The Barack Obama / Barry Soetoro / HARRISON J BOUNELL Plot Thickens...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
The more people dig, the more we find out that Barack Obama is hiding a MOUNTAIN of discrepancies in regards to his birth place, his birth nationality, his social security number, his schooling, his passport, his medical records, his land purchases, and now... HIS NAME. His entire identity has virtually NO PART OF IT that can be VERIFIED. It's a maze of lies, distortions, secrets, frauds and hiding of information...

Abracadabra! 'Obama's alias' vanishing quickly from Web

[ame=]OBAMA IS HARRISON J BOUNELL (TRUNEWS 5-18-11) - YouTube[/ame]

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"A Mountain of discrepancies'"? (Laughs)

I have offered to resolve the mystery surrounding president Obama birth if paid $50 million, but no one has agreed to my offer. All I can say here is that the produced long-form of birth certificate appears a faked aged.
"A Mountain of discrepancies'"? (Laughs)

I have offered to resolve the mystery surrounding president Obama birth if paid $50 million, but no one has agreed to my offer. All I can say here is that the produced long-form of birth certificate appears a faked aged.

And what makes you think you could "solve it?"

There is no "solving" that needs to be done at this point, enough of the facts are already known. Now a congressional investigation is another thing, or FBI, or an indictment. At some point I'm certain we'll have that. My guess is though the powers that be want to wait until obama, or whoever this usurper is, is out of office, so when it is proven he was illegally holding the office of President, therefore everything he did and signed is null and void, they'll all just throw their hands up and say, "well it's too late to do anything about that now." The level of corruption in Washington is staggering. They know obama isn't eligible to be President, but all the rest of them are involved in their own little schemes and scandals and don't want open the can of worms on obama for fear it will turn the heat up on themselves. Our government is broken.
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Pale Rider


Grownups really don't give a shit about this anymore.
For a ten year old kid.....Obama sure got in a lot of trouble
"A Mountain of discrepancies'"? (Laughs)

I have offered to resolve the mystery surrounding president Obama birth if paid $50 million, but no one has agreed to my offer. All I can say here is that the produced long-form of birth certificate appears a faked aged.

And what makes you think you could "solve it?"

There is no "solving" that needs to be done at this point, enough of the facts are already known. Now a congressional investigation is another thing, or FBI, or an indictment. At some point I'm certain we'll have that. My guess is though the powers that be want to wait until Obama, or whoever this usurper is, is out of office, so when it is proven he was illegally holding the office of President, therefore everything he did and signed is null and void, they'll all just throw their hands up and say, "well it's too late to do anything about that now." The level of corruption in Washington is staggering. They know Obama isn't eligible to be President, but all the rest of them are involved in their own little schemes and scandals and don't want open the can of worms on Obama for fear it will turn the heat up on themselves. Our government is broken.

And why would the Congress wait until Obama is out of office and then unnecessarily waste taxpayers' monies to prove his illegitimacy as president of US, and then waste more taxpayers' monies voiding all they spent money approving? Would this not be outright insanity?

And, I am a born-Thinker, and know how best to resolve the issue surrounding president Obama's actual place of birth. $50 millions to L'Afrique for a guaranteed resolution of Obama's actual place of birth, anyone?
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The more people dig, the more we find out that Barack Obama is hiding a MOUNTAIN of discrepancies in regards to his birth place, his birth nationality, his social security number, his schooling, his passport, his medical records, his land purchases, and now... HIS NAME. His entire identity has virtually NO PART OF IT that can be VERIFIED. It's a maze of lies, distortions, secrets, frauds and hiding of information...


There's no statute of limitations on this crap. Time enough after regime change in 2013 (January!) to launch the investigations. Only questions remains whether legislation signed into law by an imposter actually IS law. Court cases could go on for a century!
What is always laughable, are the insults and pure BULL SHIT from... well... first off, ODUMBOBOTS, and second, from people who know little to NOTHING about the depth of this issue, and NEVER dispute the facts that are known.

If I do nothing more than aggravate them, I love the hell ot'of it.
lol, I didn't vote for Obama, I don't even like the mother fucker, but this is the same shit as "Bush did WTC". With the way this stupid trend is going, in 2020, the President will be a Chinese communist/genetic experiment/cyborg from the future/the antichrist that starts a secret war with Czechoslovakia as a diversion for his ultimate goal: The elimination of the McRib.

And that son of a bitch almost got away with it. Where's infowars when you need them?
"A Mountain of discrepancies'"? (Laughs)

I have offered to resolve the mystery surrounding president Obama birth if paid $50 million, but no one has agreed to my offer. All I can say here is that the produced long-form of birth certificate appears a faked aged.

And what makes you think you could "solve it?"

There is no "solving" that needs to be done at this point, enough of the facts are already known. Now a congressional investigation is another thing, or FBI, or an indictment. At some point I'm certain we'll have that. My guess is though the powers that be want to wait until Obama, or whoever this usurper is, is out of office, so when it is proven he was illegally holding the office of President, therefore everything he did and signed is null and void, they'll all just throw their hands up and say, "well it's too late to do anything about that now." The level of corruption in Washington is staggering. They know Obama isn't eligible to be President, but all the rest of them are involved in their own little schemes and scandals and don't want open the can of worms on Obama for fear it will turn the heat up on themselves. Our government is broken.

And why would the Congress wait until Obama is out of office and then unnecessarily waste taxpayers' monies to prove his illegitimacy as president of US, and then waste more taxpayers' monies voiding all they spent money approving? Would this not be outright insanity?

And, I am a born-Thinker, and know how best to resolve the issue surrounding president Obama's actual place of birth. $50 millions to L'Afrique for a guaranteed resolution of Obama's actual place of birth, anyone?

How much is $50 million in Nigerian currency? :lol:
There's no statute of limitations on this crap. Time enough after regime change in 2013 (January!) to launch the investigations. Only questions remains whether legislation signed into law by an imposter actually IS law. Court cases could go on for a century!

Seriously? The USSC has already turned down hearings on five separate complaints by the conspiracy theorists. The high court has the final word, and will continue to toss this crap into File 13. State courts are welcome to waste their own taxpayer dollars, however.
They would have found this shit during the campaign... wait, Illuminati did it. And Icke's evil Jew space lizards.

No, it was the grand plan of Islamic fundamentalists to install a caliphate as the rule of law in the US. Oh wait, the Islamic fundamentalists are being defeated all over the Arab Regions. Muslims are finally privy to what the rest of the world has going for it instead of living as though they're still in the 16th Century. The "Arab Spring kinda shoots the Beck conspiracy theory all to hell.

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