Texas father shoots 'peeping Tom' he found outside child's window, authorities say

Good job got to protect your kids

He probably received a better outcome than if the mother had been free to deal with him.

If Canadians could shoot all the creeps we have here, our population would probably decrease by 15-20% overnight.
they are not tolerated anywhere, at least in the red states!

They are not tolerated anywhere. Yet, I think I read that there is more human trafficking in America than anywhere in the world. I'm not sure if they were referring to a specific type of trafficking, or per capita, whatever, but that's what I recall reading.

I tend to think per capita Canada has to be one of the worst, especially those in positions of authority. It has to speak about the lack of principle and character of our security apparatus that they look the other way, even if grudgingly, when they know such activities are occurring.
they are not tolerated anywhere, at least in the red states!
In the Red States ....

They are trying to make them a protected orientation in other states.

I'm sorry, but one has to consider just what type of person would "protect" such activities. I don't care how much some try to rationalize and analyze the source, which like it or not, it must be studied; there should always be far greater focus on the most vulnerable of victims.

Why else would they let old men perverts choose to use bathrooms with little girls.
It is so much more Fucked Up than that ....

The Left wants to make Pedophilia normal ..... like they did Gays and then call you a bigot for objecting.

They still have lots of work to do because pedophilia is still a crime in most states.

DO NOT underestimate their GOAL !!!

I'm sorry, but one has to consider just what type of person would "protect" such activities. I don't care how much some try to rationalize and analyze the source, which like it or not, it must be studied; there should always be far greater focus on the most vulnerable of victims.
The most vulnerable ..... Children, (think the border) Women, (think the Bimbo Erruption and Abortion) and the Elderly ... (think COVID in nursing homes) ...

Ah, so it wasn't the peeking in the windows or even yanking it to the little girl that got his dumb ass shot. It was grabbing the gun and pointing it at an armed man's wife.

Well, cuz. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Have a good stay in the prison hospital.
To me, this is reason why surveillance systems are so important. They can help occupants learn if there have been other times that people have done such activity as well as learning if there is more than one person who doesn't know how to keep to themselves.

God bless you always!!!

It was later reported that the pervert's first name is Eric.

His last name is spelled, something like, t..r...

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