The Assignation Game

What's next 30 days to bolster their presidential campaign?

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Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
I have to agree with the recent scenario attributed to Tucker Carlson. I believe the Democrats need an assassin to lift their spirits.
I have to agree with the recent scenario attributed to Tucker Carlson. I believe the Democrats need an assassin to lift their spirits.


Last night MSNBC allowed James Carville to show his reservations on Biden. We'll have to wait to see if that's going to be amplified by other Dem propagandists, or find that it's not time yet.

It's not time yet.

That pretty much leaves the only choice to be an assassination.

It's just hard to imagine who the OP had in mind? Trump has to be a Dem asset.

I would add 'dropping dead' to the lisst of choices.
It's good to see the Trump cultists so panicked so early.
The point is, there's uncertainty with both Biden and Trump. If they're going to 'pull' Biden it should be when the commitment to Trump can't be reversed.

Some could be thinking that the commitment has already been made.
Hmmm, with the recent news on Hunter, maybe he's the one to get Epsteined? Joe of course would drop out being to distraught over the death of another son. Hunters death along with Joe not running would also be used to end any type of investigation into the Bidens along with information on Ukraine corruption.

It's possible it would need to happen sooner giving democrats time to spin and rebrand the Biden policies with new talking points on why they failed and what needs to be done to make them succeed.

Democrats know they can't steal another election with Joe topping the ticket.
Hmmm, with the recent news on Hunter, maybe he's the one to get Epsteined? Joe of course would drop out being to distraught over the death of another son. Hunters death along with Joe not running would also be used to end any type of investigation into the Bidens along with information on Ukraine corruption.

It's possible it would need to happen sooner giving democrats time to spin and rebrand the Biden policies with new talking points on why they failed and what needs to be done to make them succeed.

Democrats know they can't steal another election with Joe topping the ticket.
Good theory on the possible assassination of Hunter.
But the result you predict is unlikely. It could just as likely propel Joe to the presidency.

And the commotion that would take place!! The government would go on a manhunt for the assassins and would carry out the proper response on the spot, that's required of the enemy attempting another coup.

Good theory because that could be the only way for Trump to get the kind of action he desires so much.

Trump's hands have been tied behind his back by the courts and this would set him free!
It's just hard to imagine who the OP had in mind? Trump has to be a Dem asset.
Last week, I was entertaining the idea that the best scenario for the Democrats would be for Hunter to kill his father. That tidies everything there. Then Kamal opens the Democratic Primary season challenged by the big names in the Party. Sound good - no?
Last week, I was entertaining the idea that the best scenario for the Democrats would be for Hunter to kill his father. That tidies everything there. Then Kamal opens the Democratic Primary season challenged by the big names in the Party. Sound good - no?
I don't really know if the Dems would take a chance with Kamala?

The necessary discussion can't take place until Joe is out of the picture.

I tend to think the party would jump over her to Newsom, but that could be wrong.

I composed the opening on my phone without glasses after I awoke and smoked. I really like how it turned out.

If they're going to 'pull' Biden it should be when the commitment to Trump can't be reversed.
The conservatives who are campaigning DeSantis say Trump is their second choice.

The government would go on a manhunt for the assassins and would carry out the proper response on the spot, that's required of the enemy attempting another coup.
I would be very surprised if the manhunt were longer than ten minutes. That's why I thought it better if Hunter knocked off his father. And, it seems that the reissue of the gun charge is so apropos.
I composed the opening on my phone without glasses after I awoke and smoked. I really like how it turned out.

The conservatives who are campaigning DeSantis say Trump is their second choice.
From my Canadian POV, I would say that DeSantis doesn't stand any chance at all. The reason for that thinking is, if Trump isn't in the race then Trumpism will quickly crumble on account of nobody wanting to get back in that frying pan.
DeSantis is nothing more than Trump light now.
It did look like DeSantis had the right idea with banking on Trump disappearing, but that's faded out now.
I would be very surprised if the manhunt were longer than ten minutes.
The biggest value on getting Hunter would be the anarchy that would arise out of it, and then the untying of Trump's hands.

I like the theory because something big has to happen and the OP hasn't helped with any real suggestions that could make it happen.

Assassination of Trump?

There has to be at least hundreds of thousands of Americans who understand that democracy has been reduced to no better than 50/50 on Trump's return.
So, my scenario gets rid of the Biden problem, and that leaves Kamala elevated to the presidency as the Democrat incumbent.

Oh yeah, I forgot about him for my poll.
That's how it's supposed to work.

But consider that with Biden out of the picture the party could turn against everything Biden, and that means Kamala too.

It's a stretch alright, but everything is stretched lately.

There are too many indications that Newsom is being groomed and prepared. And again from my Canadian POV, he would destroy Trump.

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