The Barber uglified my cut

Looks fine.
Good choice of

Personally, I use
Should I change my name to Whet Fartzzs?
Is it really that cold there or are you hiding your piece under that coat?
There is a time when we grow up that we must start getting grown up haircuts.
I've gotten pretty good at cutting my own; no point in paying for haircuts when scissors and mirrors are available. I do need those three mirror type bathroom mirrors, though, to see the back well.
T thought a mullet was a cut that is short in the front and long in the back. Yours looks short all over to me.
T thought a mullet was a cut that is short in the front and long in the back. Yours looks short all over to me.

It is not a Joe Dirt mullet, maybe thats why you think it is not a mullet at all. But the barber in the back ruined it. Such a idiot. It took me 6 months to grow it to the length i have now.
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