Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

If you are putting your Wife or your Daughter into that type of Situation you shouldn't have a Wife or a Daughter. If you live in an area that you truly have reasons to fear such things either do something about it through law enforcement or get the hell out of there. Do you hate your Wife and Daughter that much?
I live in the safest neighborhood in my metro area. We still get murders and rapes. You are a delusional fuck if you think I can always prevent everything through law enforcement.

And, no, motherfucker, I don't hate my family, you asshole. Don't pull out that bullshit. XXXX - Mod Edit. Just a bit too much flame.
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You are pulling the "Fake News" crap that we are all on to. Since no news of the intruder was reported of him being agressive, guess what, that means he made no aggressive moves towards the old man.
Wow. Talk about “fake news”. You are trying to make the case that the news not only has 100% of the information in the official police report, but also shares that 100%, 100% of the time.

Idiotic. Desperate. Like I flat-out lied and you got caught. Game over.
In Anti Rape Classes, they do teach this type or behavior. It works.
So Duh-rly not only wants women completely disarmed and helpless, but he also attends “anti-rape classes” to understand what women are taught about trying to avoid becoming a victim? Wow. Draw your own conclusions here folks.
The NRA has this area so jammed up that it's completely unusable. We can't have a decent conversation at all. The Moderators have only made sure that the nasty behavior of the NRA paid trolls is acceptable. Sure do hope it costs the NRA lots and lots of money.
And since you haven't paid the admission, you don't have the right to insult.
I disagree....granny.


And you have discounted and/or wholly ignored deterrence. Texas has very few home invasions because breaking into someone's home is almost always a death sentence. You want to rid us of that very real advantage?

In most mugging situations, a person carrying concealed will likely comply and turn over money without pulling their firearm. Assault? Rape? All bets are off. I would much rather be armed or have my wife/daughter armed in those situations than NOT--just like combatants would much rather be armed on the battlefield than not. You said so yourself.

And, take care not to shit your pants----you old codger, you. Or, should I say......CUPCAKE...

If you are putting your Wife or your Daughter into that type of Situation you shouldn't have a Wife or a Daughter. If you live in an area that you truly have reasons to fear such things either do something about it through law enforcement or get the hell out of there. Do you hate your Wife and Daughter that much?
I guess the Dr who lived in a really nice CT suburb shouldn't have had a wife and kids because two pieces of shit invaded his home beat him within an inch of his life than raped his wife and two daughters before burning them alive.

If you weren't so fucking naive you would realize that there is real violence in the world
The NRA has this area so jammed up that it's completely unusable. We can't have a decent conversation at all. The Moderators have only made sure that the nasty behavior of the NRA paid trolls is acceptable. Sure do hope it costs the NRA lots and lots of money.
We can't have a decent conversation because you are a freedom-hating commie asshole who wants a total ban. We have exposed your goose-stepping commie tendencies. You are fooling no one, motherfucker.
Left-wing policy at its finest here. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

A Weekend in London: Man ‘Shot in Face,’ Woman ‘Slashed,' Attempted Murder
Left-wing policy at its finest here. Oppressive government has outlawed guns, knives, and even hammers in London. How is that working out?

Not so well. The criminals are loving it. After all, they are criminals. They don’t follow the law. But they are cashing in big time on the fact that law abiding citizens do.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan is a typical left-wing piece of shit. Surrounded by armed guards, he and his family are completely safe while the unarmed population suffers (just like Saddam Hussein in Iraq).

Khan’s London: Man Found Guilty of Stabbing Young Father to Death in Front of Partner for Rolex

Those children weren't safe then and they aren't safe now. Mom put them in that situation. Had she been a decent mother, it would have never happened at all. You blood lust miscreants just see blood and firing of weapons and don't care how dangerous Mom makes those children's lives each and every day. Guess you were dropped on your heads too much as children until your heads get the look of the Stewie and think it's normal.
Those children weren't safe then and they aren't safe now. Mom put them in that situation.
Left-wing “logic”: always blame the victim. Always defend the thug.

Not only are those children safe today, the U.S. is exponentially safer today because one less thug is roaming around.

You continue to illustrate why you are the board idiot, Duh-ryl.
Those children weren't safe then and they aren't safe now. Mom put them in that situation.
Left-wing “logic”: always blame the victim. Always defend the thug.

Not only are those children safe today, the U.S. is exponentially safer today because one less thug is roaming around.

You continue to illustrate why you are the board idiot, Duh-ryl.

I used to call this trait of the left "Reality Dyslexia." They see the truth as lies, fact as fiction, good as evil, evil as good, right is wrong......take any issue, and the left will be on the wrong side of it.....

Those children weren't safe then and they aren't safe now. Mom put them in that situation.
Left-wing “logic”: always blame the victim. Always defend the thug.

Not only are those children safe today, the U.S. is exponentially safer today because one less thug is roaming around.

You continue to illustrate why you are the board idiot, Duh-ryl.

Until the next one comes by and sees the same situation where the keys are in the ignition, the motor is left running, the door is left open and the kids are in the back seat.
Women especially, should seriously consider Concealed/Open Carry. Obtain a firearm and become proficient in its use. Women don't have to be defenseless prey. They have a Constitutional Right to arm themselves. They should definitely exercise that right.
Until the next one comes by and sees the same situation where the keys are in the ignition, the motor is left running, the door is left open and the kids are in the back seat.
And then he gets a couple of rounds of hot lead in his head as well. Problem solved again.

You're the only asshole I know who believes it is ok for a person to (and I quote) "see a situation where the keys are in the ignition, the motor is left running, the door is left open, and the kids are in the backseat" and steal the vehicle because of those parameters.

I see keys in vehicles ALL the time. I don't steal them. I see children ALL the time. I don't kidnap them. You're truly a fuck'n idiot. You can't justify his actions no matter how hard you try. The guy was a thug. When you're a thug, your life ends in one of two ways: dead or in prison. In his case, it was dead.

God Bless this woman. The streets are safer today, her children are safe, and she is safe. All because she took the personal responsibility to carry a firearm. She didn't rely on law enforcement (who weren't there at the moment so they couldn't have stopped it).
Women especially, should seriously consider Concealed/Open Carry. Obtain a firearm and become proficient in its use. Women don't have to be defenseless prey. They have a Constitutional Right to arm themselves. They should definitely exercise that right.
And that is the single biggest reason why fascists like Duh-ryl fight against the 2nd Amendment. Predators desperately want women unarmed. So they can easily overpower them and victimize them - whether it is robbery, rape, or even worse.
Until the next one comes by and sees the same situation where the keys are in the ignition, the motor is left running, the door is left open and the kids are in the back seat.
And then he gets a couple of rounds of hot lead in his head as well. Problem solved again.

Or he succeeds in the crime and the kids are left dead in an alley.
Women especially, should seriously consider Concealed/Open Carry. Obtain a firearm and become proficient in its use. Women don't have to be defenseless prey. They have a Constitutional Right to arm themselves. They should definitely exercise that right.
And that is the single biggest reason why fascists like Duh-ryl fight against the 2nd Amendment. Predators desperately want women unarmed. So they can easily overpower them and victimize them - whether it is robbery, rape, or even worse.

Most of my female relatives are very experienced and comfortable handling firearms. They sure aren't easy prey. Try something with them, the perpetrator is in serious trouble. More women should seriously consider Concealed/Open Carry.

Sadly, too many women listen to Communists/Democrats who give them terrible advice. Their judgement gets clouded by political B.S. So they stay defenseless. But they can properly defend themselves. They can become comfortable and proficient with firearms. They should exercise their Constitutional Right, and properly defend themselves from the multitude of predators out there.

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