That WAS The Democratic and Repubican Party

What liberal masters? And what 100 years ago? Segregation ended 60 years ago and why shouldn't I care about that? It left behind a legacy of wealth disparity between white and black families.
It’s been 60 years FFS. First generation Asian immigrants who come here do better than woke losers like yourself. If you are a failure, that’s on you.

There is no participation trophies in life. This idea that everyone should start and end the same is a pipe dream for incompetent people.

Those are just words you're saying. I don't know what they really mean. Our culture is alive in our family that is thriving. I have over 30 first cousins and a few first cousins who have 8 kids. Cultures don't get eliminated in my family they get added to them. I have niece's and nephews who are Dominican and Cuban, second cousins are Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Irish, Scottish, German, Italian, Jewish, Trini, Black American, and Columbian.
And what “culture” is that then? You have white people in your family? I thought you were changing our demographic? How is your “demographic” not changing also with that mixture?
Correct humans beings defined it. But we were born with our rights.
People define and create rights, to be able to peacefully co-exist and cooperate with one another to survive and thrive. Without a community or relationships between human beings, there are no rights. Mother Nature is a bitch, she doesn't give a flying FK about your "rights". Tell that to a crocodile or grizzly bear, "Hey I have rights, you can't eat me!". Rights are defined and created by human beings. It's a human phenomenon.
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People define and create rights, to be able to peacefully co-exist and cooperate with one another to survive and thrive. Without a community or relationships between human beings, there are no rights. Mother Nature is a bitch, she doesn't give a flying FK about your "rights". Tell that to a crocodile or grizzly bear, "Hey I have rights, you can't eat me!". Rights are defined and created by human beings. It's a human phenomenon.
Yeah, I never said it wasn't. People are born with rights, and we exist with other humans beings respecting those rights, we created Govt to help protect those rights, and if some people want to be criminals and bad actors in violating others rights, punish them
Yeah, I never said it wasn't. People are born with rights, and we exist with other humans beings respecting those rights, we created Govt to help protect those rights, and if some people want to be criminals and bad actors in violating others rights, punish them
The community grants them rights at birth and then protects that person's rights through its authorities or government. If that's what you mean, then you're correct.
The community grants them rights at birth and then protects that person's rights through its authorities or government. If that's what you mean, then you're correct.
No rights don’t get granted by govt to people.
Yeah, I never said it wasn't. People are born with rights, and we exist with other humans beings respecting those rights, we created Govt to help protect those rights, and if some people want to be criminals and bad actors in violating others rights, punish them
Why do people have to be forced to respect by law that which you claim others possess by nature? You don't need laws to force you to accept gravity because the reality of gravity will assert itself.
No rights don’t get granted by govt to people.
Yes, through an official process, the community grants its new members their rights and then protects them with its authorities or government. Rights don't come from another dimension, nor are they some mysterious, ethereal substance located somewhere in the person's body, like in their heart, liver, or kidneys, it's a set of social entitlements granted by a community to its members. To believe otherwise is gobbledygook hocus-pocus.
Yes, through an official process, the community grants its new members their rights and then protects them with its authorities or government. Rights don't come from another dimension, nor are they some mysterious, ethereal substance located somewhere in the person's body, like in their heart, liver, or kidneys, it's a set of social entitlements granted by a community to its members. To believe otherwise is gobbledygook hocus-pocus.
No there is no process…people are born with rights they are granted by any govt body
Why do people have to be forced to respect by law that which you claim others possess by nature? You don't need laws to force you to accept gravity because the reality of gravity will assert itself.
Why? Because some people are just bad actors.
No there is no process…people are born with rights they are granted by any govt body
People aren't born with rights, independent of the community that gives them rights. How would you know what your rights are independent of a human community? Just because you believe you have particular rights, doesn't imply you have them. You can believe you have the right to slap women on the butt whenever you see them. So if you're in the shopping mall, you walk up to a lady with her husband and you slap her on the butt. The community will inform you if you have that right or not. If you don't have the right to slap all women on the butt when you see them, you'll find out from your fellow human beings that you don't.

Rights are given to us by the community that we live in. We're not born with rights, in the same way we're born with a brain, eyes, noses, heart, liver, kidneys, and the ability to be conscious and experience and interact with our environment. We're born with these traits, but we're not "born with rights", we receive them from the community we are born into. You're delusional if you think you were born with rights apart from a community of human beings.
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Why do people have to be forced to respect by law that which you claim others possess by nature? You don't need laws to force you to accept gravity because the reality of gravity will assert itself.
You're debating with a moron. He's an idiot.
People aren't born with rights, independent of the community that gives them rights. How would you know what your rights are independent of a human community? Just because you believe you have particular rights, doesn't imply you have them. You can believe you have the right to slap women on the butt whenever you see them. So if you're in the shopping mall, you walk up to a lady with her husband and you slap her on the butt. The community will inform you if you have that right or not. If you don't have the right to slap all women on the butt when you see them, you'll find out from your fellow human beings that you don't.

Rights are given to us by the community that we live in. We're not born with rights, in the same way we're born with a brain, eyes, noses, heart, liver, kidneys, and the ability to be conscious and experience and interact with our environment. We're born with these traits, but we're not "born with rights", we receive them from the community we are born into. You're delusional if you think you were born with rights apart from a community of human beings.
Yes they are. Rights don’t come from the govt
People aren't born with rights, independent of the community that gives them rights. How would you know what your rights are independent of a human community? Just because you believe you have particular rights, doesn't imply you have them. You can believe you have the right to slap women on the butt whenever you see them. So if you're in the shopping mall, you walk up to a lady with her husband and you slap her on the butt. The community will inform you if you have that right or not. If you don't have the right to slap all women on the butt when you see them, you'll find out from your fellow human beings that you don't.

Rights are given to us by the community that we live in. We're not born with rights, in the same way we're born with a brain, eyes, noses, heart, liver, kidneys, and the ability to be conscious and experience and interact with our environment. We're born with these traits, but we're not "born with rights", we receive them from the community we are born into. You're delusional if you think you were born with rights apart from a community of human beings.
The same way I know the difference between right and wrong, without govt telling me.
The same way I know the difference between right and wrong, without govt telling me.
That's different and has nothing to do with personal rights. We develop through millions of years of natural selection (i.e. evolution), the instinctive and rational capacity to identify patterns of behavior that are conducive to our survival and those that aren't. On the other hand, your rights in the community you're born into, are determined and protected by that community's authorities/government.

Mother Nature doesn't give you any rights, she gives you the ability to identify behaviors that contribute to your survival and those that don't. A community can establish from that instinctive, rational morality that everyone has, "rights", but rights themselves are a social construct not a private one or something you are inherently born with. Rights don't exist until a community formulates and enforces them. They don't exist without a community or the means to protect them.
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That's different and has nothing to do with personal rights. We develop through millions of years of natural selection (i.e. evolution), the instinctive and rational capacity to identify patterns of behavior that are conducive to our survival and those that aren't. On the other hand, your rights in the community you're born into, are determined and protected by that community's authorities/government.

Mother Nature doesn't give you any rights, she gives you the ability to identify behaviors that contribute to your survival and those that don't. A community can establish from that instinctive, rational morality that everyone has, "rights", but rights themselves are a social construct not a private one or something you are inherently born with. Rights don't exist until a community formulates and enforces them. They don't exist without a community or the means to protect them.
Natural rights are developed through million of years as well

The govt didn’t grant you rights such as the right to life. You were born with it
Natural rights are developed through million of years as well

The govt didn’t grant you rights such as the right to life. You were born with it
Really? You naturally have "rights", without a human community giving you any rights or protecting them through its government authorities? Why doesn't nature respect or protect your supposed "right to life"? You're confusing human empathy with "rights", or the cause of rights, with the rights themselves. Rights are defined and granted by the authorities of a community and then protected based on you meeting the qualifications for those rights.

If you commit a capital crime you might forfeit your right to live. If you're connected to a machine in the hospital's ICU, you might lose your right to live. Those rules are created by the community and applied to you according to the circumstances. They're not written on cosmic tablets in the heavens.

You don't have a right to life, or health, or housing, healthcare, an education, unless the community determines that you do. If you want to believe otherwise, go right ahead. Believe whatever nonsense toots your horn.
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