The BDS movement taken to it's logical conclusion.

Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Operator, Eight Months After 'Boycott' Controversy
read more: Orange to sever ties with Israeli operator, eight months after 'boycott' controversy - Business

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But if you are trying to imply that Orange has divested from Israel you are mistaken

Orange CEO 'sincerely regrets' Israel controversy | The ...

Orange CEO ‘sincerely regrets’ Israel controversy
Stephane Richard claims previous statements did not imply company was seeking to withdraw from Jewish state
End Quote

BDS accomplishments?! Less than nothing. Having spent hundreds of millions of dollars for a failed campaign, they managed to get themselves banned from most US campuses.

All the while Israel roars ahead and more and more companies rush to do business with them. :clap2:
BDS accomplishments?! Less than nothing. Having spent hundreds of millions of dollars for a failed campaign, they managed to get themselves from most US campuses.

All the while Israel roars ahead and more and more companies rush to do business with them. :clap2:
Well, you wouldn't want Muslims to waste money on non-Jew hating.
Actually it was not a similar BDS movement. Even the briefest of views of the two situations will reveal the glaring differences. The first and most basic is that Israel is not an apartheid state. Its the palestinians who are requiring Israel to institute restrictions in order to quell the ongoing palestinian violence. Its a state of war. South Africa was not at war.

Another glaring difference is that while South Africa was a colonial state the Israeli's are a first nations people. Its the Arab Muslims who conquered and colonized the middle east, a very small portion of which has now been won by its native inhabitants.
Incorrect Bozo

There is almost no difference between the defunct fascist S African government and the current fascist state of Israel.

Both enforced a segregated apartheid social structure by the use of an paramilitary police. ..... :cool:
You have Israel mistaken with ISIS and Hamas, who practice strict Shariah shit laws that oppress non Muslims.
Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Operator, Eight Months After 'Boycott' Controversy
read more: Orange to sever ties with Israeli operator, eight months after 'boycott' controversy - Business

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But if you are trying to imply that Orange has divested from Israel you are mistaken

Orange CEO 'sincerely regrets' Israel controversy | The ...

Orange CEO ‘sincerely regrets’ Israel controversy
Stephane Richard claims previous statements did not imply company was seeking to withdraw from Jewish state
End Quote
that was June 6, 2015
France's Orange dumps Israeli affiliate that backed Gaza war

“The influence of BDS on policy is more than a trickle; it’s a flow,” said Shimon Samuels, the Paris-based director for international relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “And it’s happening all over Europe.”
Orange pullout seen as sign of BDS influence on French policy
Here the thread goes wandering again....
This is about the BDS and they have to be logically consistent. That means no apple laptops, and no computers using the last 3 operating systems or Pc operating systems using Vista, 8, or 10. And all the other things that come out of there
So what's your point?

During the 1930's Nazi Germany lead the world in technology and inventions.

And we all know how that turned out. ...... :cool:
Yes, however today's Palestinians / Muslim Arabs who are the offspring of the Nazis aren't as advanced as the Germans.
Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Operator, Eight Months After 'Boycott' Controversy
read more: Orange to sever ties with Israeli operator, eight months after 'boycott' controversy - Business

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But if you are trying to imply that Orange has divested from Israel you are mistaken

Orange CEO 'sincerely regrets' Israel controversy | The ...

Orange CEO ‘sincerely regrets’ Israel controversy
Stephane Richard claims previous statements did not imply company was seeking to withdraw from Jewish state
End Quote
that was June 6, 2015
France's Orange dumps Israeli affiliate that backed Gaza war
Well if the Electronic Inti-FARTA says so....
Can anyone list the magnificent acheivements of the BDS - Bowel Discharge Sydrome movement?
Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Operator, Eight Months After 'Boycott' Controversy
read more: Orange to sever ties with Israeli operator, eight months after 'boycott' controversy - Business

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But if you are trying to imply that Orange has divested from Israel you are mistaken

Orange CEO 'sincerely regrets' Israel controversy | The ...

Orange CEO ‘sincerely regrets’ Israel controversy
Stephane Richard claims previous statements did not imply company was seeking to withdraw from Jewish state
End Quote
that was June 6, 2015
France's Orange dumps Israeli affiliate that backed Gaza war

“The influence of BDS on policy is more than a trickle; it’s a flow,” said Shimon Samuels, the Paris-based director for international relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “And it’s happening all over Europe.”
Orange pullout seen as sign of BDS influence on French policy

Yes I see that dates however this seems to be a licensing dispute and have nothing to do with any form of boycott

Stephane Richard denied that the company’s decision to end its brand-licensing agreement with Partner, Israel’s second largest mobile operator, “as soon as possible from a contractual point of view”, in any way implied that Orange was seeking to withdraw from the Jewish state.
End Quote


“This has nothing to do with Israel; we love Israel, we are in Israel, in the enterprise market, we invest money in innovation in Israel, we are a friend of Israel, so this has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of political debate, in which I don’t want to be,” Richard told Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.
End Quote

And this from only a few months ago.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but are you now implying that the company and its directors have somehow made a complete about face and suddenly are engaging in this failed boycott thing ?

from what I can tell this is a simple licensing dispute and has nothing to do with any effort to divest in such a lucrative business.

Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Operator, Eight Months After 'Boycott' Controversy
read more: Orange to sever ties with Israeli operator, eight months after 'boycott' controversy - Business

I'm not sure if you are serious or not. But if you are trying to imply that Orange has divested from Israel you are mistaken

Orange CEO 'sincerely regrets' Israel controversy | The ...

Orange CEO ‘sincerely regrets’ Israel controversy
Stephane Richard claims previous statements did not imply company was seeking to withdraw from Jewish state
End Quote
that was June 6, 2015
France's Orange dumps Israeli affiliate that backed Gaza war

“The influence of BDS on policy is more than a trickle; it’s a flow,” said Shimon Samuels, the Paris-based director for international relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “And it’s happening all over Europe.”
Orange pullout seen as sign of BDS influence on French policy

Yes I see that dates however this seems to be a licensing dispute and have nothing to do with any form of boycott

Stephane Richard denied that the company’s decision to end its brand-licensing agreement with Partner, Israel’s second largest mobile operator, “as soon as possible from a contractual point of view”, in any way implied that Orange was seeking to withdraw from the Jewish state.
End Quote


“This has nothing to do with Israel; we love Israel, we are in Israel, in the enterprise market, we invest money in innovation in Israel, we are a friend of Israel, so this has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of political debate, in which I don’t want to be,” Richard told Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.
End Quote

And this from only a few months ago.

Maybe I misunderstood you, but are you now implying that the company and its directors have somehow made a complete about face and suddenly are engaging in this failed boycott thing ?

from what I can tell this is a simple licensing dispute and has nothing to do with any effort to divest in such a lucrative business.

Gee what a suprise, Fanger posted lies and false propaganda.
Devastating! Meanwhile record high number of companies from all over the world are flocking to Israel. :rofl:
Dan Shapiro, pointedly remarked that the threats to boycott Israel were being driven, in part, by a lack of peace negotiations.

“The problem is that now there are no negotiations,” Shapiro told Israel Radio. “In the past when there were negotiations, that was the most effective tool to tell other countries, perhaps private companies as well, not to impose sanctions because that would upset efforts to reach a solution.”
Orange says it plans to terminate contract with brand partner in Israel
If BDS were not a success, U.S. state legislatures would not be trying (and sometimes succeeding) to pass laws criminalizing support of BDS. In complete contravention of the first amendement. If BDS were not a success, 12 BDS activists would not have been jailed for merely supporting BDS. If BDS were not a success Israel would not have budgeted 25 million USD in November of 2015 to combat BDS.

The more repressive the U.S. and Europe becomes against those critical of Israeli policies, the stronger the resistance will become. That's just how it works.
Telecom giant Orange to end Israel presence within 2 years
Telecom giant Orange to end Israel presence within 2 years
From the mouth piece of Israeli´s


Its becoming clear that you are trying to misrepresent a licensing agreement dispute as some kind of support for a failed boycott. Its not.

Orange chairman tells Israel he will never back boycott ...

Jerusalem (AFP) - The head of French telecoms giant Orange told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday his company had nothing to do with a campaign to boycott the Jewish state, despite Israeli allegations.

"I regret, deeply, this controversy," Stephane Richard told Netanyahu in English in videotaped remarks distributed by the premier's office.

"I want to make it totally clear that Orange as a company has never supported and will never support any kind of boycott against Israel," he said, on the second day of a peacemaking visit to Israel.
End Quote


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