Texans Are Worried About a Military Takeover- Jade Helm 15

They should hold military exercises in San Fran, Manhattan, or on a college campus. Then the lefties would shit their panties. Since it is in Texas, they don't care because they hate Texas and Texans.
They should hold military exercises in San Fran, Manhattan, or on a college campus. Then the lefties would shit their panties. Since it is in Texas, they don't care because they hate Texas and Texans.

That is because states like Arizona, Texas and Utah are where the remaining free Americans live. These states still recognize history, just like the liberals like to reference history for their causes

Yes, liberty is a threat to the left

One, why is this not in the Badlands?

Two, this type of OP reveals the far reactionary right for what they stand.
They should hold military exercises in San Fran, Manhattan, or on a college campus. Then the lefties would shit their panties. Since it is in Texas, they don't care because they hate Texas and Texans.

Well, at least you finally get it that this is just the same military exercises our military has been holding since our military was formed. For that you should be congratulated.

But seriously, do any of you idiot nutters know WHY the military chose various locations for their maneuvers?

Because the terrain is much like the places where they may have to actually fight.
Jade Helm 15 has citizens in Texas and Utah concerned. I understand their reasoning. But the question has to be asked;

What has changed in America to where citizens, like those in Texas and Utah, question the administration and its military tactics?

And why would the US government incite the issue by going after 2 of the most 'free' states left in the country? Certainly, the government is doing nothing to defuse the situation by declaring these states hostile.


May 5, 2015 U.S. Special Operations Command is preparing to launch a five-month, multi-state exercise across private and public land to prepare Army special forces for threats anywhere in the world. Or at least that's what the Pentagon would want you to believe. Officials and citizens in Texas, one of the states involved, see something potentially more nefarious in the exercise, dubbed Jade Helm 15. And now Rep. Louie Gohmert is joining them.

"Over the past few weeks, my office has been inundated with calls referring to the Jade Helm 15 military exercise scheduled to take place between July 15 and September 15, 2015," Gohmert said in a Tuesday statement. "This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law. Certainly, I can understand these concerns."

"When leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, are military veterans, or even 'cling to guns or religion,' patriotic Americans have reason to be concerned," Gohmert wrote.

Louie Gohmert Gets Why Some Texans Are Worried About a Military Takeover - NationalJournal.com

Uh, you DID see that this opinion was stated by LOUIS GOHMERT, right?

"The Texas congressman is joining others in his state calling for the Pentagon to alter the Jade Helm 15 military exercises."

What you fools should be concerned about is that this idiot is more than willing to endanger our military - just to appease the most stupid Americans.

Typical tee potty.


Jade Helm 15 has citizens in Texas and Utah concerned. I understand their reasoning. But the question has to be asked;

What has changed in America to where citizens, like those in Texas and Utah, question the administration and its military tactics?

And why would the US government incite the issue by going after 2 of the most 'free' states left in the country? Certainly, the government is doing nothing to defuse the situation by declaring these states hostile.


May 5, 2015 U.S. Special Operations Command is preparing to launch a five-month, multi-state exercise across private and public land to prepare Army special forces for threats anywhere in the world. Or at least that's what the Pentagon would want you to believe. Officials and citizens in Texas, one of the states involved, see something potentially more nefarious in the exercise, dubbed Jade Helm 15. And now Rep. Louie Gohmert is joining them.

"Over the past few weeks, my office has been inundated with calls referring to the Jade Helm 15 military exercise scheduled to take place between July 15 and September 15, 2015," Gohmert said in a Tuesday statement. "This military practice has some concerned that the U.S. Army is preparing for modern-day martial law. Certainly, I can understand these concerns."

"When leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, are military veterans, or even 'cling to guns or religion,' patriotic Americans have reason to be concerned," Gohmert wrote.

Louie Gohmert Gets Why Some Texans Are Worried About a Military Takeover - NationalJournal.com

Uh, you DID see that this opinion was stated by LOUIS GOHMERT, right?

"The Texas congressman is joining others in his state calling for the Pentagon to alter the Jade Helm 15 military exercises."

What you fools should be concerned about is that this idiot is more than willing to endanger our military - just to appease the most stupid Americans.

Typical tee potty.

I think the Feds should look on this as a sign to start pulling our military bases out of Texas and putting them elsewhere (I'm sure some states would like the business provided by all those soldiers and sailors.) And Texas needs to secede already.

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