Texas Will Turn Blue

True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Yes, and indeed this is the entire reason for the displacement.

And also why people are outraged when the obvious fact that the countries where these people come from, are shitholes.
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Yes, and indeed this is the entire reason for the displacement.

And also why people are outraged when the obvious fact that the countries where these people come from, are shitholes.
Most everyone's ancestors in the US came from shitholes. They are no different than you and me. You are just ignorant of history, that's all
True. If the left is successful in flooding the country with immigrants from shithole countries who kill Americans, Texas will certainly turn blue.

It is up to Americans to rebel against their displacement.

"You will not replace us " should be the battle cry.

Yes, and indeed this is the entire reason for the displacement.

And also why people are outraged when the obvious fact that the countries where these people come from, are shitholes.
Most everyone's ancestors in the US came from shitholes. They are no different than you and me. You are just ignorant of history, that's all

False, Americans came over from Europe, the best and brightest culture of the time.

Unless you are talking about the slaver that were imported, in which case I would have to say I highly object to that as well. I am sure you would disagree as someone who votes for the party of slavery.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle

So you are admitting that the Democratic Party hates White Voters and that it is why they are using illegal immigration to dilute them as a voting block.
OK, but everyone is already very aware of this fact.
But thanks for another reminder.
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Texas has millions of Democrats.
You can always tell when you are in a Democrat area by the bars on windows, stripped cars up on blocks, litter, illiterate graffiti, poverty and crime scene tape.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too

Working Hispanic citizens are not alienated in the least. They support strong borders and immigration enforcement. Why do you dem/libs always assume that everyone in a demographic is exactly the same?

Texas and AZ are not going to go dem. Your pipedream is not going to happen. You guys lost big time in 2016 and will keep losing as long as you continue the anti-American, anti-citizen rhetoric and continue to support corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters, Jackson-Lee, etc.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too

Working Hispanic citizens are not alienated in the least. They support strong borders and immigration enforcement. Why do you dem/libs always assume that everyone in a demographic is exactly the same?

Texas and AZ are not going to go dem. Your pipedream is not going to happen. You guys lost big time in 2016 and will keep losing as long as you continue the anti-American, anti-citizen rhetoric and continue to support corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters, Jackson-Lee, etc.
70 percent voted against Trump in the last election
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too

Working Hispanic citizens are not alienated in the least. They support strong borders and immigration enforcement. Why do you dem/libs always assume that everyone in a demographic is exactly the same?

Texas and AZ are not going to go dem. Your pipedream is not going to happen. You guys lost big time in 2016 and will keep losing as long as you continue the anti-American, anti-citizen rhetoric and continue to support corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters, Jackson-Lee, etc.
70 percent voted against Trump in the last election

yeah and that was with your side's propaganda....and the fact he said he was going to build a wall....but 28% voted for him.....and now that he's getting the economy rolling, I think it will be higher
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle

So why would it be wrong for Trump to collude with Russia to sway elections by it is OK to collude with invading foreigners who are illegals to sway elections?
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too

Working Hispanic citizens are not alienated in the least. They support strong borders and immigration enforcement. Why do you dem/libs always assume that everyone in a demographic is exactly the same?

Texas and AZ are not going to go dem. Your pipedream is not going to happen. You guys lost big time in 2016 and will keep losing as long as you continue the anti-American, anti-citizen rhetoric and continue to support corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters, Jackson-Lee, etc.
70 percent voted against Trump in the last election

yeah and that was with your side's propaganda....and the fact he said he was going to build a wall....but 28% voted for him.....and now that he's getting the economy rolling, I think it will be higher

Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
How racist to assume Hispanics vote Democrat.
Many people agree with the title of the OP's thread. (I am one of them.)

Some years back, the federal government itself predicted that on the basis of birth and immigration rates, by the middle of this century, the United States will have NO ethnicity that is the majority of the American population.

So, as the OP indicated, many red states will become blue.

I think that objective observers agree that the future belongs to the Democratic Party and people of color.

As a political moderate and good sport, I congratulate the Democratic Party.


The Republican Party, however, may still be able to elect some municipal and state-wide candidates, for -- as one poster implied -- some people of color are actually conservative when it comes to certain topics. If the Republican Party can nominate attractive, moderate candidates, perhaps it can still exercise some influence.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Republicans picked a fine time to alienate the Hispanic vote

Arizona is turning too

Working Hispanic citizens are not alienated in the least. They support strong borders and immigration enforcement. Why do you dem/libs always assume that everyone in a demographic is exactly the same?

Texas and AZ are not going to go dem. Your pipedream is not going to happen. You guys lost big time in 2016 and will keep losing as long as you continue the anti-American, anti-citizen rhetoric and continue to support corrupt liars like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, Franken, Waters, Jackson-Lee, etc.
70 percent voted against Trump in the last election

yeah and that was with your side's propaganda....and the fact he said he was going to build a wall....but 28% voted for him.....and now that he's getting the economy rolling, I think it will be higher

He's willing to sign it, the dems just need to learn to compromise......it's not hard, they can get it if they want it

No she didn’t.


You are confused Moon Bat.

Yes she did.

There is no coincidence that the two states with the most of those illegal assholes and the most lax voter ID laws had the most votes for the Crooked Hillary bitch.

Without the illegals and the welfare queens the filthy Democrat Party would be hard put to get 25% of the vote. Only the stupid Moon Bat idiots would vote for Democrats.

That is the reason the Democrats hate Trump securing the border and stopping the inflow of assholes from the shithole countries. Without them the Democrats have nothing. They are the scum of America.

No I’m not confused. You are bud. Wipe that foaming off your mouth.

You may want to provide a proof to support your lies.

Crooked Hillary? Hillary never been charged or indicted of any wrongdoing. Where is that shithole despicable Trump tax returns?

You are confused Moon Bat. The filthy ass corrupt Democrats didn't even bother to see if the shitheads in California, New York and other stupid "Sanctuary" states were eligible to vote and that is the reason 3-5 million of the dickheads were allowed to vote for that asshole Crooked Hillary. Despicable, isn't it? Corruption of our Republic.

You can be in denial all you want. It is typical for you Moon Bats. What is satisfying is that asshole Crooked Hillary was able to fix the stupid Party of Moon Bats Primary but that didn't fly on a national basis and she got her fat ass beat by a reality star.

The Democrat Party is a collection of all the scum in America. Without the Illegals, Welfare Queens, Queers and other assorted trash the only people (if you can call them that) that would vote for a Democrat would be you stupid confused Moon Bats. Granted, there are a lot of scum in this country and they do occasional win an election in the big city shitholes but thanks to the failure of the Kenyan President they have lost 1,000 national eats, Congress and the Presidency. Only a piece of shit would vote for a Democrat, wouln't you agree?

You are funnier than I thought. This is the problem when a whiteys like you that has taken advantage of your white privileged. That you think an illegal can just willy dilly cast a vote.
1. You make it sound that an illegal can just walked in to a polling stations and cast a vote.
Why would/should an illegal will put himself in danger of losing his only chance to have a better living in US just to cast one lousy vote?

2. So let me repeat it again for the sake of your ignorance. There are thousands and thousands of republican volunteers that worked at the polls. There are NOT a single one complaint of illegals alien votes. Not even the republican governors or Secretary of States. Except the retarded idiots you and Trump.

3. In orderly commit that kind of massive fraud by the millions. You have to conspired by both republicans and democrats by the thousands who work at the polls, both inside and outside at the polls and in several hundreds poll locations. At the same time during the election day in order to make that happen.
So your dream of massive fraud during the election is just purely ludicrous.

Only piece of shit vote for democrats? Really? Look at this shithole president right now? It’s embarrassing. Voting Trump is the biggest mistakes that Americans has made. I feel nauseated.
More evidence that the wave is growing!! Democrats might pick up twenty governorships! Folks, people have seen Republican rule, and they don't like it at atol, at toll at toll

The next GOP panic: Gubernatorial races
The growing optimism on the left is mirrored by a burgeoning Republican pessimism, according to a wide range of GOP operatives and lawmakers involved in this year’s races.

Their concerns are legion: With the White House dominating the news across the country on a daily basis, pollsters are seeing signs of a prospective surge in Latino voters that could swamp Republican candidates in battleground states like Florida and Colorado, put New Mexico’s governor’s race even further out of reach and making Arizona’s competitive.

The 2017 off-year election results in Virginia and New Jersey and the special Senate election in Alabama have also given GOP candidates and incumbents reason to believe they will face an energized Democratic base that could turn out in record numbers, matched by a backlash among highly educated white women whose votes are usually Republican.

“If we nominate bad candidates, we are going to lose: We have to be aware that suburban folks — and suburban women in particular — are going to stay home,” warned Republican strategist Jay Williams, who lives in Georgia, a traditionally conservative state that both parties’ leaders believe is on the cusp of coming into play.
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle

Can't win the battle of ideas, import more third world voters who want more government spending and will vote for you.

Brilliant plan.

Not a single wrinkle...
Pretty interesting to see how many red states are growing way more diverse. Texas will soon join Virginia as a state that was solid red but is changing blue. The majority of high school graduates in Texas are Hispanic. Georgia is going in the same direction, as is North Carolina which already has a Democratic governor. Florida looks like a state ready to go totally blue next election cycle
Texas will turn blue when Oprah moves in because in California she is now the queen of MUD, which is DUM spelled backwards


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