That’s How Peter Strzok Signed Off on the FBI’s Counterintelligence Probe into Trump-Russia Collusion


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
To the untrained eye, the FBI document that launched Crossfire Hurricane can be confusing, and it may be difficult to discern how it might be inadequate. To the trained eye, however, it is a train wreck.


First, the document is oddly constructed. In a normal, legitimate FBI Electronic Communication, or EC, there would be a “To” and a “From” line. The Crossfire Hurricane EC has only a “From” line; it is from a part of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division whose contact is listed as Peter Strzok. The EC was drafted also by Peter Strzok. And, finally, it was approved by Peter Strzok. Essentially, it is a document created by Peter Strzok, approved by Peter Strzok, and sent from Peter Strzok to Peter Strzok.

On that basis alone, the document is an absurdity
, violative of all FBI protocols and, therefore, invalid on its face. An agent cannot approve his or her own case; that would make a mockery of the oversight designed to protect Americans. Yet, for this document, Peter Strzok was pitcher, catcher, batter and umpire.

In addition, several names are listed in a “cc” or copy line; all are redacted, save Strzok’s, who, for some reason, felt it necessary to copy himself on a document he sent from himself to himself.

Names on an FBI document are always listed in cascading fashion, with the most senior at the top and on down to the least senior. On this EC, Strzok is listed last, so the redacted names should be more senior to him. Those names could well include then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and then-Counterintelligence Assistant Director Bill Priestap. The document also establishes these redacted names as “case participants.”

Second, the Crossfire Hurricane case was opened as a Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) investigation. A FARA investigation involves a criminal violation of law — in this case, a negligent or intentional failure to register with the U.S. government after being engaged by a foreign country to perform services on its behalf — that is punishable by fines and imprisonment. It is rarely investigated.

In a normal EC opening a FARA case, we should expect to see a list of reasons why the FBI believes individuals associated with a U.S. presidential campaign had been engaged by the Russian government to represent and advocate that government’s goals.

This, however, was no normal EC. Try as we might to spot them, those reasons are not found anywhere in the document. Despite redactions, it has been fairly well established that an Australian diplomat, Andrew Downer, met a low-level Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, in a London bar for drinks; Downer then reported the conversation, which eventually made its way to U.S. officials in London.


Strzok apparently took this nebulous reporting by Downer and then leapt to the dubious conclusion that Papadopoulos and unnamed others were engaged by the Russians to act as foreign agents on Russia’s behalf. This, despite Downer also offering two exculpatory statements in the same email: 1) It was “unclear” how the Trump campaign might have reacted to the Russian claims and 2) the Russians likely were going to do what they were going to do with the information whether anyone in the Trump campaign cooperated with them or not.

Strzok then concludes the EC by moving the goalposts. He writes that Crossfire Hurricane is being opened to determine if unspecified “individual(s)” associated with the Trump campaign are “witting of and/or coordinating activities” — also unspecified — “with the Government of Russia.” He doesn’t even mention Papadopoulos.

Ultimately, there was no attempt by Strzok to articulate any factors that address the elements of FARA. He couldn’t, because there are none.

BJ- Obama's chickens be coming home to roost.
yeah, okay, so how come IG Horowitz said that the origin of Crossfire Hurricane was "legitimate"???????
Didn't the IG review the forms that started the investigation??? Horowitz needs to answer for this.

"The Inspector General stated that the review did not find evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced" the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was also determined that the opening of the overall investigation "was in compliance" with policies set by the FBI and the Department of Justice. Likewise, the review did not produce evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations" of George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page, who were either associated or formerly associated with Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The review found that there was an "authorized purpose" and "adequate factual predication" for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was confirmed that the investigation was opened due to information shared by a foreign government on George Papadopoulos, which indicated that Papadopoulos was aware of Russia's possession and potential release of information damaging to Trump's rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, information provided by Christopher Steele was confirmed to have "played no role" in the investigation's opening. The information on Papadopoulos, which "reasonably indicated activity constituting either a federal crime or a threat to national security" may have happened, "was sufficient to predicate the investigation" given the "low threshold" needed to open such an investigation."
yeah, okay, so how come IG Horowitz said that the origin of Crossfire Hurricane was "legitimate"???????
Didn't the IG review the forms???

"The Inspector General stated that the review did not find evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced" the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was also determined that the opening of the overall investigation "was in compliance" with policies set by the FBI and the Department of Justice. Likewise, the review did not produce evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations" of George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page, who were either associated or formerly associated with Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The review found that there was an "authorized purpose" and "adequate factual predication" for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was confirmed that the investigation was opened due to information shared by a foreign government on George Papadopoulos, which indicated that Papadopoulos was aware of Russia's possession and potential release of information damaging to Trump's rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, information provided by Christopher Steele was confirmed to have "played no role" in the investigation's opening. The information on Papadopoulos, which "reasonably indicated activity constituting either a federal crime or a threat to national security" may have happened, "was sufficient to predicate the investigation" given the "low threshold" needed to open such an investigation."

Actually what he said was that no one admitted to having a political bias as the reason.
That's it.
That's all he said.

IG's have no power to compel truth - they simply write down what they are told.
yeah, okay, so how come IG Horowitz said that the origin of Crossfire Hurricane was "legitimate"???????
Didn't the IG review the forms???

"The Inspector General stated that the review did not find evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced" the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was also determined that the opening of the overall investigation "was in compliance" with policies set by the FBI and the Department of Justice. Likewise, the review did not produce evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations" of George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page, who were either associated or formerly associated with Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The review found that there was an "authorized purpose" and "adequate factual predication" for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was confirmed that the investigation was opened due to information shared by a foreign government on George Papadopoulos, which indicated that Papadopoulos was aware of Russia's possession and potential release of information damaging to Trump's rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, information provided by Christopher Steele was confirmed to have "played no role" in the investigation's opening. The information on Papadopoulos, which "reasonably indicated activity constituting either a federal crime or a threat to national security" may have happened, "was sufficient to predicate the investigation" given the "low threshold" needed to open such an investigation."
Actually what he said was that no one admitted to having a political bias as the reason. That's it.
That's all he said.

IG's have no power to compel truth - they simply write down what they are told.
1. The OP outlines the process whereby Strzok filled out the form incorrectly. Why didn't the IG document these errors?
2. The biggest political scandal in US history was approved by more than just Peter Strzok.
yeah, okay, so how come IG Horowitz said that the origin of Crossfire Hurricane was "legitimate"???????
Didn't the IG review the forms that started the investigation??? Horowitz needs to answer for this.

"The Inspector General stated that the review did not find evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced" the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was also determined that the opening of the overall investigation "was in compliance" with policies set by the FBI and the Department of Justice. Likewise, the review did not produce evidence that "political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations" of George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn and Carter Page, who were either associated or formerly associated with Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The review found that there was an "authorized purpose" and "adequate factual predication" for launching the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. It was confirmed that the investigation was opened due to information shared by a foreign government on George Papadopoulos, which indicated that Papadopoulos was aware of Russia's possession and potential release of information damaging to Trump's rival presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, information provided by Christopher Steele was confirmed to have "played no role" in the investigation's opening. The information on Papadopoulos, which "reasonably indicated activity constituting either a federal crime or a threat to national security" may have happened, "was sufficient to predicate the investigation" given the "low threshold" needed to open such an investigation."

Thanks to the great work done by acting DNI the adorable Grenell :adoreheart: we know Wray withheld release of much information from the IG.

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