The Atlantic Slave Trade


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade, only 10.7 million of whom survived the Middle Passage. Fewer than 388,000 of them arrived in the United States. The majority of those who survived the harrowing Atlantic crossing ended up in Brazil (4.9 million). The story of slavery in Brazil is worth studying to understand the brutality of the practice. Slaves in Brazil suffered a terrifyingly high mortality rate due to conditions and treatment. Brazil did not abolish slavery until 1888.
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade, only 10.7 million of whom survived the Middle Passage. Fewer than 388,000 of them arrived in the United States. The majority of those who survived the harrowing Atlantic crossing ended up in Brazil (4.9 million). The story of slavery in Brazil is worth studying to understand the brutality of the practice. Slaves in Brazil suffered a terrifyingly high mortality rate due to conditions and treatment. Brazil did not abolish slavery until 1888.

Slaves were brought to Brazil very early ... mid 15th century. They worked the Sugar plantations.

History of the Jews in Brazil - Wikipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › History_of_the_Jews_in_Brazil
Many Sephardic Jews from Holland and England worked with the maritime trade of the Dutch West India Company, especially with the sugar production in the northeast of Brazil.
And slaves numbered 4 mil at the last census in the US in 1860 before the Civil War. Excellent returns from such relatively small breeding stock, eh? Good husbandry all right.
United States: black and slave population 1790-1880 | Statista

Yes, breeding programs were introduced during those times to get the best result for the money spent on the human cargo that was enslaved here and many other places like Brazil...

I will go further and what should be discussed also is the fact in Brazil the Black population that came from slaves are still looked down at in a South American country and how racism is widespread in countries like Brazil and Colombia when it come to the Black and indigenous populations of those countries...
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade, only 10.7 million of whom survived the Middle Passage. Fewer than 388,000 of them arrived in the United States. The majority of those who survived the harrowing Atlantic crossing ended up in Brazil (4.9 million). The story of slavery in Brazil is worth studying to understand the brutality of the practice. Slaves in Brazil suffered a terrifyingly high mortality rate due to conditions and treatment. Brazil did not abolish slavery until 1888.

The slave trade was dominated by Jews, and Jews had an outright monopoly on the slave trade in Brazil.

Here's the ADL waterboy, Wikipedia: " Jews and the American Slave Trade is a 1998 book by American historian Saul S. Friedman published by the Transaction Publishers. It focuses on the Jewish involvement in the American slave trade and is a polemical rebuttal against the 1991 work The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

Wikipedia doesn't mention that The Secret History between Blacks and Jews is a tightly researched 2-volume book by Nation of Islam with a companion tome called Jews Selling Blacks consisting of nothing but reproductions of actual slave auction bills. Friedman's book is available on Amazon. NOI's book is banned. Gee, wonder why. That right there tells you who to believe.
The East Africa slave trade by the Muslims was far bigger and longer

Not really. While they did have slaves, they didn't have many because they couldn't feed them. The rules were different too. They believe Allah smiles when a slave was freed. Slave women were freed if they gave birth to a child and the child had rights to the father. Prince Bandar was the son of a slave mother and Prince Sultan.... which means his grandfather was Ibn Saud.
All these slave stories are sad and enlightening. I wonder why people don't look at the caravans coming to the US as the slaves they are. Cheap labor and cheap votes are all these people represent to neocons and Democrats. Sympathy and compassion have nothing to do with it.
All these slave stories are sad and enlightening. I wonder why people don't look at the caravans coming to the US as the slaves they are. Cheap labor and cheap votes are all these people represent to neocons and Democrats. Sympathy and compassion have nothing to do with it.

Illegals can't vote.. They aren't US citizens.
All these slave stories are sad and enlightening. I wonder why people don't look at the caravans coming to the US as the slaves they are. Cheap labor and cheap votes are all these people represent to neocons and Democrats. Sympathy and compassion have nothing to do with it.

Illegals can't vote.. They aren't US citizens.
Yeah. The law says they can't smuggle humans and deal drugs either.
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade, only 10.7 million of whom survived the Middle Passage. Fewer than 388,000 of them arrived in the United States. The majority of those who survived the harrowing Atlantic crossing ended up in Brazil (4.9 million). The story of slavery in Brazil is worth studying to understand the brutality of the practice. Slaves in Brazil suffered a terrifyingly high mortality rate due to conditions and treatment. Brazil did not abolish slavery until 1888.

Slaves were brought to Brazil very early ... mid 15th century. They worked the Sugar plantations.

History of the Jews in Brazil - Wikipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › History_of_the_Jews_in_Brazil
Many Sephardic Jews from Holland and England worked with the maritime trade of the Dutch West India Company, especially with the sugar production in the northeast of Brazil.
You need to be accurate in more of your statements. Columbus did not even get to the New World until 1492. By your statement there was a thriving slave trade some 40 years earlier or more then the discovery of what becomes the Western Hemisphere.
12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World during the Atlantic Slave Trade, only 10.7 million of whom survived the Middle Passage. Fewer than 388,000 of them arrived in the United States. The majority of those who survived the harrowing Atlantic crossing ended up in Brazil (4.9 million). The story of slavery in Brazil is worth studying to understand the brutality of the practice. Slaves in Brazil suffered a terrifyingly high mortality rate due to conditions and treatment. Brazil did not abolish slavery until 1888.

Slaves were brought to Brazil very early ... mid 15th century. They worked the Sugar plantations.

History of the Jews in Brazil - Wikipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › History_of_the_Jews_in_Brazil
Many Sephardic Jews from Holland and England worked with the maritime trade of the Dutch West India Company, especially with the sugar production in the northeast of Brazil.
You need to be accurate in more of your statements. Columbus did not even get to the New World until 1492. By your statement there was a thriving slave trade some 40 years earlier or more then the discovery of what becomes the Western Hemisphere.

Jews living in Spain and Portugal were expelled and many of them went to Amsterdam.. Since they knew about irrigation some of them went to Brazil to manage sugar plantations. They were Sephardim and called Sugar Jews.

My ancestors were sea captains for the Dutch West Indies company.. Lots and lots of documents in the archives both in Holland and Recife, Brazil.

There have been Jews in what is now Brazil since the first Portuguese arrived in the country in 1500, notably Mestre João and Gaspar da Gama who arrived in the first ships. A number of Sephardic Jews immigrated to Brazil during its early settlements. They were known as "New Christians" (Conversos or Marranos — Jews obliged to convert to Roman Catholicism by the Portuguese crown).
New York's First Jews Came From Brazil! | Behind The Scenes › new-yorks-first-jews-came-from-brazil
It was the first Jewish congregation in North America. But did you know these refugees came from Recife, Brazil? Recife is home to the oldest synagogue in the Americas, estimated to have been built in the 1630s. Then parts of Brazil were under Dutch control, and many Sephardic Jews
And slaves numbered 4 mil at the last census in the US in 1860 before the Civil War. Excellent returns from such relatively small breeding stock, eh? Good husbandry all right.
United States: black and slave population 1790-1880 | Statista
It also means pumpkin, that the slaves were not as horrible abused as the race baiters would have the world believe. Facts are that blacks slaves were treated better than white indentured servants, and the increase in the numbers of the slaves not even including all that were set free shows it. Seems blacks survival rates in america as slaves was higher that being black in africa.
And slaves numbered 4 mil at the last census in the US in 1860 before the Civil War. Excellent returns from such relatively small breeding stock, eh? Good husbandry all right.
United States: black and slave population 1790-1880 | Statista
It also means pumpkin, that the slaves were not as horrible abused as the race baiters would have the world believe. Facts are that blacks slaves were treated better than white indentured servants, and the increase in the numbers of the slaves not even including all that were set free shows it. Seems blacks survival rates in america as slaves was higher that being black in africa.

Slavery was quite brutal in Brazil and America. Do you know why some white immigrants were indentured?
And slaves numbered 4 mil at the last census in the US in 1860 before the Civil War. Excellent returns from such relatively small breeding stock, eh? Good husbandry all right.
United States: black and slave population 1790-1880 | Statista
It also means pumpkin, that the slaves were not as horrible abused as the race baiters would have the world believe. Facts are that blacks slaves were treated better than white indentured servants, and the increase in the numbers of the slaves not even including all that were set free shows it. Seems blacks survival rates in america as slaves was higher that being black in africa.

Slavery was quite brutal in Brazil and America. Do you know why some white immigrants were indentured?
I didn't say Brazil--------or Jamica--or any other nation---America typically means the country of USA. CATHOLICS, spanairds were quit brutal to everyone. The worst by far. Like the Catholics, the other christian sects justified slavery as saving the souls (they just weren't as brutal on a wide scale as the catholics) to make them christians---Slavery didn't start out based on color, but upon religion.

Do I know why some white immigrants were indentured? To pay off their passage to america and criminal debts if they were criminals---------they usually didn't survive their years of servitude. And fyi sweetie, blacks were also indentured here.
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And slaves numbered 4 mil at the last census in the US in 1860 before the Civil War. Excellent returns from such relatively small breeding stock, eh? Good husbandry all right.
United States: black and slave population 1790-1880 | Statista
It also means pumpkin, that the slaves were not as horrible abused as the race baiters would have the world believe. Facts are that blacks slaves were treated better than white indentured servants, and the increase in the numbers of the slaves not even including all that were set free shows it. Seems blacks survival rates in america as slaves was higher that being black in africa.

Slavery was quite brutal in Brazil and America. Do you know why some white immigrants were indentured?
I didn't say Brazil--------or Jamica--or any other nation---America typically means the country of USA. CATHOLICS, spanairds were quit brutal to everyone. The worst by far. Like the Catholics, the other christian sects justified slavery as saving the souls (they just weren't as brutal on a wide scale as the catholics) to make them christians---Slavery didn't start out based on color, but upon religion.

Do I know why some white immigrants were indentured? To pay off their passage to america and criminal debts if they were criminals---------they usually didn't survive their years of servitude. And fyi sweetie, blacks were also indentured here.

The earliest slave trade to the Americas (Brazil)..

It was no accident, some say, that Columbus set sail on the very same day that the Jews were expelled from Spain. Indeed, while there is much unresolved speculation regarding the provenance of Columbus himself, it is clear that his trip was financed by Jews, desperate to find a place they could live and worship in peace.

Over the next centuries, the Caribbean, Latin America, and even North America were settled by Sephardim. Thus, the first Jews in what would become the US and Canada were of Sephardic origin.

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