Debate Now The Biden-Ukraine corruption timeline.


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Dec 20, 2010
North Coast, USA
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July 21, 2009: Joe Biden meets with President Viktor Yushchenko in Kiev.
Statement by Vice President Biden After Meeting with President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine

December 22, 2009: Joe Biden speaks on the phone with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Ttmoshenko.

Readout of Vice President Biden's Call with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Tymoshenko

February 25, 2010: Yanukovytch inaugurated as President of Ukraine.

December 10, 2010: Yuriy Lutsenko arrested by the SBU.
Ex-minister arrested in Ukraine

August 7, 2011: Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Ttmoshenko is arrested.
U.S. concerned at Tymoshenko arrest, hundreds protest

April 7, 2013: Yuriy Lutsenko is pardoned by Yanukovych.

In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski and the former president of the European Parliament, Pat Cox.
Yanukovych Pardons Tymoshenko Ally Lutsenko, Five Others

January 2014: Alexander Kwasniewski appointed to Burisma board of directors.

March 12, 2014: PM Yatsenyuk meets with Obama in the White House.

April 14, 2014: U.S. Treasury Secratary Jacob Lew signs billion dollar loan guarantee package for Ukraine. (1st tranche)
Treasury Secretary Lew Announces Signing Of $1 Billion U.S. Loan Guarantee Agreement For Ukraine

April 18, 2014: Facing criminal investigation, Mykola Zlovcheski appoints Hunter Biden to the board directors of Burisma Holdings to be in charge Burisma Holding's legal unit.

April 20, 2014: Joe Biden travels to Ukraine.

April 22, 2014: Joe Biden meets with presidential candidates Poroshenko, Tymoshenko and members of parliament. Says US will provide aid for natural gas development.
Biden offers Kiev U.S. help, condemns corruption

April 30, 2014:
May 25, 2014: Poroshenko wins Ukrainian presidential election.

June 19, 2014: Vityaly Yarema is appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

November 20-21, 2014:

November 24, 2014: Biden meets with president Poroshenko in person.

November 27, 2014: Criminal proceedings formally initiated against Burisma president and owner Mykola Zlovcheski.

Jan 20, 2015: $23.5 million of Burisma Holdings' assets unfrozen by British court.

Feb 10, 2015: Viktor Shokin appointed Prosecutor General by Ukraine parliament.
February 20, 2015: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk.
Readout of the Vice Presidentā€™s Calls with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and President Petro Poroshenko

April 20, 2015: Joe Biden speaks on the phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of the Vice Presidentā€™s Call with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko

May 15, 2015: U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew signs another $1 billion loan guarantee. (2nd tranche)
Statement of Secretary Lew on Signing of $1 Billion U.S. Loan Guarantee Agreement for Ukraine

September 24, 2015: Pyatt addresses Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's unicameral parliament).

November 2, 2015: Shokin survives assassination attempt via sniper attack. He is saved by the bullet resistant glass of his office window

December 6, 2015: Joe Biden meets with Ukrainian president Poroshenko.

December 8, 2015: Joe Biden addresses Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's unicameral parliament).
Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden to The Ukrainian Rada

~December 8, 2015: Joe Biden threatens President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, telling them that he would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was fired.

January 20, 2016: Joe Biden meeting with Poroshenko at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko

February 19, 2016: President Poroshenko's office falsely claims it has recieved Viktor Shokin's official resignation letter. Joe Biden has seperate phone calls with president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Calls with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

February 24, 2016: Email seeking reconsideration of Burisma's status as a corrupt corporation sent from Blue Star Strategies to the State Department name drops Hunter Biden.

March 2016: Note: Contrary to the fake news media reports for NYT and NPR, Biden never travels to Ukraine in March 2016.

March 22, 2016: Biden speaks on phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine | U.S. Embassy in Ukraine.

March 29, 2016: Verkhovna Rada formally dismisses Shokin.

March 31, 2016: Biden meets with Poroshenko in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.
"President Poroshenko also noted his commitment to installing a new, credible Prosecutor General. The Vice President welcomed the efforts of President Poroshenko to form a stable, reform-oriented government, and stressed that this step, as well as the enactment of needed reforms, are critical to unlocking international economic assistance, including the third $1 billion U.S. loan guarantee. The Vice President also informed President Poroshenko that the United States is moving forward with an additional $335 million in security assistance, which will fund additional advisors, training, and non-lethal assistance."
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

April 10, 2016: PM Yatsenyuk resigns.
Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk Resigns

April 14, 2016: Volodymyr Groysman becomes prime minister
April 14, 2016: Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

May 12, 2016: Biden approved "solid" guy, Yuriy Lutsenko, is scandalously appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ostensibly to fight corruption, despite the fact that Lutsenko had served prison time for embezzlement and abuse of office while he was the Interior Minister and had no legal credentials. No legal experience. Not even a law degree. Apparently his only qualification was that Joe Biden approved of him.

May 13, 2016: Joe Biden calls Poroshenko, welcomes the appointment of his "solid" choice Lutsenko and says that the USA is now ready to sign 1$ billion loan guarantee.

Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

May 27, 2016:Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

June 3, 2016: U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew signs $1 billion loan guarantee. (3rd tranche)
Statement by Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on Ukraine Loan Guarantee Agreement

June 15, 2016:Readout of the Vice Presidentā€™s Meeting with Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman of Ukraine

August 12, 2016: Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call With President Poroshenko of Ukraine

August 14, 2016: NYT publishes article about Party of Regions "black ledger" showing $12.7 million in cash payments due to Manafort.

August 19, 2016: Manafort resigns as Trump campaign chairman.

August 19, 2016: Biden call with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

August 22, 2016: Yovanovitch arrives in Ukraine. (according to her intelligence committee testimony under oath)

September 20, 2016: Joe Biden meets with Poroshenko at the UN building in New York.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Meeting with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

October 12, 2016: Joe Biden spoke on the phone with president Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

October 25, 2016: Joe Biden spoke on the phone with Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

November 1, 2016: Criminal proceedings against Mykola Zlovcheski and Burisma Holdings closed.

November 3, 2016: Joe Biden spoke on the phone with president Poroshenko.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine

November 3, 2016: Joe Biden spoke on the phone with prime minister Groysman of Ukraine.
Readout of Vice President Bidenā€™s Call with Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman of Ukraine

January 16, 2017: Joe Biden meets with Poroshenko in Kiev. (Biden says it's his 6th visit to Ukraine as VP.)

January 17, 2017: Joe Biden meets with prime minister Groysman in Kiev.

January 23, 2018: In a live video stream from a Council on Foreign Relations event, Joe Biden confesses that he threatened President Poroshenko and Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, telling them that he would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless Shokin was fired. (Biden also says he visited Ukraine "12 or 13" times).

January 2018: Mykola Zlovcheski returns to Kiev from Moscow.

January 2019: Yovanovitch opposes visa for Shokin to come to the USA.

April 21, 2019: Zelensky wins presidential election. 1st phone call with Trump.

May 21, 2019: Yovanovitch recalled. Zelensky is inaugurated president and his first official executive action is to dissolve the Verkhovna Rada. PM Groysman resigns.

July 21, 2019: In a snap election, Zelensky's "Servant of the People" party wins a controlling majority in the Verkhovna Rada.

July 25, 2019: Trump speaks on the phone with Zelensky.

July 29, 2019: Prosecutor General Lutsenko flees Ukraine to the UK.

August 29, 2019: After a month of absence, PG Lutsenko is formally dismissed by a vote in the Verkhovna Rada.

September 4, 2019: In a sworn deposition, Viktor Shokin testifies that he was fired after refusing to close the Burisma corruption cases.
Shokin Statement
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Please fill in the blanks.
Very thorough:

State Department Releases Detailed Accounts Of Biden-Ukraine Corruption

"According to Mr. Lutsenko the $900,000 invoice was for services rendered for lobbying by Joe Biden."

Viktor Shokin:

On a January 23, 2019 phone call between Shokin and Giuliani, Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas and George Boyle, Shokin said:

"He was appointed to the position of General Prosecutor of Ukraine from 2015 until April of 2016, when he was removed at the request of Mr. Joseph Biden the Vice President of the United States."

"He [Shokin] became involved in a case against Mr. Mykola Zlochevsky the former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The case was opened as a result of Mr. Zlochevsky giving himself/company permits to drill for gas and oil in Ukraine. Mr. Zlochevsky is also the owner of Burisma Holdings."

"Mr. Shokin stated that there are documents that list five (5) criminal cases in which Mr. Zlochevesky is listed, with the main case being for issuing illegal gas exploration permits. The following complaints are in the criminal case.
  1. Mr. Zlochevsky was laundering money
  2. Obtained assets by corrupt acts bribery
  3. Mr. Zlochevsky removed approximately twenty three million US dollars out of Ukraine without permission
  4. While seated as the Minister he approved two addition entities to receive permits for gas exploration
  5. Mr. Zlochevsky was the owner of two secret companies that were part of Burisma Holdings and gave those companies permits which made it possible for him to profit while he was the sitting Minister.
"Mr Shokin further stated that there were several Burisma board appointments were made in 2014 as follows:

Devon Archer (left) with Joe and Hunter Biden
  1. Hunter Biden son of Vice President Joseph Biden
  2. Joseph Blade former CIA employee assigned to Anti-Terrorist Unit
  3. Alesksander Kwasnieski former President of Poland
  4. Devon Archer roomate to the Christopher Heinz the step-son of Mr. John Kerry United States Secretary of State
"Mr. Shokin stated that these appointments were made by Mr. Slochevsky in order to protect himself."

Shokin then details how in July 2015, "US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt told him that the investigation has to be handled with white gloves, which according to Mr. Shokin, that implied do nothing. On or about September 2015 Mr. Pyatt gave a speech in Odessa where he stated that the cases were not investigated correctly and that Mr. Shokin may be corrupt."

"Mr. Shokin further stated that on February of 2016 warrants were placed on the accounts of multiple people in Ukraine. There were requests for information on Hunter Biden to which nothing was received."

"It is believed that Hunter Biden receives a salary, commission plus one million dollars."

"President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko [who Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees] told Mr. Shokin not to investigate Burisma as it was not in the interest of Joe and/or Hunter Biden. Mr. Shokin was called into Mr. Poroshenko's office and told that the investigation into Burisma and the Managing Director where Hunter Biden is on the board, has caused Joe Biden to hold up one billion dollars in US aid to Ukraine.

"Mr. Shokin stated that on or around April of 2016 Mr. Petro Poroshenko called him and told him he had to be fired as the aid to the Ukraine was being withheld by Joe Biden. Mr. Biden told Mr. Poroshenko that he had evidence that Mr. Shokin was corrupt and needed to be fired. Mr. Shokin was dismissed in April of 2016 and the US aid was delivered within one and one half months."

"On a different point Mr. Shokin believes the current Ambassador Marie L. Yovanovitch denied his visa to travel to the US. Mr. Shokin stated that she is close to Mr. Biden. Mr. Shokin also stated that there were leaks by a person named Reshenko of the Ukrainian State Secret Service about the Manafort Black Book. Mr. Shokin stated that there is possible deceit in the Manafort Black Book."

Yuriy Lutsenko:

Lutsenko takes Shokin's interview one step further in a January 25 phone interview with Giuliani and associates - describing how Ukraine has two secretive units which are protected by a US Ambassador.

"Mr. Lutsenko went on to explain that there is a unit called Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) which has under its purview National Anticorruption Bureau Ukraine (NABU) which investigates corruption cases that involved public figures from Mayors upward. He stated that the current US Ambassador protects SAP and NABU," adding "His office has absolutely no control over SAP or NABU and can't even ask what they are working on however they fall under his "control."

Of note, NABU was established in October 2014 "by Mr. George Kent who was the Deputy Chief to the Mission in Ukraine."

US Ambassador George Kent, who established NABU according to Lutsenko
Bidens and Burisma

Lutsenko "went on to say that he began looking at the same case Mr. Shokin was looking at (mentioned above) and he believes Hunter Biden receives millions of dollars in compensation from Burisma. He produced a document from Latvia that showed several million dollars that were distributed out of Burisma's account. The record showed two (2) companies and four (4) individuals receiving approximately sixteen million dollars in disbursements as follows:


  1. Wirelogic Technology $14,665,982
  2. Digitex $1,900,000

  1. Alexsander Kwasnewski $1,150,000
  2. Alan Apter $302,887
  3. Devon Archer Amount not revealed by Latvia
  4. Hunter Biden Amount not revealed by Latvia
"Mr Lutsenko stated that there was also a payment of $900,000 to Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC for consulting fees. Hunter Biden is a partner in Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC along with Devon Archer and the dates of this transaction are approximately anywhere from January to December 2015. According to Mr. Lutsenko the $900,000 invoice was for services rendered for lobbying by Joe Biden."

Hopefully VP Biden didn't receive $900k check from the same crooked firm that was stuffing $millions in his son's pockets, while he was still VP. Would that constitute an emolument?
Please fill in the blanks.
That pretty well sums up the Quid, the Pro, and the Quo of Biden protecting his son and the family income..
"Protecting his son"? WTF?

The timeline suggests that he was colluding with his son from the beginning. The Bidens were muscling in.
We may find that individuals in our government are hitting vulnerable countries like rapacious thieves, though the money they are stealing may be our own. Aid -> Foreign Countries -> to their "charitable foundations" -> Children's pockets.

This is what the left is trying to accuse Trump of with no evidence and yet there is a mountain of evidence that Obama, Biden and Kerry are all involved in a massive criminal enterprise that the MSM refuses to cover....
It's interesting that not a single one of USMB Democrats will even comment on the timeline in the Debate Now forum.
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This is what the left is trying to accuse Trump of with no evidence and yet there is a mountain of evidence that Obama, Biden and Kerry are all involved in a massive criminal enterprise that the MSM refuses to cover....
That is exactly what they are attempting and it's not working.
One interesting part of the timeline is that barely a month after the sniper attack on prosecutor Shokin, Joe Biden demanded that Shokin be replaced by Lutsenko in an aggressive gangsterish manner.

Granted, Joe Biden isn't the only guy who wanted Shokin gone. In a country like Ukraine there are a lot of criminals who would have a significant financial interest in extorting, killing or bribing the prosecutor. So it's no absolute proof. A lot of people could have ordered the hit.

That opens the question of whether or not the assassination attempt was orchestrated by the Obama administration. And even if it was, at this point, would it be in America's post-swamp era foreign policy interests to ever admit it?

Too much of a touchy subject?
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One interesting part of the timeline is that barely a month after the sniper attack on prosecutor Shokin, Joe Biden demanded that Shokin be replaced by Lutsenko in an aggressive gangsterish manner.

Granted, Joe Biden isn't the only guy who wanted Shokin gone. In a country like Ukraine there are a lot of criminals who would have a significant financial interest in extorting, killing or bribing the prosecutor. So it's no absolute proof. A lot of people could have ordered the hit.

That opens the question of whether or not the assassination attempt was orchestrated by the Obama administration. And even if it was, at this point, would it be in America's post-swamp era foreign policy interests to ever admit it?

Too much of a touchy subject?
Before I saw what the Deep State did and is failing to do to Trump, much of what has occurred I would have thought was realistically impossible, now it's had to exclude things we would have routinely excluded before.
UPDATE: 11/27/2019

Pursuant of the timeline, I have found a contemporaneous BBC report regarding the attempted assassination of PG Viktor Shokin. circa 02/03/2015.

Ukraine prosecutor 'targeted by sniper'

"Ukraine's officials have launched a criminal investigation into what they believe was an assassination attempt on the country's top prosecutor.

They say a sniper fired three shots at the office of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin late on Monday in Kiev, but bulletproof glass saved his life.

Any assistance further verifying and/or substantiating this report would be greatly appreciated.

The relevance to the timeline is that years after the event, on a hot mic, Joe Biden admitted that he had a motive to eliminate Viktor Shokin.
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UPDATE: 5/25/2020

Apparently audio surveillance of calls between Biden and Poroshenko have been leaked.

Any assistance further verifying and/or substantiating this report would be greatly appreciated.

The relevance to the timeline is that it shows that Joe Biden approved the installation of Yuriy Lutsenko, a convicted corrupt official with no law degree, who is currently a fugitive from justice, into the Prosecutor General position.
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The quid pro Joe everyone is ignoring...

Leaked phone conversations between Joe Biden and then-Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko have been made public by a Ukrainian lawmaker.

Edited recordings of the calls were played at a news conference Tuesday in Kiev by Andriy Derkach, who has claimed he has proof showing that Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden, paid then-Vice President Joe Biden $900,000 in lobbying fees.

Details of the conversations between Biden and Poroshenko have been previously reported.

Derkach said he received the leaked audio from ā€œinvestigative journalistsā€ ā€” and that the recordings were made by Poroshenko himself.

Audio of the calls with English subtitles was later posted on YouTube

The quid pro Joe everyone is ignoring...

Leaked phone conversations between Joe Biden and then-Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko have been made public by a Ukrainian lawmaker.

Edited recordings of the calls were played at a news conference Tuesday in Kiev by Andriy Derkach, who has claimed he has proof showing that Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Bidenā€™s son Hunter Biden, paid then-Vice President Joe Biden $900,000 in lobbying fees.

Details of the conversations between Biden and Poroshenko have been previously reported.

Derkach said he received the leaked audio from ā€œinvestigative journalistsā€ ā€” and that the recordings were made by Poroshenko himself.

Audio of the calls with English subtitles was later posted on YouTube

That's former President Poroshenko on tape admitting that they had nothing to support allegations that Viktor Shokin was corrupt.

Democrats keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt, yet they never provide any sort of evidence.

The call also confirms that Biden was involved in the decision to install the corrupt non-attorney, Yuriy Lutsenko, to be the Prosecutor General.

That's significant because some moonbat Democrats were trying to claim that it was just a mere coincidence that Biden approved the $1 billion loan guarantee the day after Lutsenko was made installed into the PGO.

In that May 13, 2016 phone call, Poroshenko said that he agreed to install Lutsenko the last time he had met with Biden. According to our timeline, that would have been of March 31, 2016 in Washington DC at the 4th Nuclear Security Summit.

The Democrats falsely claimed that Trump's phone call with president Zelenski was proof of a quid pro quo. Of course, as usual, it was a distraction tactic. They were simply accusing Trump of doing what they themselves were doing, again.

This phone call with president Poroshenko proves it. The quid pro quo was that in return for installing Biden's corrupt "solid" Burisma friendly guy Yuriy Lutsenko into the PGO, Joe was willing sign off on the 3rd $1 billion loan guarantee.

And Hunter becomes a millionaire, for doing nothing. Since Joe is so old, they probably just consider it an early inheritance. Joe wouldn't be around to be around to spend that money anyways.
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I've found a link to the actual date that Shokin's PGO raided Zlochevsky's home.

It was February 2, 2016.


Something new to add to the corruption timeline today

May 12, 2014: Zlovcheski advisor Vadym Pozharskyi sends email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer seeking to use their political influence against Ukraine's Prosecutor General, Oleh Makhnitskyi, and the Ecology Minister.

"We urgently need your advice on how you could use your inļ¬‚uence to convey a message signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions"

Dear Hunter and Devon, Following our talks during the visit to the Como Lake and our further discussions,I would like to bring the following situation to your attention. As previously pointed out on a number of occasions, the representatives of newauthorities in power tend to quite aggressively approach N. Z. unofļ¬cially withthe aim to obtain cash from him. Initially, it was done by the representatives of Svoboda party and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These so called unofļ¬cial"communications" would entail blackmailing: in case we don't cooperate i.e.provide money in cash the gaz production business of N.Z. would be stopped,destroyed etcā€¦ Itā€™s important to note that Svoboda party is represented in the government by theGeneral Prosecutor and by Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Of Ukraine. The last organ together with the State Geological and Subsurface Surveyof Ukraine, which is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Ecology and NaturalResources of Ukraine, are principal regulators in the area of issuing licenses fornatural resources and control. After unsuccessful attempts to receive funds from our side, they proceeded withconcrete actions. So far we got information (through unofļ¬cial channels) that one or more pretrialproceedings were initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs with regrad toBurima Holdings companies that are heavily engaged in gas production andhappen to be our Holdings' key companies. The Ministry of Internal Affairs contacted the Ministry of Ecology and NaturalResources and the State Geological and Subsurface Survey of Ukraine to obtainall documents concerning licenses issued since 2006 until now to the companiesof our Holding. Apart from that, they would unofļ¬cially approach our partnres, clients, supplierstrying to intimidate them to stop working with our companies.

These are typical instruments to destabilize business. We urgently need your advice on how you could use your inļ¬‚uence to convey amessage / signal, etc .to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actionsbearing in mind the following: Burisma holdings is a leader among private gas producers;Our primary client is Accelor Mital- Ukraine's biggest metal steel plant. We covermore thet 60% of its gas needs.Our clients and their production are largely dependant on our work and our abilityto perfom our contractual obligations;We employ hundreds of employees etc. and etc.;Negative inļ¬‚uence on our companies may result in multy-level negative social,econimical and political consequnces. Please advice, looking forward for your reply, Vadym Pozharskyi
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Update: Another date for the timeline.

May 13, 2014: Eric Schwerin sends email to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer asking them to remove a photo of Joe Biden and Devon Archer from Burisma's website.

Not sure of the significance of this photo, other than Schwerin certainly thought it was significant enough to want it to disappear.
"Mr Shokin further stated that there were several Burisma board appointments were made in 2014 as follows:

Devon Archer (left) with Joe and Hunter Biden
  1. Hunter Biden son of Vice President Joseph Biden
  2. Joseph Blade former CIA employee assigned to Anti-Terrorist Unit
  3. Alesksander Kwasnieski former President of Poland
  4. Devon Archer roomate to the Christopher Heinz the step-son of Mr. John Kerry United States Secretary of State
"Mr. Shokin stated that these appointments were made by Mr. Slochevsky in order to protect himself."
I think #2 is a typo. I have nothing to corroborate that there was an ex-CIA agent named "Joseph Blade" on the board.

However there was a "Joseph Black" on the Burisma board who was formerly head of the CIA Anti-Terrorism Center from 1999 to 2002.


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