The American Liberal Mind


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The logical and epistemological paradox of the American Liberal mind both fascinates and inspires me to melancholic, ironical jocundity, in attempting to understand its moral and intellectual dichotomy--eternally locked within a cycle of internecine philosophical at-thought-war within its own cultural brain. On one hand, the ramrod postured, quick-stepping, sharp eyed American Liberal mind, with airs of proud defiance of tradition and liberated, "evolved" speech spoken like victory laps run around all ancient taboos, proclaims triumph over all of those repressive, authoritarian dark corners of bygone history-- in the illumination of those musty, cobwebbed spaces with the blinding light of ideological revolution.

In conquering the primeval "status quo" of patriarchal Christian heralded Western democratic societies, the Liberal mind also professes deafeningly, its depthless self-pride, in an innate and unique ability-- as evolved, over-goer "enlightened ones"-- to think critically enough to be capable of objectively intellectualizing away God and Christianity as a mere mental exercise for repeating the words: "Let there be light", as a secular, atheistic recreation of that same antediluvian act from Genesis, but for illumination of their postmodern New Age of Übermenschen, in contradiction of the uttering of those words in the casting of that eternally luminescent blemish on the abyssal face of the deep.

On the other hand, in ironic defiance of the American Liberal mind's assertion of it's spirit of rebelliousness against all ancient moral authority, and revolutionary capacity for critical thinking, it also allows itself to be programmed by the words, philosophies and tenets of spiritually empty, suicidal, bloodthirsty and genocidal "overmen" philosophers, revolutionaries, intellectuals and absolutist state dictators, and as consequence worships them all as the most critical thinkers of their eras, without the intellectual honesty to impugn them publicly or among their academic peers, for the co-conspirators to genocide and genocidal maniacs they really were.

In the American Liberal mind's intellectual worship through academia of these historical mass murderers and dissemination of ideologies derived from their doctrines and accordingly thus disseminated through university students and the Democratic Party, and adjudicated into legally binding government authority, the American Liberal mind has allowed its mind, and own thought process, to be "fenced" into a very small, tightly confined intellectual and moral space where, ironically, the capacity for individual critical thinking "outside the box" of this narrow philosophical cow pen, is not only impossible, but forbidden and punished by fellow ideologues in the form of moral and intellectual aversion shock therapy, or self-flagellation more commonly and pop culturally known as: Political Correctness.

Thus, the paradox of the American Liberal mind lies in its vociferous assertion that the voluntary (out of ignorance) constraints placed on the American Conservative mind, in the form of its adherence to moral codes, Christianity and historical tradition, have robbed it of its ability to think critically. While at the same time the American Liberal mind has more willingly imprisoned itself within the confines of a very, very small "thought space" ideology more dogmatically harsh and anti-logical than any preceding religious faith in human history.

In effect, American Liberal thinkers have fully surrendered their individual free will, intellect, moral reasoning and capacity for truly open-minded thought, to the most puritanical of all doctrines: one founded on a neologism dependent cult derived from the combined philosophies of Amoralism, Utopianism, Atheism, Cultural Marxism, and Postmodernism.

To all fellow Liberal thinkers out there: you have been brainwashed to hate tradition and moral constraints in all forms; and to voluntarily confine your thought processes within a very, very small ideological box. Why won't you set your minds free?
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So much blather to say nothing. It is the mind of conservatives that must be told what to think. A liberal mind is taught to THINK and produce it's own thoughts.
So much blather to say nothing. It is the mind of conservatives that must be told what to think. A liberal mind is taught to THINK and produce it's own thoughts.

You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.
You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bed wetting parasite to "think".

It's biologically impossible.
So much blather to say nothing. It is the mind of conservatives that must be told what to think. A liberal mind is taught to THINK and produce it's own thoughts.

You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.
Your thesis is so far removed from truth it is just magical!!!
You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bed wetting parasite to "think".

It's biologically impossible.
Speaking of biology did you know conservatives are the result of botched abortions?
The logical and epistemological paradox of the American Liberal mind both fascinates and inspires me to melancholic, ironical jocundity, in attempting to understand its moral and intellectual dichotomy--eternally locked within a cycle of internecine philosophical at-thought-war within its own cultural brain. On one hand, the ramrod postured, quick-stepping, sharp eyed American Liberal mind, with airs of proud defiance of tradition and liberated, "evolved" speech spoken like victory laps run around all ancient taboos, proclaims triumph over all of those repressive, authoritarian dark corners of bygone history-- in the illumination of those musty, cobwebbed spaces with the blinding light of ideological revolution.

In conquering the primeval "status quo" of patriarchal Christian heralded Western democratic societies, the Liberal mind also professes deafeningly, its depthless self-pride, in an innate and unique ability-- as evolved, over-goer "enlightened ones"-- to think critically enough to be capable of objectively intellectualizing away God and Christianity as a mere mental exercise for repeating the words: "Let there be light", as a secular, atheistic recreation of that same antediluvian act from Genesis, but for illumination of their postmodern New Age of Übermenschen, in contradiction of the uttering of those words in the casting of that eternally luminescent blemish on the abyssal face of the deep.

On the other hand, in ironic defiance of the American Liberal mind's assertion of it's spirit of rebelliousness against all ancient moral authority, and revolutionary capacity for critical thinking, it also allows itself to be programmed by the words, philosophies and tenets of spiritually empty, suicidal, bloodthirsty and genocidal "overmen" philosophers, revolutionaries, intellectuals and absolutist state dictators, and as consequence worships them all as the most critical thinkers of their eras, without the intellectual honesty to impugn them publicly or among their academic peers, for the co-conspirators to genocide and genocidal maniacs they really were.

In the American Liberal mind's intellectual worship through academia of these historical mass murderers and dissemination of ideologies derived from their doctrines and accordingly thus disseminated through university students and the Democratic Party, and adjudicated into legally binding government authority, the American Liberal mind has allowed its mind, and own thought process, to be "fenced" into a very small, tightly confined intellectual and moral space where, ironically, the capacity for individual critical thinking "outside the box" of this narrow philosophical cow pen, is not only impossible, but forbidden and punished by fellow ideologues in the form of moral and intellectual aversion shock therapy, or self-flagellation more commonly and pop culturally known as: Political Correctness.

Thus, the paradox of the American Liberal mind lies in its vociferous assertion that the voluntary (out of ignorance) constraints placed on the American Conservative mind, in the form of its adherence to moral codes, Christianity and historical tradition, have robbed it of its ability to think critically. While at the same time the American Liberal mind has more willingly imprisoned itself within the confines of a very, very small "thought space" ideology more dogmatically harsh and anti-logical than any preceding religious faith in human history.

In effect, American Liberal thinkers have fully surrendered their individual free will, intellect, moral reasoning and capacity for truly open-minded thought, to the most puritanical of all doctrines: one founded on a neologism dependent cult derived from the combined philosophies of Amoralism, Utopianism, Atheism, Cultural Marxism, and Postmodernism.

To all fellow Liberal thinkers out there: you have been brainwashed to hate tradition and moral constraints in all forms; and to voluntarily confine your thought processes within a very, very small ideological box. Why won't you set your minds free?
The conservative strawman fallacy.
So pleased to see the use of the singular: "Mind" in the thread title.

There is actually but one "liberal mind" - the hive mind. Let any liberal display even a tiny bit of evidence that it has a single original thought and it will be stung to death by the elite.
You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that bed wetting parasite to "think".

It's biologically impossible.
Speaking of biology did you know conservatives are the result of botched abortions?

That can't be. Unborn babies are not human.
So much blather to say nothing. It is the mind of conservatives that must be told what to think. A liberal mind is taught to THINK and produce it's own thoughts.

You are incorrect, and voluntarily proven intellectually limited in your seemingly accidental use of the No True Scotsman Fallacy, to refute my thesis.

USMB Member #1 Tax Man: No true Scotsman tells other people what to think.
USMB Member #2 night_son: My granddad was a Scotsman and an army first sergeant. During the War, he often told other soldiers what to think.
USMB Member #1 Tax Man : Then your grandad wasn't a true Scotsman.

USMB Member #2 night_son: Sorry, Tax Man, you have not won the internet; there's no consolation prize, either.

Come up with something original, please. Something the result of thinking outside that tiny liberal thought box.
Your thesis is so far removed from truth it is just magical!!!

You mean magically delicious?
So pleased to see the use of the singular: "Mind" in the thread title.

There is actually but one "liberal mind" - the hive mind. Let any liberal display even a tiny bit of evidence that it has a single original thought and it will be stung to death by the elite.

That was my intent. The collective liberal mind is incapable even of deciphering from where the philosophies, falsified science and academic papers and rewritten histories which indoctrinated them into its current hive originated or derived. Their mind box leaves so little room for intellectual leg stretching, that they cannot even recognize, let alone put their finger on the narratives and memes which brainwashed them.
So much blather to say nothing. It is the mind of conservatives that must be told what to think. A liberal mind is taught to THINK and produce it's own thoughts.
Right. That's why almost everything you idiots post is directly from the media.

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