Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On the Table


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The hysterics of replacing a conservative Justice with a conservative Justice shows how mentally unstable the left are. Wait until Trump gets to replace Granny Ginsburg when they remove her life support.

The filibuster as an institution was already broken under Harry Reid. And hey, until 2010, the filibuster was a terrible anti-Democratic institution anyway!

All mentions of this process should be referred to as The Harry Reid Option. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On The Table.
The hysterics of replacing a conservative Justice with a conservative Justice shows how mentally unstable the left are. Wait until Trump gets to replace Granny Ginsburg when they remove her life support.

The filibuster as an institution was already broken under Harry Reid. And hey, until 2010, the filibuster was a terrible anti-Democratic institution anyway!

All mentions of this process should be referred to as The Harry Reid Option. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On The Table.

Do they have to wait until the Dims try to filibuster?

Can't they just nuk'em now?
yeah, the filibuster was further bastardized under Reid, although it's been misused for a long time.

as things have gotten so much more sharply partisan, a tool that was meant to allow a party the occasional means of stopping something the minority party truly disagreed with to bring the other side to the table has been bastardized as an instrument of pure obstructionism.

If the dems want to fuck around, take it away. That's where this is headed anyway, IMO. Personally I think it would be stupid of the dems to pick this fight so early in Trump's term, as if it's scratched now they have literally no line of defense whatsoever. They should save it for when it actually matters, such as when Ginsberg kicks off, so they at least retain the threat, which is better than nothing. Or they can hope to pick up seats in two years, while running interference in the meantime, which they won't be able to do if they lose the only tool they have.

Fact is the dems have no cards, and everyone knows it, so they can push now if they want but it will shoot them in the ass, and I think they know it. They'll kick, they'll stomp, they'll put on a jolly good show for their lackeys....and then the guy will be confirmed.
The hysterics of replacing a conservative Justice with a conservative Justice shows how mentally unstable the left are. Wait until Trump gets to replace Granny Ginsburg when they remove her life support.

The filibuster as an institution was already broken under Harry Reid. And hey, until 2010, the filibuster was a terrible anti-Democratic institution anyway!

All mentions of this process should be referred to as The Harry Reid Option. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On The Table.

Do they have to wait until the Dims try to filibuster?

Can't they just nuk'em now?
I think they are enjoying watching the Demonrats squirm in the corner they painted themselves into.
Illegal alien Lyin' Ted and his ugly wife will die for Trump now. Hilarious.

Hillary fellated Obama for years, taking the job as Sec State and singing his praises to the heavens, after a bruising campaign, because she thought it was in her best interests.

Same, same here. If you think Cruz, or any of the lizards in DC, are doing this, or anything, just "for Trump", you must've just woken from a coma....
The hysterics of replacing a conservative Justice with a conservative Justice shows how mentally unstable the left are. Wait until Trump gets to replace Granny Ginsburg when they remove her life support.

The filibuster as an institution was already broken under Harry Reid. And hey, until 2010, the filibuster was a terrible anti-Democratic institution anyway!

All mentions of this process should be referred to as The Harry Reid Option. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On The Table.
It is not yet clear the Democrats will be able to muster enough votes to force the nuclear option.
The hysterics of replacing a conservative Justice with a conservative Justice shows how mentally unstable the left are. Wait until Trump gets to replace Granny Ginsburg when they remove her life support.

The filibuster as an institution was already broken under Harry Reid. And hey, until 2010, the filibuster was a terrible anti-Democratic institution anyway!

All mentions of this process should be referred to as The Harry Reid Option. Let's give credit where credit is due.

Ted Cruz: Nuclear Option Is On The Table.

I said when Harry Reid implemented the nuclear option that democrats would ond day regret that decision! I guess they didn't know that what goes around, eventually comes around!

Reid really shot the Dems in the ass with that little option.

Of course the dumbass probably thought the Dems would have power for another four years with Hillary in the WH and all.

Guess what?? The Reps have the WH and Congress and the Dems have nothing and they know it.

Bad luck for them but really, really good luck for America.

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