The amazing story of an indentured servant (slave white guy) thrown off the Mayflower and saved.

My Dear, I think you misunderstand his point.
No, my Dear you are the one displaying ignorance/ the real world things often are not what they are made up to be. Such is the case with so called Indentured Servitude.

Indentured Servitude was in reality just a cover for another form of slavery...there was supposedly a contract that guranteed the servant/slave some rights...however unfortunately in many if not most cases...these contracts were not enforced. There was no one to enforce them.

The servant/slave had no one to protect them or look out for them...the master was all powerful as all slave owners were......their servants/slaves were in reality at their complete mercy.

Luckily for some --they were bought by good masters who did not work them to death and let them go after they served the specified time....unfortunately most of them died before their supposed release date came up.

One half to two-thirds of all immigrants to Colonial America arrived as indentured servants. At times, as many as 75% of the population of some colonies were under the terms of indenture! Children were also indentured servants from the family they traveled with. The conditions of these indentured families were very harsh. The voyage overseas to this new land was filled with misery, stench, fumes, horror, vomit and stomach problems, sea sickness, fever, dysentery, heat and mouth-rot. Most problems arose from the old and sharply salted meat they were given to eat along with the foul drinking water. Most died before even seeing their new country. Once they reached this new land, conditions were not that much better. Winters were harsh and summers were extremely hot. Instead of working in their accustomed trade, most were forced to work the field under horrible conditions. Their living quarters were small with only the essentials to live on. Food was always scarce. Many of the men were abused and taken advantage of. If they did not perform their duties to their master's wish, their contract time/fee was extended to longer times/fines. Many men would escape for their freedom. The Virginia Colony courts realize their servants were escaping. They came up with a system using Identification Cards for documenting these servants and required these ID cards for travel. This made it more difficult for escape as his master would keep his ID card. It also made the indentured servant more like property, so they were traded or sold using this card system. Gradually, as time went by, the typical indentured servant became scarce. They served their term, bought their freedom or escaped. The farmers had to find a way to ease their labor shortage. Eventually, the final attempt to ease labor shortages was enslavement of Africans. Wherever you find slavery, you first find indentured servants.
I am not denying what has been said about indentured servitude and the abuses to the system made by greedy men out to make the fastest buck they could. All I am objecting to is equating it with institutionalized slavery, which had no contract and never ended, even for its descendants. We did not discriminate against the descendants of those indentured servants for so many generations, even after slavery was abolished, that laws had to be passed forcing equitable dealings. I am not "missing" anything. I am including a whole other list of facts that OP is for some reason ignoring. I still don't understand exactly why.
There were whites sold as slaves too. People sold their children into slavery. Druggies still try to do the same today. People are still being sold as slaves today in different parts of the world. A dear friend of mine was sold as a teenager. She was Chinese. Thankfully she met her future husband a serviceman who was stationed overseas and got away from all of that.
Yes, they call it "human trafficking" now and it is illegal in this country. It's very common for women. They're easier to control.
I am not so sure about it being a male or female issue. Assholes could care less as long as they are getting what they want. In 2008 I agreed to operate a trackhoe for a guy in Nebraska. The guy lied his ass off to get Rod and I there. He treated his male and female employees with disdain. He had the guys in the shop working in several inches of water when it rained. They were operating welders. Smart dude eh?
Being treated with disdain by a stupid employer is not "human trafficking." It's the breaks sometimes.
It was illegal as all get out but OSHA would not fine or check the guy the guy on it because of the good ole bot system they had going on there.

You are barking up the wrong tree labeling "white males" as being the only problem. Fact is you are just falling into that trap that gives creepy people an edge to get into.
The problem is much deeper than that. You have insatiable greed mongers, incompetence and a lot of unethical peeps out there in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemical and legal fields helping along the mess. Until those things all are reformed a lot of people are stuck and sick on top of all of it unless they can educate themselves and rise above it all somehow.

I don't give a shit if some people are stuck. That is their problem, not mine. It should not be my responsibility to pay their health care bills. It is their responsibility.

If the filthy ass oppressive government forces me to give my hard earned money to pay somebody else bills then by god that is slavery and it is despicable.
You are also going it about it wrong as not everyone will be as cold hearted about it all as you are portraying. The environment of corruption led us to where we are today and if the powers that be are unwilling to clean that up it will just get worse.
His name was John Howland.

It is truly an amazing story. Yes, an indentured servant. I mean can you believe it? A white slave? Huh, I did not know they were allowed to be slaves. Go figure.

Aaaanyway, he was thrown overboard by powerful waves during the voyage of the Mayflower to the new world. He was somehow saved and this is what happened.

List of famous descendants.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
Chevy Chase
Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin
Humphrey Bogart
Christopher Lloyd
Sarah Palin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benjamin Spock

  • Was he a slave white guy
  • A white slave guy
  • Or a white slave

White indentured servant.

According to the left, white indentured servants were NOT slaves.

Black indentured servants were slaves.

Not kidding.

In classic liberal fashion, she claims how much she hates slavery. Of course her only real problem with slavery is white American "capitalists" who were guilty of engaging in it.

She did not even address and so therefore ignore the facts presented. She clearly does not give one flying fuck about the Trans Sahara slave trade. She has no fucking clue. The only thing she knows is capitalism is bad, and socialism good.

She knows that all blacks are innocent of white man tyranny. That is it.

Isn't it amazing the hypocrisy of these Liberals that say out of one corner of their mouths that they hate slavery but yet the other corner demand that we all be slaves of to the state with socialism?

Socialism is slavery when you have to work to provide free shit to people that don't work. These filthy Liberals are OK with that brand of slavery.
Yet another definition of slavery is born....

You seem to think the only form of Slavery is Chattel slavery....unfortunately there are several other forms of slavery you need to study up and then get back with us. O.K.?

Any society that does not enjoy freedom or liberty are essentially those under communism...Stalin had millions and millions of slaves as well as Mao Tse Tung whom some officials in the obama regime openly admired.
His name was John Howland.

It is truly an amazing story. Yes, an indentured servant. I mean can you believe it? A white slave? Huh, I did not know they were allowed to be slaves. Go figure.

Aaaanyway, he was thrown overboard by powerful waves during the voyage of the Mayflower to the new world. He was somehow saved and this is what happened.

List of famous descendants.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
Chevy Chase
Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin
Humphrey Bogart
Christopher Lloyd
Sarah Palin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benjamin Spock

  • Was he a slave white guy
  • A white slave guy
  • Or a white slave

White indentured servant.

According to the left, white indentured servants were NOT slaves.

Black indentured servants were slaves.

Not kidding.

And in fact Africans were called indentured servants when they first started bringing them over. Most Slave owners referred to their slaves as Servants.
The problem is much deeper than that. You have insatiable greed mongers, incompetence and a lot of unethical peeps out there in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemical and legal fields helping along the mess. Until those things all are reformed a lot of people are stuck and sick on top of all of it unless they can educate themselves and rise above it all somehow.

I don't give a shit if some people are stuck. That is their problem, not mine. It should not be my responsibility to pay their health care bills. It is their responsibility.

If the filthy ass oppressive government forces me to give my hard earned money to pay somebody else bills then by god that is slavery and it is despicable.
You are also going it about it wrong as not everyone will be as cold hearted about it all as you are portraying. The environment of corruption led us to where we are today and if the powers that be are unwilling to clean that up it will just get worse.

I am actually a very generous person. I probably give more to charity each than any of you stupid Moon Bats.

I believe in the Bible teachings that charity should come from the heart, church and family. I don't believe that the friggin government should take our money by force and give it to somebody else. That is slavery and it takes away my liberty and it is despicable.

One of the failings of Democracy is that the rule of the mob can vote in servitude to the state and that robs citizens of their freedom.

Filthy Liberals condones slavery to the state and that is wrong.
I am not denying what has been said about indentured servitude and the abuses to the system made by greedy men out to make the fastest buck they could. All I am objecting to is equating it with institutionalized slavery, which had no contract and never ended, even for its descendants. We did not discriminate against the descendants of those indentured servants for so many generations, even after slavery was abolished, that laws had to be passed forcing equitable dealings. I am not "missing" anything. I am including a whole other list of facts that OP is for some reason ignoring. I still don't understand exactly why.
There were whites sold as slaves too. People sold their children into slavery. Druggies still try to do the same today. People are still being sold as slaves today in different parts of the world. A dear friend of mine was sold as a teenager. She was Chinese. Thankfully she met her future husband a serviceman who was stationed overseas and got away from all of that.
Yes, they call it "human trafficking" now and it is illegal in this country. It's very common for women. They're easier to control.
I am not so sure about it being a male or female issue. Assholes could care less as long as they are getting what they want. In 2008 I agreed to operate a trackhoe for a guy in Nebraska. The guy lied his ass off to get Rod and I there. He treated his male and female employees with disdain. He had the guys in the shop working in several inches of water when it rained. They were operating welders. Smart dude eh?
Being treated with disdain by a stupid employer is not "human trafficking." It's the breaks sometimes.
It was illegal as all get out but OSHA would not fine or check the guy the guy on it because of the good ole bot system they had going on there.

You are barking up the wrong tree labeling "white males" as being the only problem. Fact is you are just falling into that trap that gives creepy people an edge to get into.
Where did I label "white males" as being the only problem? Read that post again.
The problem is much deeper than that. You have insatiable greed mongers, incompetence and a lot of unethical peeps out there in the pharmaceutical, medical, chemical and legal fields helping along the mess. Until those things all are reformed a lot of people are stuck and sick on top of all of it unless they can educate themselves and rise above it all somehow.

I don't give a shit if some people are stuck. That is their problem, not mine. It should not be my responsibility to pay their health care bills. It is their responsibility.

If the filthy ass oppressive government forces me to give my hard earned money to pay somebody else bills then by god that is slavery and it is despicable.

I do not mind them using my tax monies to help other whites but when they give it to an alien race who hates True Americans then I have a huge problem with that. I say let them take care of their own or let them go back to Liberia or wherever....they have a huge continent over there to choose fact many would have no problem wid da gubmint setting up a fund to buy them a one way ticket....I mean if da white man is so evil and is keeping down so terribly...why not go back to da muddaland?

Ever heard of one that wanted to go back?

In classic liberal fashion, she claims how much she hates slavery. Of course her only real problem with slavery is white American "capitalists" who were guilty of engaging in it.

She did not even address and so therefore ignore the facts presented. She clearly does not give one flying fuck about the Trans Sahara slave trade. She has no fucking clue. The only thing she knows is capitalism is bad, and socialism good.

She knows that all blacks are innocent of white man tyranny. That is it.

Isn't it amazing the hypocrisy of these Liberals that say out of one corner of their mouths that they hate slavery but yet the other corner demand that we all be slaves of to the state with socialism?

Socialism is slavery when you have to work to provide free shit to people that don't work. These filthy Liberals are OK with that brand of slavery.
Yet another definition of slavery is born....

You seem to think the only form of Slavery is Chattel slavery....unfortunately there are several other forms of slavery you need to study up and then get back with us. O.K.?

Any society that does not enjoy freedom or liberty are essentially those under communism...Stalin had millions and millions of slaves as well as Mao Tse Tung whom some officials in the obama regime openly admired.

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.
His name was John Howland.

It is truly an amazing story. Yes, an indentured servant. I mean can you believe it? A white slave? Huh, I did not know they were allowed to be slaves. Go figure.

Aaaanyway, he was thrown overboard by powerful waves during the voyage of the Mayflower to the new world. He was somehow saved and this is what happened.

List of famous descendants.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
Chevy Chase
Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin
Humphrey Bogart
Christopher Lloyd
Sarah Palin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benjamin Spock

  • Was he a slave white guy
  • A white slave guy
  • Or a white slave

White indentured servant.

According to the left, white indentured servants were NOT slaves.

Black indentured servants were slaves.

Not kidding.

No indentured servants were slaves. Their color doesn't matter. If they had a contract that freed them in a specified number of years, they were an indentured servant. End of story.
His name was John Howland.

It is truly an amazing story. Yes, an indentured servant. I mean can you believe it? A white slave? Huh, I did not know they were allowed to be slaves. Go figure.

Aaaanyway, he was thrown overboard by powerful waves during the voyage of the Mayflower to the new world. He was somehow saved and this is what happened.

List of famous descendants.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
Chevy Chase
Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin
Humphrey Bogart
Christopher Lloyd
Sarah Palin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benjamin Spock

  • Was he a slave white guy
  • A white slave guy
  • Or a white slave

White indentured servant.

According to the left, white indentured servants were NOT slaves.

Black indentured servants were slaves.

Not kidding.

No indentured servants were slaves. Their color doesn't matter. If they had a contract that freed them in a specified number of years, they were an indentured servant. End of story.

most definers of things include indentured servitude under
the umbrella of slavery

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton
His name was John Howland.

It is truly an amazing story. Yes, an indentured servant. I mean can you believe it? A white slave? Huh, I did not know they were allowed to be slaves. Go figure.

Aaaanyway, he was thrown overboard by powerful waves during the voyage of the Mayflower to the new world. He was somehow saved and this is what happened.

List of famous descendants.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt
President George H. W. Bush
President George W. Bush
Chevy Chase
Alexander 'Alec' Baldwin
Humphrey Bogart
Christopher Lloyd
Sarah Palin
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Benjamin Spock

  • Was he a slave white guy
  • A white slave guy
  • Or a white slave

White indentured servant.

According to the left, white indentured servants were NOT slaves.

Black indentured servants were slaves.

Not kidding.

No indentured servants were slaves. Their color doesn't matter. If they had a contract that freed them in a specified number of years, they were an indentured servant. End of story.

My patience is wearing thin with the sort of stupidity you are exhibiting as in you are either not reading the posts or have some sort of cognitive problem that does not allow you to understand what is being said.

Once...more the so called 'contracts' that Indentured Servants supposedly had with their masters were bogus...not enforceable as in they were not enforced as in there was no one to enforce them as in......the masters could either abide by them or not......thus essentially these so called contracts were worthless....not even to mention the majority of these so called indentured servants were worked to death before the specified time for them to even be released came up.

Of course your idea that only Africans were enslaved in America fits your pc agenda but it does not fit the truth.

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

only a little of it-------and you get to walk on sidewalks

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

They spend your money and then call you a evil white devil. Have a rap sheet longer than their arm by the time they get out of High School where they learn nothing of value or anything that can help get them a job like some kind of marketable skill...thus huge,huge numbers of them are unemployable.

They feel they are entitled to your hard earned wages because their great,great,great grand daddy was a slave.

Let us look at some more truths because the truth can help set us free.

First, of the estimated 12,000,000 blacks who were brought to the Western Hemisphere, only some 500,000 were brought to what became the United States—about 5 percent. It was not necessary to import more than that because slave population grew naturally. Whereas most American slaves died of old age, life expectancy on a Caribbean sugar plantation was often seven to nine years. Many owners in South America also worked their slaves to death.

Muslims imported more black slaves to the Middle East and over a longer period than North Americans did, but there are few blacks in the region today. That is because Muslims frequently castrated slaves, and when Muslim owners impregnated black concubines, they often killed the babies.

Only 6 percent of Southerners owned slaves, and half of the owners had five or fewer. Only a small number of Southerners were slaveholders because, just prior to the Civil War, the purchase price of a slave was about $23,000 in today’s dollars. A slave with artisan skills could cost up to the equivalent of $56,700. Thus Whites had a huge,huge incentive to keep their expensive “property” healthy.

On small farms, whites usually worked alongside their slaves and there were cordial relations between the races. Before the future President Andrew Jackson built his mansion called The Hermitage, he and his slaves lived in modest quarters just 30 or 40 feet apart.

There were several routes to freedom for black slaves, and the 1860 census counted 224,963 free blacks living in the South (6 percent of all Southern blacks). Why didn’t they move to the North, where there were also communities of free blacks? Presumably, because free blacks could live comfortably in the Antebellum South.


June 6, 1864 – A family of blacks feeds their donkey. (Credit Image: ©

When we consider the lives of American slaves, we must compare them with contemporary historical standards, not current ideals. In 1842, a German visitor to Manchester, England, noted that he had seen so many people missing limbs from industrial accidents that it was like, “living in the midst of the army just returned from a campaign.”

In the industrializing American Northeast in 1820, children aged 15 and under made up 23 percent of the largely white labor force. They frequently worked 12 to 14 hours a day. Over 50 percent worked in what we would consider hazardous conditions, and both boys and girls in factories were subject to beatings and other cruel treatment. The horrors in mines were notorious.

Yes, the white child was free and the black child was not, but for many American children, it was better to be a slave.

It is therefore not surprising that one ex-slave told interviewers, “In slavery times, a poor white man was worse off than a ******.” “I’d rather be a ****** than a poor white man” was a common saying among slaves. The majority of elderly ex-slaves interviewed in the 1930s did not find slavery that onerous, and many were nostalgic for the slave era. As for breaking up families, slave families were largely intact. [xix] They were certainly more intact than in modern America.

The Middle Passage was horrific, but ocean voyages were dangerous for everyone. Comparable percentages of slaves and white crewmembers died during the trip. Africans—not whites—captured virtually every slave sold to the New World, and slavery ended in Africa only because of the efforts of abolitionist whites. Slavery has been a nearly universal practice and continues in remote corners of the Muslim world today. The West is special only in that it came to the unprecedented conclusion that slavery was immoral, and put an end to it.

An accurate understanding of the past is an essential part of our reawakening.

* * *

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

only a little of it-------and you get to walk on sidewalks

The most dangerous parts of America for White guys like me are the Black and Brown big city Democrat controlled shitholes of America after dark. They kill each other but would prefer a White guy if they can find one.

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

only a little of it-------and you get to walk on sidewalks

The most dangerous parts of America for White guys like me are the Black and Brown big city Democrat controlled shitholes of America after dark. They kill each other but would prefer a White guy if they can find one.

There are some places like that in the USA----just some.
I used to work in one. My job was to examine the people with bullets in their brains. Even there MOST people were not criminals. I am white-----I walked thru the neighborhood
every day and LIVED TO TELL THE TALE. ?democrat
controlled? well-----criminals rarely vote

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

They spend your money and then call you a evil white devil. Have a rap sheet longer than their arm by the time they get out of High School where they learn nothing of value or anything that can help get them a job like some kind of marketable skill...thus huge,huge numbers of them are unemployable.

They feel they are entitled to your hard earned wages because their great,great,great grand daddy was a slave.

Let us look at some more truths because the truth can help set us free.

First, of the estimated 12,000,000 blacks who were brought to the Western Hemisphere, only some 500,000 were brought to what became the United States—about 5 percent. It was not necessary to import more than that because slave population grew naturally. Whereas most American slaves died of old age, life expectancy on a Caribbean sugar plantation was often seven to nine years. Many owners in South America also worked their slaves to death.

Muslims imported more black slaves to the Middle East and over a longer period than North Americans did, but there are few blacks in the region today. That is because Muslims frequently castrated slaves, and when Muslim owners impregnated black concubines, they often killed the babies.

Only 6 percent of Southerners owned slaves, and half of the owners had five or fewer. Only a small number of Southerners were slaveholders because, just prior to the Civil War, the purchase price of a slave was about $23,000 in today’s dollars. A slave with artisan skills could cost up to the equivalent of $56,700. Thus Whites had a huge,huge incentive to keep their expensive “property” healthy.

On small farms, whites usually worked alongside their slaves and there were cordial relations between the races. Before the future President Andrew Jackson built his mansion called The Hermitage, he and his slaves lived in modest quarters just 30 or 40 feet apart.

There were several routes to freedom for black slaves, and the 1860 census counted 224,963 free blacks living in the South (6 percent of all Southern blacks). Why didn’t they move to the North, where there were also communities of free blacks? Presumably, because free blacks could live comfortably in the Antebellum South.


June 6, 1864 – A family of blacks feeds their donkey. (Credit Image: ©

When we consider the lives of American slaves, we must compare them with contemporary historical standards, not current ideals. In 1842, a German visitor to Manchester, England, noted that he had seen so many people missing limbs from industrial accidents that it was like, “living in the midst of the army just returned from a campaign.”

In the industrializing American Northeast in 1820, children aged 15 and under made up 23 percent of the largely white labor force. They frequently worked 12 to 14 hours a day. Over 50 percent worked in what we would consider hazardous conditions, and both boys and girls in factories were subject to beatings and other cruel treatment. The horrors in mines were notorious.

Yes, the white child was free and the black child was not, but for many American children, it was better to be a slave.

It is therefore not surprising that one ex-slave told interviewers, “In slavery times, a poor white man was worse off than a ******.” “I’d rather be a ****** than a poor white man” was a common saying among slaves. The majority of elderly ex-slaves interviewed in the 1930s did not find slavery that onerous, and many were nostalgic for the slave era. As for breaking up families, slave families were largely intact. [xix] They were certainly more intact than in modern America.

The Middle Passage was horrific, but ocean voyages were dangerous for everyone. Comparable percentages of slaves and white crewmembers died during the trip. Africans—not whites—captured virtually every slave sold to the New World, and slavery ended in Africa only because of the efforts of abolitionist whites. Slavery has been a nearly universal practice and continues in remote corners of the Muslim world today. The West is special only in that it came to the unprecedented conclusion that slavery was immoral, and put an end to it.

An accurate understanding of the past is an essential part of our reawakening.

* * *

I didn't bring my hip boots. Another good one for the rationalization list, though--
- "Slavery" doesn't mean what you think it does.

If a Negro didn't pick cotton so that the plantation owner could get money then he was punished.

If I don't pay my taxes so that the Illegals and welfare queens can get their money then I will be punished.

Please explain the difference between the two because I don't see any difference.

the white guy got to keep some of the cotton

Like the Black and Brown guys get to spend the money that I earned?

They spend your money and then call you a evil white devil. Have a rap sheet longer than their arm by the time they get out of High School where they learn nothing of value or anything that can help get them a job like some kind of marketable skill...thus huge,huge numbers of them are unemployable.

They feel they are entitled to your hard earned wages because their great,great,great grand daddy was a slave.

Let us look at some more truths because the truth can help set us free.

First, of the estimated 12,000,000 blacks who were brought to the Western Hemisphere, only some 500,000 were brought to what became the United States—about 5 percent. It was not necessary to import more than that because slave population grew naturally. Whereas most American slaves died of old age, life expectancy on a Caribbean sugar plantation was often seven to nine years. Many owners in South America also worked their slaves to death.

Muslims imported more black slaves to the Middle East and over a longer period than North Americans did, but there are few blacks in the region today. That is because Muslims frequently castrated slaves, and when Muslim owners impregnated black concubines, they often killed the babies.

Only 6 percent of Southerners owned slaves, and half of the owners had five or fewer. Only a small number of Southerners were slaveholders because, just prior to the Civil War, the purchase price of a slave was about $23,000 in today’s dollars. A slave with artisan skills could cost up to the equivalent of $56,700. Thus Whites had a huge,huge incentive to keep their expensive “property” healthy.

On small farms, whites usually worked alongside their slaves and there were cordial relations between the races. Before the future President Andrew Jackson built his mansion called The Hermitage, he and his slaves lived in modest quarters just 30 or 40 feet apart.

There were several routes to freedom for black slaves, and the 1860 census counted 224,963 free blacks living in the South (6 percent of all Southern blacks). Why didn’t they move to the North, where there were also communities of free blacks? Presumably, because free blacks could live comfortably in the Antebellum South.


June 6, 1864 – A family of blacks feeds their donkey. (Credit Image: ©

When we consider the lives of American slaves, we must compare them with contemporary historical standards, not current ideals. In 1842, a German visitor to Manchester, England, noted that he had seen so many people missing limbs from industrial accidents that it was like, “living in the midst of the army just returned from a campaign.”

In the industrializing American Northeast in 1820, children aged 15 and under made up 23 percent of the largely white labor force. They frequently worked 12 to 14 hours a day. Over 50 percent worked in what we would consider hazardous conditions, and both boys and girls in factories were subject to beatings and other cruel treatment. The horrors in mines were notorious.

Yes, the white child was free and the black child was not, but for many American children, it was better to be a slave.

It is therefore not surprising that one ex-slave told interviewers, “In slavery times, a poor white man was worse off than a ******.” “I’d rather be a ****** than a poor white man” was a common saying among slaves. The majority of elderly ex-slaves interviewed in the 1930s did not find slavery that onerous, and many were nostalgic for the slave era. As for breaking up families, slave families were largely intact. [xix] They were certainly more intact than in modern America.

The Middle Passage was horrific, but ocean voyages were dangerous for everyone. Comparable percentages of slaves and white crewmembers died during the trip. Africans—not whites—captured virtually every slave sold to the New World, and slavery ended in Africa only because of the efforts of abolitionist whites. Slavery has been a nearly universal practice and continues in remote corners of the Muslim world today. The West is special only in that it came to the unprecedented conclusion that slavery was immoral, and put an end to it.

An accurate understanding of the past is an essential part of our reawakening.

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Mac---if only REINCARNATION would be a reality-----I would wish you back to 1830 as a slave on a southern plantation

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