Thanks to Trump - International tourism to US plummets

Good! Fewer overstaying their visas.
Another idiotic response. Tourism and long term visas are not the same thing. The United States brings in $220 billion each year from tourists. Offending most of the first world so that tourists stop coming to the US means losing a good portion of that money to the economy.

Exactly how did we offend them? Did we restrict access from third world shit holes overrun with terrorists?
Trump offends them. There have been polls posted on this board already, so I won't repeat that--you can look them up if you want. The people in first world countries dislike Trump and are developing a negative attitude toward the States. I live in Spain. I travel regularly in Europe. I know first hand. But it isn't only European countries that have a negative view of Trump, and the US now, it is other first world countries, especially English speaking ones.

Also, they don't want to deal with people who think of basically normal places which may be different cultures as 'third world shit holes overrun with terrorists.' Intelligent, first world people who travel internationally are not interested in dealing with with people who think like that, and they are, yes, offended by such thinking. I've been in, even lived in, places someone like you would consider a 'third world shit hole overrun with terrorists.' 1) there are no terrorists and 2) they are not shitholes. But, as you have probably never traveled outside the US, you don't know that.
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Good! Fewer overstaying their visas.
Another idiotic response. Tourism and long term visas are not the same thing. The United States brings in $220 billion each year from tourists. Offending most of the first world so that tourists stop coming to the US means losing a good portion of that money to the economy.

Exactly how did we offend them? Did we restrict access from third world shit holes overrun with terrorists?
Trump offends them. There have been polls posted on this board already, so I won't repeat that--you can look them up if you want. The people in first world countries dislike Trump and are developing a negative attitude toward the States. I live in Spain. I travel regularly in Europe. I know first hand. But it isn't only European countries that have a negative view of Trump, and the US now, it is other first world countries, especially English speaking ones.
Fuck them then. They can stay in their shit tier countries and get raped by Muslim refugees.
Spanish want to bitch about Trump, but support their government forcing the Catalans to remain under their ultimate rule. And you have the gall to bitch about Trump and claim he is a fascist? Lmao!
Good! Fewer overstaying their visas.
Another idiotic response. Tourism and long term visas are not the same thing. The United States brings in $220 billion each year from tourists. Offending most of the first world so that tourists stop coming to the US means losing a good portion of that money to the economy.

Exactly how did we offend them? Did we restrict access from third world shit holes overrun with terrorists?
Trump offends them. There have been polls posted on this board already, so I won't repeat that--you can look them up if you want. The people in first world countries dislike Trump and are developing a negative attitude toward the States. I live in Spain. I travel regularly in Europe. I know first hand. But it isn't only European countries that have a negative view of Trump, and the US now, it is other first world countries, especially English speaking ones.
Fuck them then. They can stay in their shit tier countries and get raped by Muslim refugees.
You are the most idiotic, ignorant, stupid individual imaginable.
Spanish want to bitch about Trump, but support their government forcing the Catalans to remain under their ultimate rule. And you have the gall to bitch about Trump and claim he is a fascist? Lmao!
You don't know the first fucking thing about Spanish politics. In fact, you obviously don't know anything about American politics either, or probably not much about anything at all. You're a complete ignoramous.
Good! Fewer overstaying their visas.
Another idiotic response. Tourism and long term visas are not the same thing. The United States brings in $220 billion each year from tourists. Offending most of the first world so that tourists stop coming to the US means losing a good portion of that money to the economy.

Exactly how did we offend them? Did we restrict access from third world shit holes overrun with terrorists?
Trump offends them. There have been polls posted on this board already, so I won't repeat that--you can look them up if you want. The people in first world countries dislike Trump and are developing a negative attitude toward the States. I live in Spain. I travel regularly in Europe. I know first hand. But it isn't only European countries that have a negative view of Trump, and the US now, it is other first world countries, especially English speaking ones.
Fuck them then. They can stay in their shit tier countries and get raped by Muslim refugees.
You are the most idiotic, ignorant, stupid individual imaginable.
Wrong, I'm not you.
Spanish want to bitch about Trump, but support their government forcing the Catalans to remain under their ultimate rule. And you have the gall to bitch about Trump and claim he is a fascist? Lmao!
You don't know the first fucking thing about Spanish politics. In fact, you obviously don't know anything about American politics either, or probably not much about anything at all. You're a complete ignoramous.
Shut up, whore.
Is it ALL Trump's fault? Nope, there are other factors -

But he is hated in particular by Europe and Mexico for his America First, dog whistling anti-immigrant BS and that is a definite factor.

How Trump has impacted world tourism – one year on

Maybe because most these so called "tourists" overstay their tourist visa and then somehow apply for extended stay or some type of residency status by hiring an immigration lawyer or other shenanigans tolerated in the past? So why go through the all the expense of coming here when they know the gig is up.

We do know that a big chunk of illegals are those who overstay their temporary short term tourist or business visas
Last year 629,000 people overstayed their Visa. That may sound like a lot but when you consider that represents only about 1% of the over 50 million that travel to the US each year and most of those violators are not really tourist spending an extra week at Disney.

The problem is people who want to come here to work but can't get a work permits so they use a tourist visa. If we actually made all employers check immigration status or citizenship, this problem would disappear along with most of our illegal immigration problems.
People who overstay come here with the intention of doing it. It isn't only work, they have friends, family or other associations that are already here. Or things are so tough back home they just can't go back, hoping to get some welfare, healthcare and other govt. services.

In the past it was a lot easier to get some kind of long term visa status. One way was to find work with an employer who can be your "sponsor", which means you're still in limbo but eventually after many years, you will gain legal status, then green card, and then after five years citizenship. It's a long haul but many they're willing to go through it. And there are organizations that make money specializing in finding work with sponsors.

Of course all of this has come to a halt since Trump became president. Honesty, I don't see what the big deal is, the UK has successfully implemented the highly skilled migrant visa for a long time. Which means they are now attracting all the smart, highly educated people that can carry their own weight instead of requiring more govt. services than the tax they potentionalky pay.

And if you have a drunk driving violation on your record in the last 20 years, there is no way you're ever going to go to Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, even if you're an American citizen going there as a tourist.

But here in the US we have sanctuary cities which literally refuse to report illegal criminal felons to the INS for deportation. And we wonder why we are in the mess we are in today. We are constantly shooting ourselves in foot when it comes to immigration.
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Our fearless leader of course.
"The people opposing us are the same people — and think of this — who’ve wasted $6 trillion on wars in the Middle East — we could have rebuilt our country twice — that have produced only more terrorism, more death, and more suffering – imagine if that money had been spent at home," Trump said at a Oct. 26 rally in Charlotte, N.C.

Yep, the Orange Twit sounded like the ultimate isolationist at one point - but it was just an act because he hated Obama so much.
Umm no. The sterling pound and Euro is worth more than the dollar and yet their tourism is thriving.

It has to do with Trump. I actually live overseas ( Qatar) and a lot of my co workers use to spend their vacation in the US. Now they started vacationing in places like London and Paris since he was elected.

America is extremely unpopular in the world because of agent Orange.

Thanks - I hear the same thing from associates, family members and moderate journalists who spend a lot of time overseas. They all say hear the same thing from those they interact with - Trump has turned our country into a pariah, and it'll likely be a decade after his departure to win back the world's trust and respect.
Is it ALL Trump's fault? Nope, there are other factors -

But he is hated in particular by Europe and Mexico for his America First, dog whistling anti-immigrant BS and that is a definite factor.

How Trump has impacted world tourism – one year on....


A. Last thing we need is any more Mexicans over staying their visas.

B. Last thing we need is Muslims from Europe over staying their visas.
You and every American should. A country’s perception of another country can have a huge impact on foreign policy decisions of that country. Keeping global approval ratings of the U.S. high strengthens our ability to accomplished diplomatic goals without military force, gaining cooperation on intelligence sharing, help with problems Americans have traveling or doing business abroad, and support for American diplomacy in other countries.

It's not just foreign policy that suffers when opinions of the US abroad takes a nosedive but an economic issue with every company that sells products oversea. From the customs inspector that clears your shipment to the agent who stamps your passport, to the shopper considering your product opinions of the US matters.

If you don't think what the rest of world thinks of the US matters, you are living a hundred behind the times.

Well, making America Russia again was kind of what Trump campaigned on. And look at the eager little beavers lap it up.

"They hate us? GREAT .. the more the merrier - Fuk 'em!"

Just look at some of these responses - Amazing
why would anyone want to come to a country represented by a bigoted insane loon?

Yeps - That would be like me deciding to vacation in the Philippines, Turkey or Russia.

well, I've never been to the phillipines. I've been to St Petersburg (nastiest people I ever met while traveling) and I've been to Istanbul prior to the current craziness... Istanbul was incredible. It's sad that we can't go back.
well, I've never been to the phillipines. I've been to St Petersburg (nastiest people I ever met while traveling) and I've been to Istanbul prior to the current craziness... Istanbul was incredible. It's sad that we can't go back.

Wow - those are exotic travel destinations. I usually live through Anthony Bourdain on those.

Interesting on nastiness of the folks in St Petersburg - looks like a pretty fascinating city to visit.

Is it ALL Trump's fault? Nope, there are other factors -

But he is hated in particular by Europe and Mexico for his America First, dog whistling anti-immigrant BS and that is a definite factor.

How Trump has impacted world tourism – one year on


Show me where Trump said he hates non-whites, or liberals, or gays (he never mentions them), or LEGAL immigrants, foreigners, the mentally challenged, or muslims. You liar of all liars.

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