Ten topics that liberals talk about incessantly But don't understand.

How republicans brainstorm new issues:

The argument applies to both sides as they are essentially dependent on consumer spending and a petrodollar propped up by the military.
You knew this would really stir up the Lefties like Pogo, didn't you? :rofl:

The pimplyface kid's article has been posted before and shot down in flames for the worthless black hole of blatant fallacies it is. No reason to waste my time deconstructing it all over again to those who aren't listening anyway. :eusa_hand:

And btw I'm a Liberal, not a 'lefty'. Although I have no doubt your understanding of the distinction is likely on a par with Pimplyface Kid.
all 10 where dead on

--- arrival.

Don't know why wags who clearly don't understand politics venture into political fora.
I mean I don't venture into Lithuanian quiltwork forums... maybe I should... :dunno:
what on that list is even the slightest bit incorrect?

Everything on that list is part of the straw man that rush uses to try to discredit the left. Sadly, right wingers actually believe that their opposition is as described in that little article. Right wingers also believe liberals are all lazy bums who don't care about anything but the government paying their bills for them and smoking dope. Raging against their imaginary foe is why they will not have a successful presidential candidate for a long time.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Here is precisely the response you have to get used to on this broad....from one of the very pinheads who keep this board from being a true discussion board---almost 34,000 posts in a couple of years (apparently no job or if so, a Public Union employee drawing a check, but with with nothing to do)---never attempting anything in the way of discussion;...only an insult to the writer of an article and to the poster who posted it....and then running like mad from the verities contained in the article.

The article nails exactly how liberals think, and this little bitch POGO can do nothing with it, so she quibbles, in a pretentious asshole kind of way, with her own self-serving definition of a word.

The irony here is that you pinheads think you are smarter than Heartland Americans but you contribute less to an intellectual discussion than anyone else who posts here.

Why don't you sack up and take a shot at producing logical arguments which show where the article is wrong...if you can.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Here is precisely the response you have to get used to on this broad....from one of the very pinheads who keep this board from being a true discussion board---almost 34,000 posts in a couple of years (apparently no job or if so, a Public Union employee drawing a check, but with with nothing to do)---never attempting anything in the way of discussion;...only an insult to the writer of an article and to the poster who posted it....and then running like mad from the verities contained in the article.

The article nails exactly how liberals think, and this little bitch POGO can do nothing with it, so she quibbles, in a pretentious asshole kind of way, with her own self-serving definition of a word.

The irony here is that you pinheads think you are smarter than Heartland Americans but you contribute less to an intellectual discussion than anyone else who posts here.

Why don't you sack up and take a shot at producing logical arguments which show where the article is wrong...if you can.
I sincerely hope you aren't holding your breath. :)
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Here is precisely the response you have to get used to on this broad....from one of the very pinheads who keep this board from being a true discussion board---almost 34,000 posts in a couple of years (apparently no job or if so, a Public Union employee drawing a check, but with with nothing to do)---never attempting anything in the way of discussion;...only an insult to the writer of an article and to the poster who posted it....and then running like mad from the verities contained in the article.

The article nails exactly how liberals think, and this little bitch POGO can do nothing with it, so she quibbles, in a pretentious asshole kind of way, with her own self-serving definition of a word.

The irony here is that you pinheads think you are smarter than Heartland Americans but you contribute less to an intellectual discussion than anyone else who posts here.

Why don't you sack up and take a shot at producing logical arguments which show where the article is wrong...if you can.

Some statements are worthy of discussion of facts, and some are just too crazy to discuss. This one is worthy of a little ridicule, but frankly to crazy to take seriously.
10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don t Understand - John Hawkins - Page full

”You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.” -- Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

Ironic thread considering that the article makes it clear neither you nor the author has a clue what "Liberal" means.

What your quote above said.

Also what the site hosting the article says: "Townhall readers say: 'Ridiculous''"

Here is precisely the response you have to get used to on this broad....from one of the very pinheads who keep this board from being a true discussion board---almost 34,000 posts in a couple of years (apparently no job or if so, a Public Union employee drawing a check, but with with nothing to do)---never attempting anything in the way of discussion;...only an insult to the writer of an article and to the poster who posted it....and then running like mad from the verities contained in the article.

The article nails exactly how liberals think, and this little bitch POGO can do nothing with it, so she quibbles, in a pretentious asshole kind of way, with her own self-serving definition of a word.

The irony here is that you pinheads think you are smarter than Heartland Americans but you contribute less to an intellectual discussion than anyone else who posts here.

Why don't you sack up and take a shot at producing logical arguments which show where the article is wrong...if you can.

"She"? "She" who? Who the fuck are you talking about?

This diarrhea flow has been posted before (it's three years old) and when it was it was dutifully blown to bits in this same forum. I forget who posted it then --- another one of the mental midgets impressed by Appeal to Emotion that doesn't bother to think. It's a grand clusterfuck of blanket generalization and strawman fallacies and demonstrates a fundamental abject ignorance of politics, let alone what Liberalism means. It's clear Pimplyface has never been within smelling distance of a PoliSci class. Or probably even a book. If you're so interested in what's wrong with it go search it down*. Running around barking like fucking Peewee Herman going "I know you are but what am I" makes it clear you aren't worth my time. Maybe "she" will indulge you. I won't.

* Here for example - one of several versions of this turd that Pimplyface has shat out with different titles, all employing the same fallacies listed above and all making exactly the same trolling non-point. Search took 0.54 seconds.

You never did answer that question on what socialism means either, coward.
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