Tell me if you've heard this one before...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A Black habitual criminal does something "in character," which results in police being called to the scene.

The police arrive and the criminal refuses every request by police to defuse the situation, making the situation worse with everything he does. Numerous times during the episode, he refuses to take reasonable actions that would have saved his own life. He threatens the police with violence, using every means at his disposal (gun, knife, fists, sunglasses), and finally the police respond with lethal force - injuring or killing the dirtbag

The whole episode is recorded on cellphones, and the most inflammatory moments are released to a hungry Media, from whence they are broadcast all over the world. The Leftist Media and the Community immediately conclude that the police have acted precipitously - criminally - and demand the immediate firing, conviction, and execution of every uniform-wearing city official who was at the scene, and those who came later.

Riots erupt, in defense of the dirtbag. Property of innocent owners, landlords, businesses, and government is damaged and/or destroyed, costing tens of millions of dollars. People are injured and killed in the riots.

The original police conduct is given a thorough review by a police conduct review board, the local District Attorney, the State Attorney General and the AG of the United States, as well as the local Civil Courts, and the individual policeman's career and probably his life are ruined, although he is never convicted of anything, as his actions were pretty much what he was trained to do under those circumstances.

The family of the dirtbag is greatly enriched, as the Mayor (a Democrat, of course) wishes to curry favor with his Black and Leftist voters, and authorizes a multi-million dollar settlement to people who lost not one dime, and are probably glad to see the bastard buried in the ground.

Other police around the country follow these events closely, and inevitably take a more cautious approach to similar situations in the future, thus endangering those innocent persons who would call 911 in the future, because the future dirtbags know that they are more likely to get away with outrageous conduct.

Stop me if you've heard this one...
Cops tend to deal with bad guys.
Bad guys don’t always don’t always follow direction well.

The question is not whether or not the guy is a good citizen but whether lethal force is necessary.

People see these videos and ask why it is necessary to repeatedly shoot someone in the back. There needs to be an imminent threat not woulda, coulda, shoulda

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