The 10 Year Tax Lie

Romney wants to raise taxes on the middle class to pay for additional rounds of cuts for top earners and he doesn't have the decency to match the President's transparency in releasing his own tax returns?

Bullshit.. Romney wants to cut tax rates across the board for EVERYONE. Unlike Obama, Romney is not playing to class warfare.

I take him at his word that his proposal is revenue neutral, which independent analysis (and common sense) shows raises the tax burden on the middle class while lowering it on the highest earners. It's entirely possible he's just lying and fully intends to deficit finance his tax cuts like every Republican before him.

But just going by what he says (I know, I know--it's Mitt Romney so that doesn't mean anything), he's proposing to raise taxes on the middle class to slash taxes for the wealthy. Good luck selling that pile of shit.

Or maybe he intends, unlike Obama, to increase tax revenues by growing the economy. I understand that growing an economy is a foreign concept to Obama, but it can be done. In fact, history shows that growing the economy is the best way to increase revenue.
The only one trying to sell a pile is the Obama campaign trying to sell class warfare.
The 80 selfishly consumed all they had, demanded more from the other 20, and returned very little in return.

Let's just quote the above for posterity. There you have it folks - how some supposed conservatives feel about the middle class.
Over half this country consumes 90% of the federal resources, but pay absolutely nothing.

You go ahead and quote it for posterity. The truth should always be quoted for posterity.

Perhaps YOU will answer the question.

Why do we need to raise taxes?

What was that about 90% of federal resources being taken by over 50% of the people? Whatever did that mean? And every American with a job pays 15.3% of their income in taxes.

We need to raise taxes because at the moment we are incurring debt. By next year, we probably need to start to find a balanced way to improve our fiscal position.
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The OP's own data shows that most presidents have released far more returns than Romney.

Im surprised at you...hopping on that choildish "tax return" band wagon.

I don't find it childish at all. The man is running on reducing income tax rates for the wealthiest Americans. I find it relevant to know how this would impact him - and I think it's important for Americans to see what kind of rates people such as Mr. Romney actually pay and the lengths they go to to avoid paying.

Which Senator said he committed a felony?

Another congressp[erson says "his 2010 return shows hidden overseas bank accounts"

(Sure...that makes sense....his return ShOWS HIDDEN bank accounts).
They were not disclosed in previous financial filings.

SO why should he release anymore?

(1) Because the American people deserve to know what kind of rates he's subject to

(2) because the political pressure will force his hand.

His problem is that he's stuck in a box - he won't release them for some reason, but any move to actually release them now will make him look weak (or expose information he doesn't want exposed).

Either way, he's in a lose-lose politically and it's beginning to show up in his favorability ratings. It's great politics and I'd expect both parties to run with it.

sorry....your response is the same old are just as a fool as the rest of them. Such saddens me.
No interest in addressing it.
The one person provided jobs, food, services, and essentials to the other 99.

The 19 provided labor and effort to feed themselves and provide charitable contributions to add to the one person.

The 80 selfishly consumed all they had, demanded more from the other 20, and returned very little in return.

Is it really any wonder this breaks down like it does?

80% of Americans are lazy and selfish
More reason we need to elect more Republicans

Funny...I never saw him use the woird lazy...but you seemed to refer to those 80% as lazy.


Sure...very demand more from those thast already pay the most? That is quite selfish.

returned very little in return


Typical Republican view of the vast majority of working Americans. Selfishly asking for a bigger slice of the pie. Wondering why your standard of living is declining. Wanting a decent home to live in, healthcare when you are sick, education for your kids.

I guess to Republicans ...that is being selfish
Bullshit.. Romney wants to cut tax rates across the board for EVERYONE. Unlike Obama, Romney is not playing to class warfare.

I take him at his word that his proposal is revenue neutral, which independent analysis (and common sense) shows raises the tax burden on the middle class while lowering it on the highest earners. It's entirely possible he's just lying and fully intends to deficit finance his tax cuts like every Republican before him.

But just going by what he says (I know, I know--it's Mitt Romney so that doesn't mean anything), he's proposing to raise taxes on the middle class to slash taxes for the wealthy. Good luck selling that pile of shit.

Or maybe he intends, unlike Obama, to increase tax revenues by growing the economy.

Wait what?!
80% of Americans are lazy and selfish
More reason we need to elect more Republicans

Funny...I never saw him use the woird lazy...but you seemed to refer to those 80% as lazy.


Sure...very demand more from those thast already pay the most? That is quite selfish.

returned very little in return


Typical Republican view of the vast majority of working Americans. Selfishly asking for a bigger slice of the pie. Wondering why your standard of living is declining. Wanting a decent home to live in, healthcare when you are sick, education for your kids.

I guess to Republicans ...that is being selfish

no one is denying them any of that.

The selfish part is when they continue to demand more....without offering more.

And no...I will not get into your typical tit for tat debate...Im kind of sick of your childish tactics.

I know the truth..I know what I know...and what is happening during this campaign should make all of us sick.
The Obama campaign and their lapdog media cohorts have concocted the 10 years of taxes nonsense. Other than Obama, no other president released multiple years of tax returns prior to taking office. Can this president be honest about anything? See for yourself at the link.

Tax History Project: Presidential Tax Returns

You have inside info that he did pay taxes? IF not you don't know if it's a lie or not. All Romney has to do is release those 10 years in question and it all goes away. Since he will not, make me think there is something bigger than how much taxes he paid or did not pay. :confused:
Who the fuck do Rommey think he is. Above scrutiny? Of course.

And Village Idiot, Obama has nothing to do with this in question.
Wake up rip van winkle, ALL other president relealse more then 1 year. McCain released 2 years of tax returns.

How Many Years of Tax Returns Have Presidential Candidates Released in the Past?--PICTURES - Cory Bennett -

What mind-boggling stupidity. Everybody knows this bullshit over Romney's tax returns is just a contrived deflection from the left because they can't defend Obama's crappy record. :rolleyes:

To begin with, if Romney had done anything wrong, the IRS would've already leveled charges against him. Government employees aren't supposed to appease their personal curiosities, but we all know they do, as handily evidenced by the mishandling of passport information on McCain, Clinton, and Obama in 2008 by State Dept employees. Hell, how long did it take to find out that Tim Geithner was a tax cheat when he was nominated for the DoJ?

What you people are looking for is something to nitpick over so you don't have to talk about what a gargantuan FAILURE Barack Obama has been. And Romney's not stupid enough to let you change the subject. Tough luck.

Fact is, there's no constitutional basis for demanding that Romney release his personal records. He might be running for president but he's still protected under the Bill of Rights. So, if you idiots have some sort of proof that he's done something wrong, bring your charges and get a fucking warrant. It pleases me that he's smart enough to see the likes of you for what you are, socialist thieves who think the world owes them a living and will stoop to the lowest low in order to rip off their neighbors.
The OP's own data shows that most presidents have released far more returns than Romney.

Not prior to taking office they didn't. If you'll notice the taxes they released were the years they were in office or running for office.
You do realize people making 250K are alot of small business owners who have to claim all the income before they even pay their employees..

Really, so why do democrats not pay taxes? They advocate higher taxes, yet people like you, NEVER call them on it...interesting
Atleast Republicans are honest and say taxes suck and we dont want to pay them.

I'm an independent; not a democrat. But I do know that democrats do pay taxes.

Democrats are asking those making $250K+ to pay what, 1% more?

Meanwhile, the GOP has come out firmly in the pockets of those making $250K+ and are holding the middle income tax relief bill hostage on purely political reasons. And of course there is Governor Romney's insistence on not releasing his tax returns which continues to overshadow his fledgling campaign.

Yes, Taxes are a taxing problem for the GOP.

With Schedual C, the wages paid to others is deducted from the gross for a net earnings for a tax rate, both for schedual SE for social security(which 1/2 is deducted from grass earnings before the schedual C is used) and the taxable rate on the 1040.
Funny...I never saw him use the woird lazy...but you seemed to refer to those 80% as lazy.


Sure...very demand more from those thast already pay the most? That is quite selfish.

returned very little in return


Typical Republican view of the vast majority of working Americans. Selfishly asking for a bigger slice of the pie. Wondering why your standard of living is declining. Wanting a decent home to live in, healthcare when you are sick, education for your kids.

I guess to Republicans ...that is being selfish

no one is denying them any of that.

The selfish part is when they continue to demand more....without offering more.

And no...I will not get into your typical tit for tat debate...Im kind of sick of your childish tactics.

I know the truth..I know what I know...and what is happening during this campaign should make all of us sick.

The American worker is among the most productive on earth. For that, he is receiving less and less for his efforts. Meanwhile, the CEOs and wealthy power brokers are assuming a larger and larger piece of the pie

What have they done to earn so much additional wealth? Have they produced more? Have they taken a larger piece of the global market? Have they created more jobs?

No they haven't. What they have done is assume a larger role in the political process and used the GOP to write hand crafted legislation that enables them to assume and maintain more wealth
You do realize people making 250K are alot of small business owners who have to claim all the income before they even pay their employees..

I'm an independent; not a democrat. But I do know that democrats do pay taxes.

Democrats are asking those making $250K+ to pay what, 1% more?

Meanwhile, the GOP has come out firmly in the pockets of those making $250K+ and are holding the middle income tax relief bill hostage on purely political reasons. And of course there is Governor Romney's insistence on not releasing his tax returns which continues to overshadow his fledgling campaign.

Yes, Taxes are a taxing problem for the GOP.

With Schedual C, the wages paid to others is deducted from the gross for a net earnings for a tax rate, both for schedual SE for social security(which 1/2 is deducted from grass earnings before the schedual C is used) and the taxable rate on the 1040.


Jeez. You are embarrassing.

But go with that......see how far it gets you.

You likely dont even know what a sub chapter (s) is and how taxes are calculated.

FYI....Sub chapter (s) is not federally taxed as a corporation you fucking moron.
I wish I earned 20 million and only paid 13.9% in taxes, and why in the hell does he and others get a tax deduction for a horse in a Olympic event? It is simply decadent behaoir from a priest of the Mormons.
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The Obama campaign and their lapdog media cohorts have concocted the 10 years of taxes nonsense. Other than Obama, no other president released multiple years of tax returns prior to taking office. Can this president be honest about anything? See for yourself at the link.

Tax History Project: Presidential Tax Returns

If the Governor paid a tax rate of X, he can't ask others to pay greater than X unless he's also willing to blow up the rules that resulted in him paying that rate.

All indications from the stealth-like Romney campaign is that he likes the low tax rates he and other millionaires pay. Which is why the Senate passed the tax relief bill for those making less than $250K and the GOP quickly did nothing about it.

Taxes are a taxing problem for the GOP.

which Americans pay more then 15% for capital gains.

We know you dont.
You do realize people making 250K are alot of small business owners who have to claim all the income before they even pay their employees..

With Schedual C, the wages paid to others is deducted from the gross for a net earnings for a tax rate, both for schedual SE for social security(which 1/2 is deducted from grass earnings before the schedual C is used) and the taxable rate on the 1040.


Jeez. You are embarrassing.

But go with that......see how far it gets you.

You likely dont even know what a sub chapter (s) is and how taxes are calculated.

FYI....Sub chapter (s) is not federally taxed as a corporation you fucking moron.

Sub chapter S is a non active participant form of investment.

Dick head
80% of Americans are lazy and selfish
More reason we need to elect more Republicans

Funny...I never saw him use the woird lazy...but you seemed to refer to those 80% as lazy.


Sure...very demand more from those thast already pay the most? That is quite selfish.

returned very little in return

Typical Republican view of the vast majority of working Americans. Selfishly asking for a bigger slice of the pie. Wondering why your standard of living is declining. Wanting a decent home to live in, healthcare when you are sick, education for your kids.

I guess to Republicans ...that is being selfish
Asking for a bigger slice of the pie?

How about going out and earning a bigger slice?

typical liberal view point.

My standard of living is not in decline. But then, I don't ask for everything from others and give nothing in return.

You going to answer the question?

Why do we need more taxes?

Typical Republican view of the vast majority of working Americans. Selfishly asking for a bigger slice of the pie. Wondering why your standard of living is declining. Wanting a decent home to live in, healthcare when you are sick, education for your kids.

I guess to Republicans ...that is being selfish

no one is denying them any of that.

The selfish part is when they continue to demand more....without offering more.

And no...I will not get into your typical tit for tat debate...Im kind of sick of your childish tactics.

I know the truth..I know what I know...and what is happening during this campaign should make all of us sick.

The American worker is among the most productive on earth. For that, he is receiving less and less for his efforts. Meanwhile, the CEOs and wealthy power brokers are assuming a larger and larger piece of the pie

What have they done to earn so much additional wealth? Have they produced more? Have they taken a larger piece of the global market? Have they created more jobs?

No they haven't. What they have done is assume a larger role in the political process and used the GOP to write hand crafted legislation that enables them to assume and maintain more wealth

1) It is none of your business
2) If you wish to make it your business it should be an effort to find out how you can do the same.

And finally......3)

You should be more wrapped up in how the worker can make more of the pie...not how the owner should get less of the pie.

You see....thats what I did. And guess what......I am retired at the age of 54 after being homeless at the age of 23.
I wish I earned 20 million and only paid 13.9% in taxes, and why in the hell does he and others get a tax deduction for a horse in a Olympic event? It is simply decadent behaoir from a priest of the Mormons.
Why wish for it? Go out and do it.
With Schedual C, the wages paid to others is deducted from the gross for a net earnings for a tax rate, both for schedual SE for social security(which 1/2 is deducted from grass earnings before the schedual C is used) and the taxable rate on the 1040.


Jeez. You are embarrassing.

But go with that......see how far it gets you.

You likely dont even know what a sub chapter (s) is and how taxes are calculated.

FYI....Sub chapter (s) is not federally taxed as a corporation you fucking moron.

Sub chapter S is a non active participant form of investment.

Dick head truly are clueless. Not worthy of my intelligence. are wrong.

Cya scumbag.

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