The Biden Health Care Plan....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Joe said to go to his site and read it..... SO I DID...

Everything he is touting TRUMP HAS DONE MONTHS AGO..

Trump did warp speed fast tracking not only vaccines but therapeutics and treatments.

Trump used the defense production act to create PPE, Medications, Ventilators, and paying for vaccines in advance so that they could become available by mid November or December to MILLIONS of Americans.

The only difference I can see in how one would handle it over the other is the LOCK-DOWNS...

Joe would kill America with his lock-downs and Trump would take a measured approach of protecting the vulnerable and letting everyone else get on with life. Masking would be a personal decision of individuals using their brains rather than being ordered to mask up or else.

Last night was a clear description of Joe having nothing to offer..
Joe said to go to his site and read it..... SO I DID...

Everything he is touting TRUMP HAS DONE MONTHS AGO..

Trump did warp speed fast tracking not only vaccines but therapeutics and treatments.

Trump used the defense production act to create PPE, Medications, Ventilators, and paying for vaccines in advance so that they could become available by mid November or December to MILLIONS of Americans.

The only difference I can see in how one would handle it over the other is the LOCK-DOWNS...

Joe would kill America with his lock-downs and Trump would take a measured approach of protecting the vulnerable and letting everyone else get on with life. Masking would be a personal decision of individuals using their brains rather than being ordered to mask up or else.

Last night was a clear description of Joe having nothing to offer..
Quid Pros Rona plan is face diaper & lock down mandates and magnify the panic porn with more testing, focusing on infections rather than deaths & a Big Brother style of enforcement. It's a plan made by fascists for morons. No thanks
My understanding is that Joe Biden wants to include a public option, meaning gov't run and paid health care insurance. Which basically ends up as socialized medicine, or Medicare For All. But there's one giant problem: how to pay for it. The estimates I've seen say that would cost some $34 trillion over 10 years; some say that's overblown while others say the actual cost would be even higher. And raising taxes on the rich and the big corps isn't going to come close to that number, so either all of us have to pay much higher taxes like in Sweden or we go deeper into debt at a breakneck speed. And our children and children's children end up paying the interest on that debt forever, and it won't be long before that interest becomes the single highest budget item that has to be paid.

And of course there's also the problem of insufficient resources to provide healthcare for everybody. We flat out don't have enough doctors and nurses and facilities to cover the increase in demand, and here's the bad part that is left unsaid: the gov't would pay for care given at Medicare levels or even lower than that, which means less income for HC providers and hospitals. So, a lot of rural hospitals would go out of business, they wouldn't be financially sustainable. And fewer people will enter the medical profession in the future, so that problem doesn't go away and in fact gets worse.

Joe said last night that healthcare was a right; no, it's not, it's a service that somebody has to provide and get paid for. The gov't should not have the power to force anyone to provide a service and dictate what their payment should be. There's gotta be a better way, and until we find it the public option should not be an option.
THIS is the Biden Care Plan . . .

Biden is now on TV and he is claiming that we must lock down and that is the only way to beat it.. Now he is claiming fiat mandates. This is a fool that doesnt have a clue about the FAILURE OF MASKS.

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