Texas gets 1700 Border Wall Panels through the GSA. Only paid shipping.

Excuses? Conservatives refuse to address the issue of immigration directly because they are stuck between their base demanding them to be cruel bastards and the rest of the country that has a big problem with all their final solutions.

You are a drama queen.............You OPENLY IGNORE THE LAW............PERIOD after swearing an OATH TO HONOR IT...............That is what you are to me..............NOTHING.

You are a drama queen.............You OPENLY IGNORE THE LAW............PERIOD after swearing an OATH TO HONOR IT...............That is what you are to me..............NOTHING.
Sigh. It's always feels so futile to discuss the real world with some of you whackadoodles. The immigration crisis will continue for the foreseeable future because the right cannot face reality.
As the left pushes open borders and completely shut down the Border Wall Construction, Abbott grabs 1700 already built Wall sections from the GSA to build Texas Wall.

Now 1,700 unused panels — declared surplus property by the federal government — have been shipped from California to help build Gov. Greg Abbott’s state-funded wall, according to spokespeople for the U.S. Department of Defense and the Texas Facilities Commission.


Winds topple border wall panels on California-Mexico border

CALEXICO, Calif. -- Strong winds gusting across Southern California have toppled several panels of a new barrier being installed along the U.S.-Mexico border, a newspaper reported.

The U.S. Border Patrol said the panels fell into Mexican territory Wednesday about 100 miles (161 kilometers) east of San Diego where the border separates the U.S. city of Calexico and the Mexican city of Mexicali, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Now I know why they were surplus.
As the left pushes open borders and completely shut down the Border Wall Construction, Abbott grabs 1700 already built Wall sections from the GSA to build Texas Wall.

LMAO. He got it all before Biden even knew about it and could stop it.

Now 1,700 unused panels — declared surplus property by the federal government — have been shipped from California to help build Gov. Greg Abbott’s state-funded wall, according to spokespeople for the U.S. Department of Defense and the Texas Facilities Commission.

The Biden administration halted virtually all work on the federal wall in January 2021. Lt. Col. Chris Mitchell, a spokesperson for the Department of Defense, which had been in charge of awarding some of the federal wall contracts under Trump, said the 32-foot-tall steel bollard panels were at a storage site in San Diego.

The Texas Facilities Commission, the state office in charge of Texas border wall construction, applied in November to receive the surplus panels through the federal government’s General Service Administration, a program that allows nonprofit organizations and state and local governments to receive property the federal government no longer needs.

Francoise Luca, a spokesperson for the Facilities Commission, said the state didn’t have to disclose to the federal government that it planned to use the panels for Texas’ border wall project, adding that the state followed the surplus program’s rules.

Where is Texas going to get the moats and alligators from?
STFU Mr. Piss on the Constitution..........it is a beginning and will continue..........As other states are looking for ways to deal with it because they are TIRED OF WASHINGTON

I hope Abbot puts them on a stronger foundation than California did.

Winds topple border wall panels on California-Mexico border

CALEXICO, Calif. -- Strong winds gusting across Southern California have toppled several panels of a new barrier being installed along the U.S.-Mexico border, a newspaper reported.

The U.S. Border Patrol said the panels fell into Mexican territory Wednesday about 100 miles (161 kilometers) east of San Diego where the border separates the U.S. city of Calexico and the Mexican city of Mexicali, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Now I know why they were surplus.
So..........probably happened during construction.....A crane and jlg are fixing it in the back........Welding machine on the truck in the background.

It will survive.
I hope Abbot puts them on a stronger foundation than California did.
I don't like the panels........Concrete is cheaper and quicker..........the design was requested by the Border Patrol...........they want to see through it.

Got news for you.............Turkey did it on their entire border with Syria and Iraq in about a year .............But they didn't have the massive daily lawsuits.
So..........probably happened during construction.....A crane and jlg are fixing it in the back........Welding machine on the truck in the background.

It will survive.
Then why did they stop using 1,700 of them?
Where is Texas going to get the moats and alligators from?
Glad you asked............they intend to fix 3 problems at once...........they will dig the moat and take the dirt to New Orleans......Raise it above Sea Level.......Get the alligators from Florida and solve the overpopulation problem there.

Kill 3 birds with one stone.
I don't like the panels........Concrete is cheaper and quicker..........the design was requested by the Border Patrol...........they want to see through it.

Got news for you.............Turkey did it on their entire border with Syria and Iraq in about a year .............But they didn't have the massive daily lawsuits.

They didn't have to eminent domain to get the land to put it on.
Read moonbat...........Biden stopped that.............Texas got them from the GSA surplus property program.
I thought it had to do with the wind blowing them down.

That's where you'll find the answer my friend.
I thought it had to do with the wind blowing them down.

That's where you find the answer my friend.
You posted it with NO LINK.........MOONBAT..........Show me how those welded together can get blown down when they are steel dampers for wind.
If someone wants to cross badly enough they will find a way wall or no wall. Trump's great wall of stupidity is a monument to conservatives not wanting to ever address the problem of immigration ever again. They can't even talk about it without sounding like a bunch of cruel hateful thugs so the issue will continue to fester. There are solutions but conservative minds are just not equipped to let go of the xenophobia and see these people as actual humans.
The ONLY great stupidity in this thread or on this issue with you and the left. A wall doe NOT have to be 100% foolproof. To say that if it isn't, means it doesn't work is the very height of stupidity?

We have 10s if not 100's thousands of illegals entering this country every month.

A wall would stop the flow to less than 1,000, possibly even more. Add enforcement to the wall as you do for prisons, and that number would drop to 10's or 100's a month.

So, how do you build a wall? One fucking foot at a time and you keep going until it is complete.

Fuck open borders.
Excuses? Conservatives refuse to address the issue of immigration directly because they are stuck between their base demanding them to be cruel bastards and the rest of the country that has a big problem with all their final solutions.
Only you clowns have a problem with the solutions, the rest of the country doesn't agree with you.

There is no cruelty in Fences. Fences and walls make for civil neighbors.
The ONLY great stupidity in this thread or on this issue with your and the lefts. A wall doe NOT have to 100% foolproof. To say that if it isn't, means it doesn't work is the very height of stupidity?

We have 10's of not 100's of thousands of illegals entering this country every month.

A wall would stop the flow to less than 1,000, possibly even more. Add enforcement to the wall like you do for prisons, and that number would drop to 10's or 100's a month.

So, how do you build a wall? One fucking foot at a time and you keep going until it is complete.

Fuck open borders.
You don't even know how most of our illegal aliens entered. Hint: they didn't walk over the border.
You don't even know how most of our illegal aliens entered. Hint: they didn't walk over the border.
Through the gates claiming Asylum as you ignore the Constitution and the LAW.............You are a CANCER and so is your party.
You don't even know how most of our illegal aliens entered. Hint: they didn't walk over the border.
Wrong. We aren't talking about Most of our illegals. That is called moving the goalposts.

We are specifically addressing the Southern border, where uncounted terrorists have entered. Where unvaxxed have entered.

Over the past 20 years, far more people have entered illegally than those who simply overstayed their visas.

Peddle your bullshit to someone gullible enough to believe it.
Only you clowns have a problem with the solutions, the rest of the country doesn't agree with you.

There is no cruelty in Fences. Fences and walls make for civil neighbors.
A border wall is not a solution to any problem we have. Trump could have had his wall as part of a comprehensive immigration reform package but he didn't want a deal. He just wanted a big beautiful wall with a big rhinestone T on it.

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