Texas sends 5 buses in 1 day to nyc

Or, Texas could put them on a bus and send them back over the border and stop being such petty assholes.
The Federal Govt (Xiden admin) won't let them do that. Don't you know the law? Prior to Xiden taking office, there was an agreement with Mexico, that Trump was able to obtain, that did allow them to stay in Mexico, while awaiting their hearings here.
A free trip to NYC at texas taxpayer expense.... I'm surprised there are not 30 buses a day. A...you get a free trip to NYC. B....you get to leave the shithole that is known as Texas. Win-Win for the tourists.

The invaders will get a much warmer welcome in NYC than Texas

Bigger welfare checks, cell phones, plush apartments, ect

Its the migrants lucky day
They were going to secede when a Black man was elected president. Just do it already!
There have been talks of Texas seceding for decades, long before, and after Obama. His race has nothing to do with it...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_secession_movements#:~:text=On%20February%201%2C%201861%2C%20delegates,Lower%20South%20to%20do%20so.
New York thinks that small border cities should continue to support the invaders. Nope. The Blues get a fair share.

The invaders will get a much warmer welcome in NYC than Texas

Bigger welfare checks, cell phones, plush apartments, ect

Its the migrants lucky day
Hardly. The last bus that landed there to deliver immigrants from Mexico and everywhere else coming across the Texas border and sent by bus to NYC was met with the kind of hostility not seen since the war between the states. They didn't realize how much the cost of teaching students of more than one languages were so expensive and exhausting to the teachers who had to spend every waking minute at home learning a new language. The unions were outraged. /snicker

However, you're right about one thing. the poor schools along the border lost teachers to exhaustion, many of whom quit the small town and moved inland, away from this massive hardship on their lives. Texans decided the northerners needed a first-hand look, since that weenie Rep Alexandra Ocasio Cortez took a pleasure trip to the border, avoiding seeing the people crossing over 100%. She turned her alleged necessary trip into a huge, self-aggrandizing party with her leftist pals on the border who were already becoming unpopular with border Americans who had to bury dead immigrants who were overcome by the hardships of their trip and died on their land, who had to burn their trash left on their land three times a week, which is insane in hot weather, and who had to pay more taxes to support local schools hiring bilingual instructors to conform all students with the state laws of Texas, to make sure all elementary students had to have passing grades. Working with illiterate and making some of them totally literate in less than a year truly exhausted educators in those schools, many of whom soldiered on for the sake of the small communities they lived in, learning a new language at the end of each day when they got home and had no social life for a couple of years while they learned Tex-Mex Spanish.

Now the Yankees are getting a taste of what the border teachers are going through, except they have the ability to make ends meet with a superior access to the wealth it takes to educate illiterate foreigners who do not know the language of this land. And they have enough good people there who can work as either volunteers or paid school employees who are bilingual and can make language happen more quickly for the sweet little kids who crossed the borders with or without their own parents.

This may have a tendency to wake up lefties to the rubber hitting the road on educating the kids who cross. Thank God for that, and I hope it goes well for giving the dreamers a chance at the American dream, although there may not be one when America pays the tab for Trillions of dollars the Congress is extracting from the middle class they promised would get a lower tax rate. It's not going to happen as they flip flop the next day from promise to reality, promise to reality, promise to reality.

This may discuss the issue better than I ever could:
A free trip to NYC at texas taxpayer expense.... I'm surprised there are not 30 buses a day. A...you get a free trip to NYC. B....you get to leave the shithole that is known as Texas. Win-Win for the tourists.

Except your fellow DemoKKKrats are whining about this constantly, so I guess you're just lying as usual.

New York thinks that small border cities should continue to support the invaders. Nope. The Blues get a fair share.

At least one House Democrat has the cajones to agree that the border was a hardship for small towns along the border. It's too bad that it took almost two years to have just one or two Democrats realizing how deleterious opening the border has been to border states.

A free trip to NYC at texas taxpayer expense.... I'm surprised there are not 30 buses a day. A...you get a free trip to NYC. B....you get to leave the shithole that is known as Texas. Win-Win for the tourists.
For once we agree. Liberals want this, they should all be bussed to sanctuary cities

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