The Answer To The Healthcare Problem.

Medicare Part D is expensive and confusing.

The republicans who promised choices and value with this program back in 2001 ended up protecting the profits of the insurance corporations instead.

I for one am not surprised.

Government regulation of pharmaceuticals (just adding to the "theme")
Medicare Part D is expensive and confusing.

The republicans who promised choices and value with this program back in 2001 ended up protecting the profits of the insurance corporations instead.

I for one am not surprised.


2003 they promised and you should have gone on and found a less expensive Part D.

Let each state fix it Healthcare problem and keep it out of the hands of the Federal Government!


Feed more insurance executives and buy their children Ferrari motor cars.

First, we separate tax plans where taxpayers have a choice.
So that way, liberals/Democrats/Greens who believe in health care as a right
can fund and funnel their taxes and labor into that, the same way Catholics
and Prolife are expected to fund their own beliefs in programs protecting Life as a Right.

And yes, the Republicans and Conservatives who'd rather pay their money
and taxes to reform VA and pay for Veterans first, while spending their money
on Cadillac plans for themselves, their children, and/or donate to St Judes
and build charity hospitals and clinics through Doctors Without Borders
instead of funding govt run programs can invest their donations and dollars there.

I'd also recommend to Democrats such as Congress reps Sheila Jackson Lee
and Al Green to call for prison reforms, defunding the death penalty, and creating
jobs in medical education and health care services with state resources and facilities
that currently waste billions of tax money on failed prison and mental health systems.

So although you were SARCASTIC
it's actually true, that the first step IS to
separate tax choices where citizens DO
have a FREE CHOICE how to pay for
health care (as well as their other personal choices you listed).

We do have to respect civil liberties and free choice
when it comes to health care that involves VERY
personal choices of health care, finances and beliefs!!!

Let each state fix it Healthcare problem and keep it out of the hands of the Federal Government!

The most fair way to do it is by giving healthcare to children and those who work, while leaving the ones on welfare out in the cold with a bill.

If you don't pay into the community generated fund for a particular service, you don't receive that service.
Feed more insurance executives and buy their children Ferrari motor cars.

First, we separate tax plans where taxpayers have a choice.
So that way, liberals/Democrats/Greens who believe in health care as a right
can fund and funnel their taxes and labor into that, the same way Catholics
and Prolife are expected to fund their own beliefs in programs protecting Life as a Right.

And yes, the Republicans and Conservatives who'd rather pay their money
and taxes to reform VA and pay for Veterans first, while spending their money
on Cadillac plans for themselves, their children, and/or donate to St Judes
and build charity hospitals and clinics through Doctors Without Borders
instead of funding govt run programs can invest their donations and dollars there.

I'd also recommend to Democrats such as Congress reps Sheila Jackson Lee
and Al Green to call for prison reforms, defunding the death penalty, and creating
jobs in medical education and health care services with state resources and facilities
that currently waste billions of tax money on failed prison and mental health systems.

So although you were SARCASTIC
it's actually true, that the first step IS to
separate tax choices where citizens DO
have a FREE CHOICE how to pay for
health care (as well as their other personal choices you listed).

We do have to respect civil liberties and free choice
when it comes to health care that involves VERY
personal choices of health care, finances and beliefs!!!

So..... rather than grouping together by employer, the main advantage being that the insurance companies are guaranteed payment from a captive market, we group together based on political and religious ideologies, the main advantage being that people won't find themselves contributing to a pool that pays for things that they abhor, like family planning based on technology and chemicals, eh? :eusa_eh:

I like it!! :rock:

Basically, would be making the insurance companies sell their products to us individually rather than to our employers, and we would make them collect premiums from us each individually, forcing them to segregate the market in which they ply their craft by ideologies and beliefs based on what goods and services a given insurance corporation would be willing to pay benefits on....

I like it. Make sure that the insurance corporations are also forced to share the entire US market and sell their products freely across state lines and you have my vote :thup:

The Insurance Lobby may voice some di$$ent, but I think you're on to something there emilynghiem !!

I love emilynghiem, but this idea of hers is silly. If the goal is to respect civil liberties and free choice, all government needs to do is nothing. Just stay the hell out of the way.
Nothing, eh? :razz:

The truth tends to do that to conservative solutions, even when delivered via sarcasm.


What truth ?

Your OP makes no sense. And I do understand sarcasm.

But, were you trying to make a point or just vent ?
Both. I find that the amounts we pay for the administration of the health insurance bureaucracies in this country to be nothing short of stupid.

It is ridiculous what we pay insurance executives for running a bureaucracy. It's not like it's difficult - any mid-level government bureaucrat could pull it off easily.
I love emilynghiem, but this idea of hers is silly. If the goal is to respect civil liberties and free choice, all government needs to do is nothing. Just stay the hell out of the way.

Dear dblack but the legislation that invades civil liberties is still in place.
it needs to be MOVED out of the way by transferring all those programs elsewhere!

Have you ever seen photos of the kind of surgeries
done "back in the old days": to feed blood to organs,
the doctors tried grafting skin and blood vessels "temporarily" from
one part of the body to the other UNTIL that part recovered.
Afterwards, the doctors REMOVED these extra "appendages" that were
merely providing that blood flow. Or else this person looks DEFORMED.

Well, with government, for states and populations that couldn't
pay and invest in programs by PRIVATE investment (as Houston
could do after the Depression, but other states could not), these
programs DEPENDED ON Federal Govt with the INTENTION of
only being temporary. But that never was removed but stayed on,
even though this isn't proper constitutional use of govt.

So we never removed these supportive vessels that aren't
the way the body is really set up to receive circulation.

What you are saying by leaving it alone is never
removing the artificial support that has bogged down federal govt.
Leaving it alone is not going to change it, nor keep it off govt.
If we don't set up the regular means of supporting social programs
and services locally per district or state, that means people are
going to try to go back and reinstate and depend on federal govt AGAIN.
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I love emilynghiem, but this idea of hers is silly. If the goal is to respect civil liberties and free choice, all government needs to do is nothing. Just stay the hell out of the way.

Dear dblack but the legislation that invades civil liberties is still in place.
it needs to be MOVED out of the way by transferring all those programs elsewhere!

Have you ever seen photos of the kind of surgeries
done "back in the old days": to feed blood to organs,
the doctors tried grafting skin and blood vessels "temporarily" from
one part of the body to the other UNTIL that part recovered.
Afterwards, the doctors REMOVED these extra "appendages" that were
merely providing that blood flow. Or else this person looks DEFORMED.

Well, with government, for states and populations that couldn't
pay and invest in programs by PRIVATE investment (as Houston
could do after the Depression, but other states could not), these
programs DEPENDED ON Federal Govt with the INTENTION of
only being temporary. But that never was removed but stayed on,
even though this isn't proper constitutional use of govt.

So we never removed these supportive vessels that aren't
the way the body is really set up to receive circulation.

What you are saying by leaving it alone is never
removing the artificial support that has bogged down federal govt.
Leaving it alone is not going to change it, nor keep it off govt.
If we don't set up the regular means of supporting social programs
and services locally per district or state, that means people are
going to try to go back and reinstate and depend on federal govt AGAIN.

When I say do nothing and stay the hell out of the way, I'm not suggesting we accept the status quo. Doing nothing would be a radical change from the way the federal government currently operates.
Both. I find that the amounts we pay for the administration of the health insurance bureaucracies in this country to be nothing short of stupid.

It is ridiculous what we pay insurance executives for running a bureaucracy. It's not like it's difficult - any mid-level government bureaucrat could pull it off easily.

There are a lot of things that are stupid about hour health care system. But it's still a pretty good system.

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