yet now liberals tell us we should emulate Europe. It was liberal and left leaning to put individual freedom above the collective or the State. Now the inverse is true. So, at what point did the modern day liberal revert and adopt the old conservative ways that it once abhorred?


all of these men talk of limited government..... Another liberal concept at the time.
The liberal idea that people should have the right to vote and express their voice in government, as opposed to the centralized, top-down system of monarchs and such?
Certainly, that is the problem...
...for monarchs and such.
It's a proven fact that voting is corrupt. Why not show an ID to keep it more honest?

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