Thanksgiving Items For America!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
One can get really disillusioned about America focusing on the division in the country continually spotlighted in the media. But there is really a lot of good people in America which is a reason to give thanks to God for the blessings on America. Take for instance, all those Afghanistan War veterans and all the Americans that worked with them who did an incredible job of networking, utilizing their time, money and relationships to get Afghans stuck in Kabul during the last two weeks in August when the city fell to the Taliban out through the evacuation flights at the Kabul airport getting a significant number of the one-hundred and seventeen thousand ultimately rescued. Those networks were remarkable how they coordinated with the Executive Branch getting the needed approvals and even going so far as contacting marines on the Kabul airport fence to get those Afghan refugees through the airport's security perimeter. It's a shame the State Department doesn't keep up that virtue and use its influence and power to find and negotiate with the several willing countries to take Afghan refugees conditionally meaning that the approval into the refugee programs is only conditional meaning that such persons must pass the complete vetting process or the transit and hold country could deport them; a lot of deserving Afghans who are currently at risk of death could be rescued and America's reputation for not abandoning our friends and allies could be meaningfully improved!

Also, who deserve to be mentioned is the thirteen House Republicans who voted for the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill causing that bill to become law and thereby facilitating America making a giant step forward in it's infrastructure not only for roads and bridges but high voltage transmission lines, replacing water system pipes that contain lead and adding broadband internet towers across needed portions of America. Those thirteen Congress persons risked labels like traitors and enablers of the progressive agenda, risk losing committee assignments, face major primary challenges and withholding of campaign funding. These virtuous Congress persons put country over Party and personal career interests. They did their jobs the way members of Congress are supposed to do their jobs putting the interests of the Country and the America people first. Contrary to what their right wing Republican colleagues have mouthed off about like their twits, these thirteen brave Republicans have made it less likely that America will see this House's Build Back Better bill which just recently passed that chamber which will act like a neutron bomb across America if it becomes law enacted into law. The pressure on the Democrat Party to show they can achieve something major when given power in Washington by the American people has dramatically lessened with the House's passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill; so the pressure on Democrat moderates in the Senate, Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema, to vote for this House BBB Act has been significantly dialed back and its given them leeway to make big changes in the bill to make it less harmful for America. It's an historic good deed these thirteen House Republicans carried out with their votes to buy the country some time to alter the BBB act so it doesn't decimate America!

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