Televise All School Classes

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How the fuck do you know that? The last time you went through a classroom door was when they hurled you out for being over-age in middle school!
One could easily surmise that he knows it, just by seeing and knowing lots of those little marxists OUTSIDE the classroom. Now go wash out your mouth with soap, and come back and report to me. :biggrin:
In the end?

What you teach you kids in the home makes more of a difference than what ideas they try to put into your kid in the schools.

If you pay attention, and teach your values in the home, your kid will still reflect your values.

This is, and always has been America. Sure, there might be a leftist agenda with some teachers and administrators, but IMO? American culture is a bit more resilient than that.

Have a little faith. It makes no difference if the teachers are conservative or even if they are liberals. . . most of them are NOT leftists. And even if they are? What of it, you think families are?

IMO? Most Americans still believe in the core values of America, and still believe all kids, no matter what their back-ground or skin color, are all equal, and should be treated the same in the end.

This all just may be a rudimentary attempt, to make folks aware of implicit biases at an early age, especially if they are a part of the IN-GROUP.

. . . fostering empathy is never a bad thing.

I made my kid read the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," when he was in sixth grade. . . naturally, he was a bit irritated when eight grade rolled around and it was an assigned reading, and asked me, did he have to read it again? I told him, if he could remember the details clearly enough to get an "A" on all the assignments, no, otherwise, of course he had to.
I couldn't disagree more. Kids are being brainwashed by CRT, and other ultra-liberal garbage, and they are totally at odds with their conservative parents, and are the real life counterparts of Mike & Gloria & Archie Bunker.

It was that way too when I was young, and very liberal.

I think you need to watch less TEE VEE and read more.
Having the bandwidth to provide video from every classroom requires fiber optics and a good server. Allowing a few hundred parents to sign in and select a specific classroom is not going to be done with some CPU they have lying around. Having the recording capability, to avoid lawsuits when someone claims they saw something, would require even more technology.
I heard on the radio today, that Joe Biden is spending $850 PER DAY on all the illegal aliens he is letting in, since he abolished the US Mexican border. :omg:
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum.... I would go the bank and take out a house mortgage to get my grandson into it no matter what the teachers were paid as long as they did their job.. But NO.....that would not be politically correct..... Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist.... Richard Feynman had notoriously horrible spelling and grammar....... but he rivaled Einstein anyway and in some ways surpassed him IMO.
In the end?

What you teach you kids in the home makes more of a difference than what ideas they try to put into your kid in the schools.

If you pay attention, and teach your values in the home, your kid will still reflect your values.

This is, and always has been America. Sure, there might be a leftist agenda with some teachers and administrators, but IMO? American culture is a bit more resilient than that.

Have a little faith. It makes no difference if the teachers are conservative or even if they are liberals. . . most of them are NOT leftists. And even if they are? What of it, you think families are?

IMO? Most Americans still believe in the core values of America, and still believe all kids, no matter what their back-ground or skin color, are all equal, and should be treated the same in the end.

This all just may be a rudimentary attempt, to make folks aware of implicit biases at an early age, especially if they are a part of the IN-GROUP.

. . . fostering empathy is never a bad thing.

I made my kid read the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," when he was in sixth grade. . . naturally, he was a bit irritated when eight grade rolled around and it was an assigned reading, and asked me, did he have to read it again? I told him, if he could remember the details clearly enough to get an "A" on all the assignments, no, otherwise, of course he had to.
I couldn't disagree more. Kids are being brainwashed by CRT, and other ultra-liberal garbage, and they are totally at odds with their conservative parents, and are the real life counterparts of Mike & Gloria & Archie Bunker.

It was that way too when I was young, and very liberal.

CRT is just the newest Boogieman. You want to divert large sums of money, for all schools, to combat something that is only an issue in a very small percentage of schools.

I have already brought up a better way to combat this "threat". If the parents actually TALK to their kids about what they do in school, it will solve the issue for free.

One of the worst things to happen in public schools in my lifetime is the idea that the schools take over raising the child. Especially when the excuse is that the parents don't have time. If you have kids, you make time.
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum.... I would go the bank and take out a house mortgage to get my grandson into it no matter what the teachers were paid as long as they did their job.. But NO.....that would not be politically correct..... Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist.... Richard Feynman had notoriously horrible spelling and grammar....... but he rivaled Einstein anyway and in some ways surpassed him IMO.

One of the biggest problems with math is that we, as a society, have allowed ourselves to simply say "I am not good at math" and that seems to be an acceptable excuse.

Some people are naturally really good at math. But most have to do what everyone does in other subjects. They have to study. They have to work at it.

My 3 older kids all went to a very good elementary school. My middle child was gifted at math from an early age (pre-school). The other two were not naturals at math, like their brother. All 3 took Trig and Calculus in high school. All 3 graduated with honors and went on to college.
WinterBorn The answer then would be to record several good classes with great teachers-------and instead of sending kids to school to be brainwashed-----use the recorded classes to teach thusly cutting billions from the teaching budget.
WinterBorn The answer then would be to record several good classes with great teachers-------and instead of sending kids to school to be brainwashed-----use the recorded classes to teach thusly cutting billions from the teaching budget.
That won't work for early childhood education. . .

. . . and in early childhood education? They aren't going to really be teaching CRT, they are only going to be training kids in empathy.

. . and I don't see how that is bad.
WinterBorn The answer then would be to record several good classes with great teachers-------and instead of sending kids to school to be brainwashed-----use the recorded classes to teach thusly cutting billions from the teaching budget.

I think that would be a great idea. But there are two main problems with this plan.

#1 - Recorded lectures or teaching session can be invaluable. But it does not allow students to ask questions. If the student does not understand, there is little they can do besides rewatching the initial lectures and hope they do not get behind.

#2 - I am guessing you mean for this to be done via the internet to kids who are at home with access to a computer. The problem is can the parents give up an income to have someone at home with the kids every day. I don't know if you have any friends with children who went through the remote learning in 2020, but it was a nightmare for them (or so they say). And that was with most of the parents staying home due to quarantine.
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum........ Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist....
Simply not true.
I teach Algebra and Geometry in Middle School (6-8).

Kids work hard to get into these classes
They WANT to be in these classes.
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum.... I would go the bank and take out a house mortgage to get my grandson into it no matter what the teachers were paid as long as they did their job.. But NO.....that would not be politically correct..... Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist.... Richard Feynman had notoriously horrible spelling and grammar....... but he rivaled Einstein anyway and in some ways surpassed him IMO.

One of the biggest problems with math is that we, as a society, have allowed ourselves to simply say "I am not good at math" and that seems to be an acceptable excuse.

Some people are naturally really good at math. But most have to do what everyone does in other subjects. They have to study. They have to work at it.

My 3 older kids all went to a very good elementary school. My middle child was gifted at math from an early age (pre-school). The other two were not naturals at math, like their brother. All 3 took Trig and Calculus in high school. All 3 graduated with honors and went on to college.

You know what I have noticed. . . talking with friends, and their kids that struggle in math soon after Jr. High?

Most? They just coast through the fundamentals, and the gov. schools, just don't hammer them hard enough in elementary school like they did when we were kids.

If you are still using a calculator for 9x7, or you can't do 12+9 in your head? :20:

. . . and seriously? A lot of my friends, and their kids in high-school? They can't, they won't do those fifty problems in under 2 minutes, timed tests that I drilled my kid in over and over again. When we were in the car. . . driving anywhere of duration, we would do those drills, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, out-loud, practicing, till he knew them cold.

But today, they just don't require them to do these timed tests to see if they are memorized fundamentals anymore. So if these kids are still using calculators for the super simple stuff, their minds are not seeing the huge patterns by the time the advanced stuff comes.

Some schools are still doing these timed tests that drill these fundamentals. . . and sadly? Some aren't. :mad:
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum........ Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist....
Simply not true.
I teach Algebra and Geometry in Middle School (6-8).

Kids work hard to get into these classes
They WANT to be in these classes.
Dismissing the other side of this conversation out of hand, without understanding and being well informed on the topic, from all sides, does not add to this conversation.

Saying, "simply not true," well not acknowledging that the left is now saying, that, yes, mathematics, in some contexts, is being called racist, while, at one time, the fault may, in actuality, lay with the sub-culture?

Is at best, disingenuous, and at worst a lie.

The Origins of the ‘Acting White’ Charge​

School integration yielded a disturbing by-product: a psychological association between scholastic achievement and whiteness.
don't think these schools require maintenance or replacement. You also suggested cutting teacher salaries from the low level they are now. Changing your mind?
I havent

But I dont have control over the budgets

I expect teacher pay will go up modestly whether they deserve it or not

We can balance our spending to pay for a little oversight of the education monopoly along with other things
If there was a school that specialized in 80% of the curriculum........ Math skills have become a pariah and being good at it makes you some kind of racist....
Simply not true.
I teach Algebra and Geometry in Middle School (6-8).

Kids work hard to get into these classes
They WANT to be in these classes.
Dismissing the other side of this conversation out of hand, without understanding and being well informed on the topic, from all sides, does not add to this conversation.

Saying, "simply not true," well not acknowledging that the left is now saying, that, yes, mathematics, in some contexts, is being called racist, while, at one time, the fault may, in actuality, lay with the sub-culture?

Is at best, disingenuous, and at worst a lie.

The Origins of the ‘Acting White’ Charge​

School integration yielded a disturbing by-product: a psychological association between scholastic achievement and whiteness.
My comment wasn’t about race
Read my response again
My reply was simply about being good at math.
The media consent form is the law! STFU and learn something from someone who dealt with it for 21 years. What is the purpose in blurring out the kids faces? The audio will still be there. You would not be able to see which blurry image was your little hellion unless you heard the voice. What you propose in your obviously dementia-riddled brain is simply impossible. I have told you before, you need to get a grip on reality! You keep claiming things are possible when they are not. Your best bet is to STFU and slink off this thread before someone else reads your insanity.
So it's the law. That's nice. And if/when a new law is passed, requiring television of classrooms, then THAT will be the law.

And I say one again, stopping CRT from going into kids' heads is more important than the question of hearing the kids talking.
That is NOT happening and you are the only dipshit who seems to support it because it is a non-starter.

So you have gone back to television even after everyone has proven that stupid idea will not work on any planet.

Yoy are so stupid, you probably wouldn't recognize CRT if it was being taught and you'd think regular old American history was CRT if it was not.
CRT is not the only incidious lies and perversions lib teachers are capable of

We should have had cameras in the classrooms a genetation ago but no one thought of it then
You saw the estimates of cost posted in this thread.
No, I missed those off the cuff guessitmates

Would you care to throw them against the wall again to see if they stick?

Since I posted the original, I will throw it against the wall. I know it will stick because I have spend 20+ years in the business and it is a low-ball estimate.

"The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts."
Thats your seat of the pants estimate and its far from official

And it does not have to be spent in one year alone

How much will America spend on all levels for education in 2021?

I could look it up but I’m sure it will dwarf your number to monitor the classrooms
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Trim salaries that are already the second lowest in the US for professions requiring a degree? Yeah, who are you going to get to teach? My God, do you ever listen to how stupid your posts sound?
Teacher annual salaries are for a 9 month year (and they generally work a 6 hour day). 9AM - 3PM.

Who in the hell told you they only work 6 hours a day?

Allow me to educate you on the reality of a teacher's day. I Get Paid for 180 Days of Work Each Year, but I Actually Work More Than 250

And schools usually have students arriving at 7:30am. You think teachers don't get to work until 9am? You really are an idiot. And when do they grade work? When do they plan the curriculum? You are clueless.
I’m only interested in the time teachers spend in the classrooms and what they are telling the children
The biggest problem with this entire insanity is funding. Who will pay for it?

There are about 98,500 public schools in the US. Putting a camera in each classroom, focused on the front of the class, having a computer system capable of sorting numerous parental requests for access, and letting them see the proper classroom, along with a substantial recording capability (for records if something is done wrong) would be expensive.

If you spent $10,000 per school (a huge lowball amount) it would cost $985 million. Having done a lot of work in the cable and fiber optics industry, I think a realistic minimum would be $25k per school (not counting the cost of the technicians to run it and maintain it).

Spending $25k per school would cost the US $2,462,500,000.00. Spending almost $2.5 Billion? Where will that money come from? Certainly not the individual school districts.
That question was answered 2 days ago in Post # 35.
I don't know if this guy is a current technician ... one server per school with three or four dozen wireless transmitting cameras and a usb down load... less than a thousand. less than the electric bill for one week... less than the money spent on the front lawn... They don't need a large or expensive computer either. Probably can use one they have hanging around. If a school doesn't have a thousand to spend.... I'm calling bullshit. They passed out the chrome books.... at first I thought...OMG this must cost a fortune! Nope.....I talked to the local school bard and I was told that it was instead a major cost savings. As opposed to spending upward of 2000 a piece for a complete set of school books they spent instead about 400 a piece for a much more versatile piece of technology. Chrome book stops working? Call and you get a new one in less than 1/2 hour. Sign in and all your stuff is there. Including the cameras footage! Each Chrome book has a camera on it... one on the teachers desk is all that is needed... Don't even need to install a camera.... These people are either too old to know better or they are just purposely ignorant. There will no longer be any snow days

3 or 4 dozen would not cover an elementary school. You have no concept of scale required to do this.

One of my school districts bought a laptop for every student from elementary through high school. On any given day, half of the student's computers would be dead because they were not charged, There were 4 electrical outlets in the classroom, because the school was built in the 1950s. Each classroom required a wireless hub since the walls were too thick for the signal to carry. On any given day, three to four students laptops had shattered screens and those took weeks to acquire replacements and install them.

Another district bought laptops for juniors and seniors. I taught math in that school system, so I had all grade levels. The upper classmen's computers were useless because there was none for the freshmen and sophomores. Great plan, huh?

The fact that Chromebooks have very little installed memory, you pay for the required servers to perform that function. More costs!
It would have more than 36 rooms in your elementary school????.... UM......never seen a school that size and I'm in a pretty good sized metropolis.

As I stated earlier in the thread, my high school had about 160 teachers. My grandsons go to a former high school that was converted to a middle school. The elementary school in y neighborhood has about 60 classrooms. Personally, I have never seen one that small as 36 rooms.
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