Ten Hours in Line to Vote - An American Embarrassment

that'll be fine too, fuck off is good. course then I will have to withold my sympathy for the story of people who have stood in line 8-10 hours a day every day since Sept. 22. It dosen't make much sense to me when I can't do the math.

And I didn't say F off to you. I said he should say it. To me you are cordial. You just make me so mad!!:lol:
Satterberg: [A] joint federal and state investigation has determined that this
scheme was not intended to permit illegal voting.

Instead, the defendants cheated their employer, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or ACORN), to get paid for work they did not actually perform. ACORN's lax oversight of their own voter registration drive permitted this to happen. ... It was hardly a sophisticated plan: The defendants simply realized that making up names was easier than actually canvassing the streets looking for unregistered voters. ...

[It] appears that the employees of ACORN were not performing the work that they were being paid for, and to some extent, ACORN is a victim of employee theft.

FactCheck.org: ACORN Accusations
I'm sorry. In your case I should have said ignorant bitches.

For most people, their home is their retirement nest egg. Not anymore. So enjoy paying less taxes.

I'll pay more taxes thank you if it means sales/business picks up.

You sound like a Republicans housewife. Sitting at home doing nothing, talking shit because your husband affords you that privilage.

God half of America makes me sick.

god you are so funny, jump to so many conclusions, you got so many new twists in yer pretzel. nope, I'm none of what you just described. It wasn't my idea to devalue my house and of course I will enjoy paying less taxes. . Half of America makes you sick? Which half is that? The successful half? Greed and envy and hatred will ruin your life.
god you are so funny, jump to so many conclusions, you got so many new twists in yer pretzel. nope, I'm none of what you just described. It wasn't my idea to devalue my house and of course I will enjoy paying less taxes. . Half of America makes you sick? Which half is that? The successful half? Greed and envy and hatred will ruin your life.

The Greedy hateful half.
There is payoff and it is money. The workers want to make a paycheck, so rather then canvass neighboorhoods and have people fill out registrations they just sit at their desk and fill them out themselves so that there is something to turn in at the end of the day. Acorn is the victim of theft, because the employees are being paid for work they are not doing. Those false registrations were discovered and reported by Acorn not election officials. If they wanted to steal the election, why would they xpose themselves? Lazy Acorn employess wanted the paycheck without doing the work plain and simple.

Just another arguement then as to why we need to cut Federal funding for ACORN. They are bad managers. Every election cycle they hire people like this. People they want to take zero responsibility for.
Just another arguement then as to why we need to cut Federal funding for ACORN. They are bad managers. Every election cycle they hire people like this. People they want to take zero responsibility for.

They did take responsibility, Acorn exposed the registrations and fired the employees.
god you are so funny, jump to so many conclusions, you got so many new twists in yer pretzel. nope, I'm none of what you just described. It wasn't my idea to devalue my house and of course I will enjoy paying less taxes. . Half of America makes you sick? Which half is that? The successful half? Greed and envy and hatred will ruin your life.

Are you married to Rep Robin Hayes? You sound like him.

Sarah Palin — she’s a lady that can get ‘er done. She’s been in Alaska. She got ‘er did! Folks, there’s a real America, and liberals hate real Americans that work, and accomplish, and achieve, and believe in God. That’s a great comparison.

And I didn't say F off to you. I said he should say it. To me you are cordial. You just make me so mad!!:lol:

you can say F off to me if it will make you feel better too, and compare me to animals too. You libs are qute cordial to me too. I appreciate all acts of tolerance. yes I do.
Something like the following recently happened to a former (what is the American word for someone who studied in the same courses?) of mine.

While volunteering for Obama in Florida, He arrives before a house with a confederate flag which was listed as undecided.
Ringing, the lady of the house opens.
"Did you make up your mind for whom you are going to vote yet?" he asks,
"Darling" shouts the lady into the house "For whom are we going to vote?"
"We are going to vote for the ******" comes back the awnser.
The lady says: "You heard it, we will vote for the ******".

Wow, well I guess a vote is a vote.
Are you married to Rep Robin Hayes? You sound like him.

Sarah Palin — she’s a lady that can get ‘er done. She’s been in Alaska. She got ‘er did! Folks, there’s a real America, and liberals hate real Americans that work, and accomplish, and achieve, and believe in God. That’s a great comparison.


Who is Robin Hayes?
Please vote Obama. We need you. Either the Dems or Reps are going to win. Do you want these assholes to win?

And a 3rd party candidate will get sabotaged and won't be effective with Dems and Reps in Congress.

So you have to vote 3rd party locally first. If they do well and their party gains popularity across the country, then maybe some day.

But they haven't even taken over on a local level.

And you don't think a 3rd party will be corrupted if they got into power?

We need you, especially in GA!!!!

I can't do it my brother. If I could I would, if only to ease some of the tension in my friendships .. and even with my wife and kids.

Two days ago I had an elderly white woman angrily screaming in my face at a public gathering because I dared speak ill of Obama. I simply told her how good it made me feel to have her screaming at me in defense of a black man running for president. I told her I felt like kissing her .. kinda' eased the tension and she smiled. If Obama loses, it won't be because of race.

There are 3 issues most important to me in this election ...

WAR .. and Obama fails. I supported him during the primaries .. and the moment I started supporting him is when he said "We must not only bring our troops home from Iraq, but we must also address the mindset that sent them there" .. Cool, I was in .. sent him $400. Since the primaries he talks of war more aggresively than McCain and wants to expand it into Pakistan.

After what we've done in Iraq, how can I support someone who wants to murder children to look presidential? No matter how it's twisted, dropping huge bombs on civilians murders children and innocent people. From my perspective, McCain would be safer because any war he planned would have to go through what might be a democratic super-majority. Obama will have no such encumberance.

Obama fails

ENDING CORPORATE CONTROL OF AMERICA .. and Obama fails. I could have switched back .. maybe .. if he had stood with the American people on the bailout .. but he didn't .. and he didn't because of the astronomical amount of money he was getting from Wall Street. He has a history of missing important votes or just voting "present" so he can stay away from having to take a stand.

Obama fails

THE INJUSTICE OF THE CRIMINAL SYSTEM .. and Obama fails. Although there is no question that he knows the injustice of the system, and although he once campaigned on this injustiuce, and although he used to take a stand against the dealth penalty .. now he supports it .. even though the REPUBLICAN governor of his own state stopped executions because even he was aware of the disportionate way JUST-US is carried out. Obama will do nothing on this issue and I fully expect him top appoint an AG who won't have the slightest clue or inclination to do anything either.

Obama fails

How does one trust someone who will say anything to get elected?

How much more will democrats compromise to play follow the leader?

As for the impact of 3rd parties .. as long as Americans continue to play the two-party quagmire we're in we will never regain control of our government. Somebody has to draw the line in the sand .. and there are a lot of somebody's doing just that.

Sorry my brother, on Nov. 5th, I have to wake up and look in the mirror.
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Google him.

He said that quote about Liberals when he introduced Palin at a rally.

He's a red neck politician from a red state.

oic, and because my house was devalued and I pay less taxes makes me a red neck politician from a red state? wow dang! I'm gettin edumacated, errrrrrr indoctrinated or sumpin :tongue:
Negative. It's more race-card bullshit. Black Coal is just getting his excuse ready if Comrade Hussein loses. I can hear it now. "We lost because you made poor, innocent, black people stand in line for 10 hours."

Way to sound like a racist asshole! And I am sure you don't think racism still exists!
well, buddy? won't exactly help me to know how many voters their are in Ga. unless you tie that figure to how many stations are available for them to vote in? We gotta find some way to account for voting Since Sept. 22 with 8- 10 hours waiting time every day since! That's a hellava lot of voters. I'm just curious to know how many and how many stations. but if you are not up to answering I understand. No biggie!

Last post I'm going to make to a dummy in this thread.

GOOGLE .. are you familiar with it.

How many voting machines in Georgia? .. GOOGLE: "how many voting machines in georgia"

As you can tell .. I don't suffer fools easily .. just go the fuck away

Try here for your intellectual equal .. and good luck
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