Ted Cruz goes all out for the Evangelical vote...

I totally object to government paying for it with confiscated money. Unlike you, I don't dump my views on other people to fund

You , being a drunkard, never noticed that the Government invaded Iraq ..."government paying for it with confiscated money. " and killed a million or more people but hey what is all that to a blind drunk

No shit you fucking retard, I oppose not only the wars in the middle east, but I think we should leave entirely. I would actually have no permanent bases in any country but US territory and I would slash the military by 1/2 to 1/3 and make it defense in focus
here you go Statist , --- Gay Hoteliers Face Boycott For Not Hating Ted Cruz - Fox Nation --- just a little bit of info on TED CRUZ 'gay' strategy . Not all gay people are wierdos and Ted is going after those gays that still have some common sense . Lets hope that TEDS strategy works ehh ??

How likely is it do you think that Ted Cruz will win the US Presidential election?

I don't think he'll even win Texas in the primary. They will vote for Jeb. Bush family roots are in Texas.
might be right TPS but the boosh is an east coaster , nota Texan !!

Dubya was governor of Texas for 5 years and his family has long-held connections in Dallas and Houston, not to mention west Texas and a lot of oil money.
Remember, it's not about our vote anymore. Citizens United changed that. It's about who gets the money and how much.
Or else a bunch of Republican candidates wouldn't be out in Las Vegas kissing Adelson's ring this weekend.

2016 GOPers court pro-Israel donors at Sheldon Adelson’s unofficial primary

2016 GOPers court pro-Israel donors at Sheldon Adelson s unofficial primary MSNBC

LAS VEGAS, Nevada – Sen. Ted Cruz, former Gov. Rick Perry, and other 2016 presidential hopefuls flocked to Sin City on Saturday to tout their support for Israel at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s spring meeting, where hundreds of influential conservative donors gathered to evaluate the emerging field.

To not think that children are the responsibility of government is to not "give a crap" about them. Got it.
I guess that is why the rw has no problem cutting programs such as Welfare, SNAPS, Medicaid and repealing Obamacare, because you do not think that children are the responsibility of government. But, fetuses are....Got it.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not trying to make anything "illegal".

I think you people simply need to face the truth and decide from there.

A child dies with every "abortion".

I see you didn't have an answer to my previous post, where you claimed I cruised right by the obvious........so, just as I suspected, you were deflecting....and....

A child dies of hunger......yet conservatives have no problem with their party cutting "SNAPS".

SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

A child dies for lack of health-care.....yet conservatives' main goal is to repeal Obamacare with nothing to take it's place except what we had before, and we know that many were uninsured due to the cost of healthcare insurance.

Lack of health insurance might have led or contributed to nearly 17,000 deaths among hospitalized children in the United States in the span of less than two decades, according to research led by the Johns Hopkins Children's Center.
Lack of Insurance May Have Figured In Nearly 17 000 Childhood Deaths Children s Hospital at Johns Hopkins Baltimore Maryland

So, enough with your sanctimonious attitude.....acknowledge your own attitude in killing humans.

Sorry kid you just love those lefty talking points :)

Nothing "sanctimonious" about pointing out the truth.

As I've said many times.....abortion is legal...it is the law of the land.

It's hypocrites like you that can't call it what it is.

A zygote is not a child. A fetus is not a child. You are a grown human being but still act like a child.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not trying to make anything "illegal".

I think you people simply need to face the truth and decide from there.

A child dies with every "abortion".

I see you didn't have an answer to my previous post, where you claimed I cruised right by the obvious........so, just as I suspected, you were deflecting....and....

A child dies of hunger......yet conservatives have no problem with their party cutting "SNAPS".

SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

A child dies for lack of health-care.....yet conservatives' main goal is to repeal Obamacare with nothing to take it's place except what we had before, and we know that many were uninsured due to the cost of healthcare insurance.

Lack of health insurance might have led or contributed to nearly 17,000 deaths among hospitalized children in the United States in the span of less than two decades, according to research led by the Johns Hopkins Children's Center.
Lack of Insurance May Have Figured In Nearly 17 000 Childhood Deaths Children s Hospital at Johns Hopkins Baltimore Maryland

So, enough with your sanctimonious attitude.....acknowledge your own attitude in killing humans.

Sorry kid you just love those lefty talking points :)

Nothing "sanctimonious" about pointing out the truth.

As I've said many times.....abortion is legal...it is the law of the land.

It's hypocrites like you that can't call it what it is.

What is sanctimonious is you pointing out abortion being the killing of a child, when you look the other way when your party cuts assistance to children that causes their death.

Seems like you have a problem acknowledging the truth.
like I said , boosh family are east coasters , j boosh is a Mexican [Hispanic] according to his own check mark on some voters registration , same thing with 'jorge' and the daughter and wife NTPP !! Hopefully the 'boosh' will lose to the dem if he does get the rino nomination NTTP !!

I didn't know people who serve pizza took the Hippocratic oath. You learn something new every day
Christian fundamentalist nut bag pharmacist will deny a woman medication if they decide its against their God's will....in other words they are Bull Goose Loony like the anti Gay extremist....and they want their crazyness certified as Holy
What is sanctimonious is you pointing out abortion being the killing of a child, when you look the other way when your party cuts assistance to children that causes their death.

Exactly once the kid is born if their parents are disabled by drug use ...screw the kid he shoudda thought of that before being born...let him starve...
Of course, part of Ted Cruz's problem is that even a number of Evangelicals and definitely a number of Baptists are FOR immigration reform:

Evangelical Immigration Table Southern Baptists in Texas Embrace Immigration Reform

Southern Baptist Convention On Immigration And The Gospel

Are those Christians "liberal fascists"??

I think what you are seeing here are multiple different (potentially all legitimate) moral concerns in conflict. Some people are interested in helping those who are less fortunate for them. Others wish to preserve society in a stable functioning way and focus on the closer to home people who have issues. Both of these are legitimate concerns, and the problem is that as often is the case with different moral precepts, they don't always align in the same direction.
There absolutely a baby killing industry, you folks just want to call it something else because it makes you feel better.

No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.

Calling them queers, and you don't think that exposes your hatred for them? That's the trouble with most of the racist rwnj's - they absolutely don't know when they are being racist, and keep insisting they are not.
When you call everyone that doesn't agree with you racist,that isn't hatred? You dumbass. Sheesh, or you got selective hatred?
There absolutely a baby killing industry, you folks just want to call it something else because it makes you feel better.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.

Calling them queers, and you don't think that exposes your hatred for them? That's the trouble with most of the racist rwnj's - they absolutely don't know when they are being racist, and keep insisting they are not.
When you call everyone that doesn't agree with you racist,that isn't hatred? You dumbass. Sheesh, or you got selective hatred?

Don't be an idiot. I don't call everyone that doesn't agree with me racist. I said "most of the racist rwnj's" - in case you don't comprehend English that well, it means that not all the rwnj's are racist....and, it doesn't matter whether they agree with me or not....but then, you're not too bright, are ya?
There absolutely a baby killing industry, you folks just want to call it something else because it makes you feel better.

My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.

Calling them queers, and you don't think that exposes your hatred for them? That's the trouble with most of the racist rwnj's - they absolutely don't know when they are being racist, and keep insisting they are not.
When you call everyone that doesn't agree with you racist,that isn't hatred? You dumbass. Sheesh, or you got selective hatred?

Don't be an idiot. I don't call everyone that doesn't agree with me racist. I said "most of the racist rwnj's" - in case you don't comprehend English that well, it means that not all the rwnj's are racist....and, it doesn't matter whether they agree with me or not....but then, you're not too bright, are ya?

Many lumens shy of even a xmas tree bulb! ;)

I am sure you would agree with that all late term abortions should be regulated, I mean....you do don't you?

They are, in all 50 states. If you fanatics would take the time to educate yourself on the subject instead of just taking the word of other uniformed fanatics, you might be able to see that there are already laws in place to make sure, and you wouldn't be parroting the same erroneous information over and over.

Late-term abortions are very rare. About one percent of all abortions performed in the United States occur after 21 weeks. There are different definitions of what constitutes a “late term abortion,” but most definitions refer to abortions at or after 24 weeks or in the third trimester.

Late-term abortions are severely restricted by law.

In 1973, the
U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the constitutional right to privacy
extends to the decision of a woman, in consultation with her physician,
to terminate a pregnancy.

The Court also determined, however, that this right is not absolute and it must be balanced against the state’s legitimate
interest in protecting both the health of the pregnant woman and the
developing human life. Therefore, according to Roe, the state’s interest in protecting potential life
becomes compelling at the point of fetal
viability (when the fetus has the capacity for sustained survival
outside the uterus). States are allowed to, and indeed have, severely restricted access to abortion in the third-trimester, except, as the Supreme Court has ruled, when
necessary to preserve the woman’s life or health.
In subsequent cases, the Court made clear that viability is a medical
determination, which varies with each pregnancy, and that it is the
responsibility of the attending physician to make that determination.

Late Abortions Facts Stories and Ways to Help

Thanks for posting facts but don't expect the anti-America folks to pay any attention. They want to trash the constitution and won't stop trying.
maybe because there is o baby killing industry vote and you're insane? yeah, that's the ticket.

now go take your anti-psychotic meds and calm down.

There absolutely a baby killing industry, you folks just want to call it something else because it makes you feel better.

luckily no one cares what the radical religious right thinks.

I practice no religion but abortion is a baby killing industry.

Look it's legal so why do people like yourself need to resort to euphemisms to assuage your conscience?

because by using inflammatory, insane language, you loons are trying to make it not legal.

now stay out of other people's business.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not trying to make anything "illegal".

I think you people simply need to face the truth and decide from there.

A child dies with every "abortion".

i don't know what "you people" is, but ten cells is not a person.

so, again, stay out of other people's business.
"Religious Freedom" is bigoted America’s backdoor to a nostalgic time before Civil Rights.

Or it could be a genuine and sincere religious belief that is also bigoted and where the state has a strong, possibly compelling interest in preventing being used in action. It may be tough to acknowledge that but sometimes nuance can exist. We don't like saying that, or thinking that, so it is easier to convince one's self that one's political opponents must be lying and mendacious. This is as bad as when the right says the same thing about the left. It helps to keep in mind that the vast majority of humans are sincere and honest but may genuinely disagree.

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