That Shiny Thing in the Sky and Global Temperatures

With lots of rain comes lots of erosion. The fertile land will be washed away. We have already paved over a portion of the fertile land to make way for the ever-expanding two-legged locusts. With 30 billion we would pave over way more fertile soil. Along with cutting down more trees that take in a lot of carbon dioxide. No one wants to talk about the true problem there are more people than the carbon cycle can stand.

Whoa ... who says "lots of rain" ... a small temperature increase only leads to a small increase in rain ... no where close enough to fulfill our rodent needs ... all this extra water will be getting piped to our filthy colonies cities ...

The increase of carbon in the atmosphere will only change the equilibrium state of the carbon cycle ... just a short time ago, carbon was up to 2,000 ppm ... the carbon cycle worked fine ... no reason to believe it won't with 425 ppm ...
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats think you can alter the earth's climate by increasing taxes.
They also don't know that the earth's climate is regulated by the output of the sun in realtionship to the earth's orbit. They think it is regulated by SUVs.
They are as ignorant of Climate Science as they are ignorant of Economics, History, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.

Actually ... the position of the continents has far more effect on climate than the Sun ... how far one lives from the ocean dominates the weather they can expect ... the humid climates east of the Rockies is caused by the Rockies ... not a thing we should expect to change in the next 10 million years ...
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats think you can alter the earth's climate by increasing taxes.
They also don't know that the earth's climate is regulated by the output of the sun in realtionship to the earth's orbit. They think it is regulated by SUVs.
They are as ignorant of Climate Science as they are ignorant of Economics, History, Biology, Ethics and the Constitution.

Actually ... the position of the continents has far more effect on climate than the Sun ... how far one lives from the ocean dominates the weather they can expect ... the humid climates east of the Rockies is caused by the Rockies ... not a thing we should expect to change in the next 10 million years ...

If your point is that nature controls climate then I agree.

Something you need to be telling these Environmental Wackos.
When will we hit 30 billion?

We've quadrupled our population in the past 100 years ... it's dangerous to extrapolate this will happen again over the next 100 years ... so, with that caution firmly in mind, we say we will quadruple our population again over the next 100 years ... thus the 30 billion figure ...

Semi-evolved hairless rodents can't control their breeding ... so we should expect billions dead for no other reason than just overpopulation ... climate change is trivial in comparison ...
So you think humans are so dumb they will reproduce themselves into mass death or extinction. I don’t. I suspect technology will solve many of our problems, if politicians and governments don’t screw it up.
So you think humans are so dumb they will reproduce themselves into mass death or extinction. I don’t. I suspect technology will solve many of our problems, if politicians and governments don’t screw it up.

Where humans have technology, fertility rates are below replacement ... where humans don't have technology, fertility rates are out the roof ... even giving these folks technology doesn't help unless they have energy to run the technology ... refrigerators don't run on fussy feelings ...

Illiterate folks who live hand-to-mouth know no better ...
The technology to slow birth is out there it is called the birth control pill. Unfortunately, there are people that are not giving people that need it the most access to it. Family planning is a major distributor to free birth control to the world. A group of people has labeled it a bad idea and is waging war on it.

I also forgot to mention we are in a solar minimal time. It is supposed to be colder than normal, not warmer. In eleven years everyone will understand the earth is warming.
Past sins ... these poor regions were used as a dumping ground for B/C too dangerous to be sold in Western Europe or Anglo-America ...

We understand the Earth is warming slightly ... we don't understand why this small change would effect climate ...
The technology to slow birth is out there it is called the birth control pill. Unfortunately, there are people that are not giving people that need it the most access to it. Family planning is a major distributor to free birth control to the world. A group of people has labeled it a bad idea and is waging war on it.

I also forgot to mention we are in a solar minimal time. It is supposed to be colder than normal, not warmer. In eleven years everyone will understand the earth is warming.
So you are arguing that burning fossil fuels kept the earth from cooling?


That's a good thing.

If you look at the graph you can see the average temperature is trending up at an ever-increasing rate. Over long periods it trends up over thousands of years.

If you look at the graph you can see the average temperature is trending up at an ever-increasing rate. Over long periods it trends up over thousands of years.

This is the dangers of extrapolating ... these wild up and down average temperatures only appear to trend up over the short term ... 100's of years ... but if we look at the much longer graphs .. then we expect to see a downward trend in temperatures over 1,000's of years ...
We will have much warmer with little doubt.
We will have much warmer with little doubt.

In several thousand years? ... care to put a number on that? ... I give you +2ºC in the next 100 years, and levels off thereafter ... that small change doesn't change climate ... St Louis can expect thunderstorms in summer ...
The average temperature has risen two degrees in the last 10 years. It is also accelerating, so in more years expect at least 3 degrees. Then 10 more it will be at least 10 degrees higher than this year. NO ice caps which store a massive amount of carbon. Be looking for a cave to live in then,
The average temperature has risen two degrees in the last 10 years. It is also accelerating, so in more years expect at least 3 degrees. Then 10 more it will be at least 10 degrees higher than this year. NO ice caps which store a massive amount of carbon. Be looking for a cave to live in then,
Heinrich and Dansgaard-Oeschger events say otherwise.

The average temperature has risen two degrees in the last 10 years. It is also accelerating, so in more years expect at least 3 degrees. Then 10 more it will be at least 10 degrees higher than this year. NO ice caps which store a massive amount of carbon. Be looking for a cave to live in then,
You should be more worried about a glacial cycle.

If you look at the graph you can see the average temperature is trending up at an ever-increasing rate. Over long periods it trends up over thousands of years.

This is the dangers of extrapolating ... these wild up and down average temperatures only appear to trend up over the short term ... 100's of years ... but if we look at the much longer graphs .. then we expect to see a downward trend in temperatures over 1,000's of years ...
And there's a good reason for it. The polar regions are isolated from the warmer marine currents. Plus a couple of other geologic features that provided the background conditions for a transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.
The average temperature has risen two degrees in the last 10 years. It is also accelerating, so in more years expect at least 3 degrees. Then 10 more it will be at least 10 degrees higher than this year. NO ice caps which store a massive amount of carbon. Be looking for a cave to live in then,

NOAA reports otherwise ... a single degree rise in 140 years ... sounds like you've already found a cave to live in ...

In science, we have these things called "Laws of Nature" ... they cannot be violated ... seems you're planning on energy being created out of thin air or something ... that will never happen ... the most recent IPCC report gives +2ºC increase in 100 years, and leveling off after that ... the opposite of accelerating ...

The election's over ... The Donald lost ... you can stop repeating all the Fake News coming out of Russian ...
And there's a good reason for it. The polar regions are isolated from the warmer marine currents. Plus a couple of other geologic features that provided the background conditions for a transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet.

Too simplistic an explanation for a complex system ... and these "greenhouse planet" and "icehouse planet" are just made up terms, they don't mean anything outside political hack websites ... perhaps some definitions are in order? ...

Ocean currents play a very minor roll in the energy transfer ... far and away, it's the air currents that drive the climate system's energy transfer ... in fact, it's air currents that cause ocean currents ... and the breakup of Pangaea and the creation of the Atlantic ocean is coincident with the Earth's cooling in recent years, theories abound as to explain this ... but truthfully. it's still a mystery why our planet changes back and forth ... just random chance humans evolved during a horrifically cold period ... we'll be extinct long before the Earth warms back up to her normal 15 - 20ºC above today's temperatures ...

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