Tell Me if I'm Wrong


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Another says the Second Amendment gives the state the right to form a militia. Of course we no longer have to worry because today all their text books are on their computers and we no longer can read them except through the schools who teach this treason.

The Dick Act of, I think 1913 spelled out in plain English what the military was. Regular Troops, Reserve Troops, the National Guard and the militia, every able man. If called up by the president the militia will show up with a modern military rifle and the rounds to power it. If they fail to show they will be tried the same as a regular troop.

This brings my first question. If we were invaded by way of the Left Coast or the other Left Coast where is the militia? Will New Yorkers and Californians be behind every blade of grass with their modern military rifle? Or will they be saluting a white flag flying over Sacramento? It's bad enough we have allowed states to break Federal Law now they destroy our nation's defense. One has flooded their state with the invaders and supports them with things Americans only dream of.

Again stop me if I'm wrong. The Constitution is the law of the land. Every elected and most all appointed political officials swear an oath to the Constitution. If we the people held them to this oath we might have a couple not setting in prison, or swinging from a rope.

For the last 15 years violent crime has been on the down fall. Even in these democrat ran shit holes as....PICK ONE. With their high poverty, no jobs, massive gun laws disarming the good, the honest, and the helpless. A drug and crime infested, gun free utopia. The weapons the tyrants scream about were used to murder less than knifes and even one's hands. Those semi automatics, a shell of what we should have, are only a threat to enemies from within, tyrants like the ones that soil their oath and never had any honor to begin with.

Don't try to fool your self, the Second Amendment allows us to retain all the rest of them. A lot of citizens in states have given up their right to protect them self. What they come for next is the Fourth Amendment. With all the crime ya got to suspend the Fourth to protect the disarmed surfs. Just look at any democrat ran area weather a town, city, or state. All shit holes Disarmed and the Fourth just a faint memory you live out the rest of your life as a subject to the crown of the ones that disarmed you.
You're not wrong. Where's the 1st amendment today? The 2nd may very well have to be used to exercise the 1st.
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Another says the Second Amendment gives the state the right to form a militia. Of course we no longer have to worry because today all their text books are on their computers and we no longer can read them except through the schools who teach this treason.

The Dick Act of, I think 1913 spelled out in plain English what the military was. Regular Troops, Reserve Troops, the National Guard and the militia, every able man. If called up by the president the militia will show up with a modern military rifle and the rounds to power it. If they fail to show they will be tried the same as a regular troop.

This brings my first question. If we were invaded by way of the Left Coast or the other Left Coast where is the militia? Will New Yorkers and Californians be behind every blade of grass with their modern military rifle? Or will they be saluting a white flag flying over Sacramento? It's bad enough we have allowed states to break Federal Law now they destroy our nation's defense. One has flooded their state with the invaders and supports them with things Americans only dream of.

Again stop me if I'm wrong. The Constitution is the law of the land. Every elected and most all appointed political officials swear an oath to the Constitution. If we the people held them to this oath we might have a couple not setting in prison, or swinging from a rope.

For the last 15 years violent crime has been on the down fall. Even in these democrat ran shit holes as....PICK ONE. With their high poverty, no jobs, massive gun laws disarming the good, the honest, and the helpless. A drug and crime infested, gun free utopia. The weapons the tyrants scream about were used to murder less than knifes and even one's hands. Those semi automatics, a shell of what we should have, are only a threat to enemies from within, tyrants like the ones that soil their oath and never had any honor to begin with.

Don't try to fool your self, the Second Amendment allows us to retain all the rest of them. A lot of citizens in states have given up their right to protect them self. What they come for next is the Fourth Amendment. With all the crime ya got to suspend the Fourth to protect the disarmed surfs. Just look at any democrat ran area weather a town, city, or state. All shit holes Disarmed and the Fourth just a faint memory you live out the rest of your life as a subject to the crown of the ones that disarmed you.
Another Red Dawn fantasy

The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Another says the Second Amendment gives the state the right to form a militia. Of course we no longer have to worry because today all their text books are on their computers and we no longer can read them except through the schools who teach this treason.

The Dick Act of, I think 1913 spelled out in plain English what the military was. Regular Troops, Reserve Troops, the National Guard and the militia, every able man. If called up by the president the militia will show up with a modern military rifle and the rounds to power it. If they fail to show they will be tried the same as a regular troop.

This brings my first question. If we were invaded by way of the Left Coast or the other Left Coast where is the militia? Will New Yorkers and Californians be behind every blade of grass with their modern military rifle? Or will they be saluting a white flag flying over Sacramento? It's bad enough we have allowed states to break Federal Law now they destroy our nation's defense. One has flooded their state with the invaders and supports them with things Americans only dream of.

Again stop me if I'm wrong. The Constitution is the law of the land. Every elected and most all appointed political officials swear an oath to the Constitution. If we the people held them to this oath we might have a couple not setting in prison, or swinging from a rope.

For the last 15 years violent crime has been on the down fall. Even in these democrat ran shit holes as....PICK ONE. With their high poverty, no jobs, massive gun laws disarming the good, the honest, and the helpless. A drug and crime infested, gun free utopia. The weapons the tyrants scream about were used to murder less than knifes and even one's hands. Those semi automatics, a shell of what we should have, are only a threat to enemies from within, tyrants like the ones that soil their oath and never had any honor to begin with.

Don't try to fool your self, the Second Amendment allows us to retain all the rest of them. A lot of citizens in states have given up their right to protect them self. What they come for next is the Fourth Amendment. With all the crime ya got to suspend the Fourth to protect the disarmed surfs. Just look at any democrat ran area weather a town, city, or state. All shit holes Disarmed and the Fourth just a faint memory you live out the rest of your life as a subject to the crown of the ones that disarmed you.
And most of theee democrat run cities are police states and still have high murder rates, they gave up
There rights for welfare, and fake security, sad
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
Yep. And many self proclaimed "law abiding" gun owners are just as guilty in being complicit in the 2As infringement, as the gun grabbers themselves, by capitulation to said infringements; and lending a false sense of legitimacy to these infringements...
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
Yep. And many self proclaimed "law abiding" gun owners are just as guilty in being complicit in the 2As infringement, as the gun grabbers themselves, by capitulation to said infringements; and lending a false sense of legitimacy to these infringements...
Tell us again about....My cold, dead hands
The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Another says the Second Amendment gives the state the right to form a militia. Of course we no longer have to worry because today all their text books are on their computers and we no longer can read them except through the schools who teach this treason.

The Dick Act of, I think 1913 spelled out in plain English what the military was. Regular Troops, Reserve Troops, the National Guard and the militia, every able man. If called up by the president the militia will show up with a modern military rifle and the rounds to power it. If they fail to show they will be tried the same as a regular troop.

This brings my first question. If we were invaded by way of the Left Coast or the other Left Coast where is the militia? Will New Yorkers and Californians be behind every blade of grass with their modern military rifle? Or will they be saluting a white flag flying over Sacramento? It's bad enough we have allowed states to break Federal Law now they destroy our nation's defense. One has flooded their state with the invaders and supports them with things Americans only dream of.

Again stop me if I'm wrong. The Constitution is the law of the land. Every elected and most all appointed political officials swear an oath to the Constitution. If we the people held them to this oath we might have a couple not setting in prison, or swinging from a rope.

For the last 15 years violent crime has been on the down fall. Even in these democrat ran shit holes as....PICK ONE. With their high poverty, no jobs, massive gun laws disarming the good, the honest, and the helpless. A drug and crime infested, gun free utopia. The weapons the tyrants scream about were used to murder less than knifes and even one's hands. Those semi automatics, a shell of what we should have, are only a threat to enemies from within, tyrants like the ones that soil their oath and never had any honor to begin with.

Don't try to fool your self, the Second Amendment allows us to retain all the rest of them. A lot of citizens in states have given up their right to protect them self. What they come for next is the Fourth Amendment. With all the crime ya got to suspend the Fourth to protect the disarmed surfs. Just look at any democrat ran area weather a town, city, or state. All shit holes Disarmed and the Fourth just a faint memory you live out the rest of your life as a subject to the crown of the ones that disarmed you.
Deep paranoia in that mind of yours.
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
Yep. And many self proclaimed "law abiding" gun owners are just as guilty in being complicit in the 2As infringement, as the gun grabbers themselves, by capitulation to said infringements; and lending a false sense of legitimacy to these infringements...
Tell us again about....My cold, dead hands
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
Yep. And many self proclaimed "law abiding" gun owners are just as guilty in being complicit in the 2As infringement, as the gun grabbers themselves, by capitulation to said infringements; and lending a false sense of legitimacy to these infringements...
Tell us again about....My cold, dead hands

Lot of good that arsenal did them.
Even if state governments are allowed to form a militia as well as a National Guard, the right belongs to the state. Private citizens form what is known as a gang.

They already do have militia good God how many times my I tell you that.
Even if state governments are allowed to form a militia as well as a National Guard, the right belongs to the state. Private citizens form what is known as a gang.
your ignorance precedes you,,,

a government by definition cant form a militia because it requires enlistment,,,

by definition only private citizens can form a militia,,,
The Right to keep and bear arms, Shall not be infringed.

Infringement is any act that inhibits a persons ability to Operate, Clean, Store, or protect themselves.. This means ammunition and other items that are used to keep a functioning weapon for your self protection and that of the country can not be regulated.!

Our founding fathers understood how tyranny gets a foot hold and what free men must do to defend their inalienable rights.
Yep. And many self proclaimed "law abiding" gun owners are just as guilty in being complicit in the 2As infringement, as the gun grabbers themselves, by capitulation to said infringements; and lending a false sense of legitimacy to these infringements...
Tell us again about....My cold, dead hands

Lot of good that arsenal did them.

The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. Another says the Second Amendment gives the state the right to form a militia. Of course we no longer have to worry because today all their text books are on their computers and we no longer can read them except through the schools who teach this treason.

The Dick Act of, I think 1913 spelled out in plain English what the military was. Regular Troops, Reserve Troops, the National Guard and the militia, every able man. If called up by the president the militia will show up with a modern military rifle and the rounds to power it. If they fail to show they will be tried the same as a regular troop.

This brings my first question. If we were invaded by way of the Left Coast or the other Left Coast where is the militia? Will New Yorkers and Californians be behind every blade of grass with their modern military rifle? Or will they be saluting a white flag flying over Sacramento? It's bad enough we have allowed states to break Federal Law now they destroy our nation's defense. One has flooded their state with the invaders and supports them with things Americans only dream of.

Again stop me if I'm wrong. The Constitution is the law of the land. Every elected and most all appointed political officials swear an oath to the Constitution. If we the people held them to this oath we might have a couple not setting in prison, or swinging from a rope.

For the last 15 years violent crime has been on the down fall. Even in these democrat ran shit holes as....PICK ONE. With their high poverty, no jobs, massive gun laws disarming the good, the honest, and the helpless. A drug and crime infested, gun free utopia. The weapons the tyrants scream about were used to murder less than knifes and even one's hands. Those semi automatics, a shell of what we should have, are only a threat to enemies from within, tyrants like the ones that soil their oath and never had any honor to begin with.

Don't try to fool your self, the Second Amendment allows us to retain all the rest of them. A lot of citizens in states have given up their right to protect them self. What they come for next is the Fourth Amendment. With all the crime ya got to suspend the Fourth to protect the disarmed surfs. Just look at any democrat ran area weather a town, city, or state. All shit holes Disarmed and the Fourth just a faint memory you live out the rest of your life as a subject to the crown of the ones that disarmed you.
You are wrong, ignorant, and ridiculous.
Even if state governments are allowed to form a militia as well as a National Guard, the right belongs to the state. Private citizens form what is known as a gang.

They already do have militia good God how many times my I tell you that.

What militia? You have said absolutely nothing, but trip out on your fantasy.

The right belongs to the state government to call up the National Guard if necessary. The National Guard members have proper identification. BTW: no private citizen has any authority over another citizen. These "militia" thugs appear to be pretending that they have a right to exert authority over other citizens and also local and state governments, but no such authority exists as it has not been delegated. If anyone is stopped on the street, s/he has a perfect right to tell this person to get lost.

Moreover, how does the public know what training one of these "militia" has? What kind of character? Anything? You can't just run around wild in the streets. We don't stop for thugs.

We haven't been invaded since 1812.
The last time I read one of my kids text book it said the Second Amendment was no longer used since the forming of the National Guard. ...
I have around a dozen different US History/Civics/Constitutional Law textbooks here and none of them say that. You should check again.

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