The American Oligarchs War on the Middle Class


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The US Oligarchs are the people most in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership 'Agreement' (not treaty!, lol), and their biggest engine driving more globalism is the leadership of the Republican Party. They push this globalism in disguise as 'free trade' (i.e. unfair trade that screws American workers) and 'tolerance' (tolerance for people who enter the nation illegally and take their jobs).

The net result of this is that the Oligarchs are killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs. The consumer economy built since the 1930s and that pulled us out of the Great Depression (with help from the Germans and Japanese by providing targets in WW2, thank you guys!) that consumer economy was driven by an immense consumer class of average Middle Class Americans who could and would, with a little advertising encouragement, buy all the unhealthy wasteful crap that was sold to them via the corporate owned media.

In the 1990's after corporate incentives to hire American workers went away, the Oligarchs discovered that they could cheat the system, by using cheap foreign labor in places like Indonesia, Vietnam and China to make their schlock and then still sell it to an ever more gullible and hedonistic American consumer market that was generally still healthy from the previous decades of nurturing the consumer markets.

But so many other Oligarch cheats have caught on to this strategy that we have witnessed a whole sale race out of the US to make cheap crap while still claiming the benefits of being an 'American' corporation that the consumer market, the American 'Buy It Anyway' Middle Class, is finally collapsing before our eyes. And what couldnt be exported (with the jobs) to China is being converted to in-country cheap labor by abusing the H1-B visa program or using illegal black market labor.

And here we have a snapshot of the Middle Class of this year. Do you like it? It's only going to get WORSE.

How the Globalists Stole Christmas

The American middle class, the economic engine of the U.S.’s once-thriving post World War II society, is fighting for its very survival against the forces of globalization, technology and immigration.

A new study by Pew Research Center shows that the middle class is withering away. Even using Pew’s generous definition of the middle class as between $42,000 and $126,000 in annual income for a household of three, this group shrank from 61 percent of the population in 1971 to just 50 percent in 2015.

Not only is it disappearing, but the middle class is getting poorer. The median income for the group in 2015 is four percent lower than in 2000, and the middle class’s share of total income in the U.S. over this period fell from 62 percent to just 43 percent.

The findings are a sharp indictment of President Obama’s “middle class economics” strategy. It has sought to bolster Middle America through expanded government programs, wealth transfers, minimum wage hikes and stricter labor regulations. Meantime, Obama allows low-wage – or no-wage – immigrants to pour in.

Instead of closing the income gap, these efforts have only served to exacerbate it. Yet the administration still remains mystified as to how society is becoming poorer despite its benevolent social engineering.

“You have seen a hollowing out of the middle of the income distribution and there’s neither one cause for it nor a single answer,” Jason Furman, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, told the Financial Times.

In light of this, it’s not hard to understand why populist candidates like Donald Trump and his pledge to “Make America Great Again,” or even the extreme brand of socialism from Bernie Sanders have become so popular.

The stratification of society, diminishing living standards among the working classes, diminishing economic opportunities and record-high distrust of Washington bureaucrats make the idea of blowing up the entire political establishment much more appealing.

Indeed, the Pew study vindicates what these disgruntled voters have been saying all along. The gains from trade, globalization and technology are largely accruing to the upper class — which saw its ranks and share of income surge. Meantime, outsourcing and unchecked immigration are putting downward pressure on wages for blue collar work.
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And here's another glimpse at the state of the American Middle Class.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year Washington's Blog

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year
We just got more evidence that the middle class in America is dying. According to brand new numbers that were just released by the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all workers in the United States make less than $30,000 a year. Let that number sink in for a moment. You can’t support a middle class family in America today on just $2,500 a month – especially after taxes are taken out. And yet more than half of all workers in this country make less than that each month. In order to have a thriving middle class, you have got to have an economy that produces lots of middle class jobs, and that simply is not happening in America today.

You can find the report that the Social Security Administration just released right here. The following are some of the numbers that really stood out for me…

-38 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.

-51 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.

-62 percent of all American workers made less than $40,000 last year.

-71 percent of all American workers made less than $50,000 last year.

That first number is truly staggering. The federal poverty level for a family of five is $28,410, and yet almost 40 percent of all American workers do not even bring in $20,000 a year.

If you worked a full-time job at $10 an hour all year long with two weeks off, you would make approximately $20,000. This should tell you something about the quality of the jobs that our economy is producing at this point.

Almost half of our nation lives just above the poverty level in income. When will we wake up and take our country back from the god damned oligarchs who are ruining it?
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The leadership of both parties have sold their souls to Microsoft and the other Oligarchs. This isnt a Democan vrs Republocrat issue. The Democans defend the Oligarchs by demanding free immigration and attack opponents as racists, while Republocrat leaders defend it as good for the GDP and attack opponents as lazy losers who cant compete with cheap third world labor.

Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game

Today politicians from both political parties, echoing the claims of many special interest groups that provide massive campaign contributions, use deceptive language to achieve their (criminal) goals. As you will see, the claims they make about immigration are without merit and are deceptive and seek to satisfy their campaign contributors.

The perpetrators are our elected politicians from both the “Repugnantcan” and “Demoncrat” parties.

Many politicians have insisted that aliens do the work Americans are either too lazy or too dumb to do. Politicians also have repeatedly claimed that upon graduation from colleges, foreign students in the U.S. should have “Green Cards stapled onto their diplomas,” purportedly to keep these foreign students from returning to their home countries half-way around the world and competing with American companies.

Here's a far better solution: Educate American kids who are likely to not go half-way around the world after graduation but no farther than half-way across town.

Today there are more than 1.1 million foreign students studying in the United States. They are attending more than 9,000 schools and, because there is an abject shortage of ICE agents to conduct field investigations, there is no way to know if many of these schools even exist. In some instances the schools are nothing more than “mills” that, given the authority to petition for foreign students, simply pocket the “tuition” paid by “students” who never study anything in the United States.

Because of a lack of ICE agents, the monitoring of foreign students is actually done by foreign student advisors employed by the schools. Where legitimate schools are concerned, it is likely that the officials take their responsibilities seriously -- but when dealing with shady operations this is akin to having the proverbial “wolf guarding the henhouse.”

Furthermore, America is comprised of its citizens and not companies that are generally multinational corporations that say a “Pledge of Allegiance” to the bottom line and not to our republic or our flag.

Our Declaration of Independence begins with the phrase, “We the people...”
The US Oligarchs are the people most in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership 'Agreement' (not treaty!, lol), and their biggest engine driving more globalism is the leadership of the Republican Party. They push this globalism in disguise as 'free trade' (i.e. unfair trade that screws American workers) and 'tolerance' (tolerance for people who enter the nation illegally and take their jobs).

The net result of this is that the Oligarchs are killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs. The consumer economy built since the 1930s and that pulled us out of the Great Depression (with help from the Germans and Japanese by providing targets in WW2, thank you guys!) that consumer economy was driven by an immense consumer class of average Middle Class Americans who could and would, with a little advertising encouragement, buy all the unhealthy wasteful crap that was sold to them via the corporate owned media.

In the 1990's after corporate incentives to hire American workers went away, the Oligarchs discovered that they could cheat the system, by using cheap foreign labor in places like Indonesia, Vietnam and China to make their schlock and then still sell it to an ever more gullible and hedonistic American consumer market that was generally still healthy from the previous decades of nurturing the consumer markets.

But so many other Oligarch cheats have caught on to this strategy that we have witnessed a whole sale race out of the US to make cheap crap while still claiming the benefits of being an 'American' corporation that the consumer market, the American 'Buy It Anyway' Middle Class, is finally collapsing before our eyes. And what couldnt be exported (with the jobs) to China is being converted to in-country cheap labor by abusing the H1-B visa program or using illegal black market labor.

And here we have a snapshot of the Middle Class of this year. Do you like it? It's only going to get WORSE.

How the Globalists Stole Christmas

The American middle class, the economic engine of the U.S.’s once-thriving post World War II society, is fighting for its very survival against the forces of globalization, technology and immigration.

A new study by Pew Research Center shows that the middle class is withering away. Even using Pew’s generous definition of the middle class as between $42,000 and $126,000 in annual income for a household of three, this group shrank from 61 percent of the population in 1971 to just 50 percent in 2015.

Not only is it disappearing, but the middle class is getting poorer. The median income for the group in 2015 is four percent lower than in 2000, and the middle class’s share of total income in the U.S. over this period fell from 62 percent to just 43 percent.

The findings are a sharp indictment of President Obama’s “middle class economics” strategy. It has sought to bolster Middle America through expanded government programs, wealth transfers, minimum wage hikes and stricter labor regulations. Meantime, Obama allows low-wage – or no-wage – immigrants to pour in.

Instead of closing the income gap, these efforts have only served to exacerbate it. Yet the administration still remains mystified as to how society is becoming poorer despite its benevolent social engineering.

“You have seen a hollowing out of the middle of the income distribution and there’s neither one cause for it nor a single answer,” Jason Furman, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, told the Financial Times.

In light of this, it’s not hard to understand why populist candidates like Donald Trump and his pledge to “Make America Great Again,” or even the extreme brand of socialism from Bernie Sanders have become so popular.

The stratification of society, diminishing living standards among the working classes, diminishing economic opportunities and record-high distrust of Washington bureaucrats make the idea of blowing up the entire political establishment much more appealing.

Indeed, the Pew study vindicates what these disgruntled voters have been saying all along. The gains from trade, globalization and technology are largely accruing to the upper class — which saw its ranks and share of income surge. Meantime, outsourcing and unchecked immigration are putting downward pressure on wages for blue collar work.
You are absolutely spot on, and I knew this but didn't know how to express it in words so precise... The empowerment of Americans and America is no more, but the enslavement of Americans is the order of the day now by these greed riddled globalist.

The only ones winning slightly at the moment, are those who created or insulated their little micro-economies in which they live in within their group's.

Quickly these little insulated group's of Americans are falling apart. They think of themselves as the hold outs, but they won't be able to resist much longer if they don't broaden their reach fast, and take back their lost and dying power fast. They are mere chum in the water now, and the sharks are all about them ready to strike and they are.

The allowance by the leaders or ideology of the hold outs to exclude those who would have strengthened their group, is now coming back to haunt them so bad.. Now I don't mean compromising or allowing pure sin or people hell bent on being a Trojan horse to be allowed into the group, but to recognise that their are thousands who have been excluded simply based upon idiotic class warfare that is waged constantly in this nation.

I mean look at how radical their candidate running for president has to be in order to get their side represented now. It has gotten that bad for them now. Everyday I see the group falling apart, being sucked into the suction of their sinking ship. It's just sad because these people are all that's left of the old and once strong American culture, but they have forsaken their roles in it, by allowing all sorts of bad to infiltrate their culture, their families and their American government that once represented them.

Recognizing the threat is of paramount importance now, and ridding itself of those who have misled them or mis-guide them is of utmost importance now. Small American companies need to get on board in helping to take this nation back, and to quit mis-treating it's American workers due to greed. "Empowering Patriotic, Liberty Loving, Freedom Loving, Working Class American's Again, is our number one goal". This should be the new theme by the candidates running in this election, and to limit global influence on this nation big time going foward.
What's sad is people like me who know all this stuff, yet has been made voiceless in this society. I come here because I feel that maybe I can help in some way.. I have lived through all the transformations, and I have seen the devastating effects of it all. The worst thing is how Americans that you think are for you, are actually for your destruction based upon how well they used you to get what they want, and then throw you away like a piece of trash afterwards. I own everything I have at this point, and I worked hard for it, but I have to feel threatened constantly by a society that is controlled by forces who do not have my best interest at heart anymore. I see this nation falling fast as plants/factories have closed by the thousands.

Neighborhoods have become waistlands by the thousands and thousands of acres now. Business can't even accurately predict the outcomes of their investing in these communities anymore.

Many communities aren't safe to operate in anymore for businesses small or large. Then there is the piling on of all the social issues that our government exploits for it's ultimate goals. I know to much is what I know..
The US Oligarchs are the people most in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership 'Agreement' (not treaty!, lol), and their biggest engine driving more globalism is the leadership of the Republican Party. They push this globalism in disguise as 'free trade' (i.e. unfair trade that screws American workers) and 'tolerance' (tolerance for people who enter the nation illegally and take their jobs).

The net result of this is that the Oligarchs are killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs. The consumer economy built since the 1930s and that pulled us out of the Great Depression (with help from the Germans and Japanese by providing targets in WW2, thank you guys!) that consumer economy was driven by an immense consumer class of average Middle Class Americans who could and would, with a little advertising encouragement, buy all the unhealthy wasteful crap that was sold to them via the corporate owned media.

In the 1990's after corporate incentives to hire American workers went away, the Oligarchs discovered that they could cheat the system, by using cheap foreign labor in places like Indonesia, Vietnam and China to make their schlock and then still sell it to an ever more gullible and hedonistic American consumer market that was generally still healthy from the previous decades of nurturing the consumer markets.

But so many other Oligarch cheats have caught on to this strategy that we have witnessed a whole sale race out of the US to make cheap crap while still claiming the benefits of being an 'American' corporation that the consumer market, the American 'Buy It Anyway' Middle Class, is finally collapsing before our eyes. And what couldnt be exported (with the jobs) to China is being converted to in-country cheap labor by abusing the H1-B visa program or using illegal black market labor.

And here we have a snapshot of the Middle Class of this year. Do you like it? It's only going to get WORSE.

How the Globalists Stole Christmas

The American middle class, the economic engine of the U.S.’s once-thriving post World War II society, is fighting for its very survival against the forces of globalization, technology and immigration.

A new study by Pew Research Center shows that the middle class is withering away. Even using Pew’s generous definition of the middle class as between $42,000 and $126,000 in annual income for a household of three, this group shrank from 61 percent of the population in 1971 to just 50 percent in 2015.

Not only is it disappearing, but the middle class is getting poorer. The median income for the group in 2015 is four percent lower than in 2000, and the middle class’s share of total income in the U.S. over this period fell from 62 percent to just 43 percent.

The findings are a sharp indictment of President Obama’s “middle class economics” strategy. It has sought to bolster Middle America through expanded government programs, wealth transfers, minimum wage hikes and stricter labor regulations. Meantime, Obama allows low-wage – or no-wage – immigrants to pour in.

Instead of closing the income gap, these efforts have only served to exacerbate it. Yet the administration still remains mystified as to how society is becoming poorer despite its benevolent social engineering.

“You have seen a hollowing out of the middle of the income distribution and there’s neither one cause for it nor a single answer,” Jason Furman, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, told the Financial Times.

In light of this, it’s not hard to understand why populist candidates like Donald Trump and his pledge to “Make America Great Again,” or even the extreme brand of socialism from Bernie Sanders have become so popular.

The stratification of society, diminishing living standards among the working classes, diminishing economic opportunities and record-high distrust of Washington bureaucrats make the idea of blowing up the entire political establishment much more appealing.

Indeed, the Pew study vindicates what these disgruntled voters have been saying all along. The gains from trade, globalization and technology are largely accruing to the upper class — which saw its ranks and share of income surge. Meantime, outsourcing and unchecked immigration are putting downward pressure on wages for blue collar work.

It's not just America, it's a world wide war on the Middle Class. I've always been anti-Globalisation, when the full effects come into force, hundreds of millions right across the globe are really going to suffer....the politicians allowing this to happen are essentially traitors to their people.
The US Oligarchs are the people most in favor of the Trans Pacific Partnership 'Agreement' (not treaty!, lol), and their biggest engine driving more globalism is the leadership of the Republican Party. They push this globalism in disguise as 'free trade' (i.e. unfair trade that screws American workers) and 'tolerance' (tolerance for people who enter the nation illegally and take their jobs).

The net result of this is that the Oligarchs are killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs. The consumer economy built since the 1930s and that pulled us out of the Great Depression (with help from the Germans and Japanese by providing targets in WW2, thank you guys!) that consumer economy was driven by an immense consumer class of average Middle Class Americans who could and would, with a little advertising encouragement, buy all the unhealthy wasteful crap that was sold to them via the corporate owned media.

In the 1990's after corporate incentives to hire American workers went away, the Oligarchs discovered that they could cheat the system, by using cheap foreign labor in places like Indonesia, Vietnam and China to make their schlock and then still sell it to an ever more gullible and hedonistic American consumer market that was generally still healthy from the previous decades of nurturing the consumer markets.

But so many other Oligarch cheats have caught on to this strategy that we have witnessed a whole sale race out of the US to make cheap crap while still claiming the benefits of being an 'American' corporation that the consumer market, the American 'Buy It Anyway' Middle Class, is finally collapsing before our eyes. And what couldnt be exported (with the jobs) to China is being converted to in-country cheap labor by abusing the H1-B visa program or using illegal black market labor.

And here we have a snapshot of the Middle Class of this year. Do you like it? It's only going to get WORSE.

How the Globalists Stole Christmas

The American middle class, the economic engine of the U.S.’s once-thriving post World War II society, is fighting for its very survival against the forces of globalization, technology and immigration.

A new study by Pew Research Center shows that the middle class is withering away. Even using Pew’s generous definition of the middle class as between $42,000 and $126,000 in annual income for a household of three, this group shrank from 61 percent of the population in 1971 to just 50 percent in 2015.

Not only is it disappearing, but the middle class is getting poorer. The median income for the group in 2015 is four percent lower than in 2000, and the middle class’s share of total income in the U.S. over this period fell from 62 percent to just 43 percent.

The findings are a sharp indictment of President Obama’s “middle class economics” strategy. It has sought to bolster Middle America through expanded government programs, wealth transfers, minimum wage hikes and stricter labor regulations. Meantime, Obama allows low-wage – or no-wage – immigrants to pour in.

Instead of closing the income gap, these efforts have only served to exacerbate it. Yet the administration still remains mystified as to how society is becoming poorer despite its benevolent social engineering.

“You have seen a hollowing out of the middle of the income distribution and there’s neither one cause for it nor a single answer,” Jason Furman, chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, told the Financial Times.

In light of this, it’s not hard to understand why populist candidates like Donald Trump and his pledge to “Make America Great Again,” or even the extreme brand of socialism from Bernie Sanders have become so popular.

The stratification of society, diminishing living standards among the working classes, diminishing economic opportunities and record-high distrust of Washington bureaucrats make the idea of blowing up the entire political establishment much more appealing.

Indeed, the Pew study vindicates what these disgruntled voters have been saying all along. The gains from trade, globalization and technology are largely accruing to the upper class — which saw its ranks and share of income surge. Meantime, outsourcing and unchecked immigration are putting downward pressure on wages for blue collar work.

It's not just America, it's a world wide war on the Middle Class. I've always been anti-Globalisation, when the full effects come into force, hundreds of millions right across the globe are really going to suffer....the politicians allowing this to happen are essentially traitors to their people.
Yep but no one seems to want to call them out on it... Maybe Trump will get the job done... Who knows.... He could be a globalist also, and so will he sell the nation out even farther down the road ?

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