Teacher in custody after Georgia police respond to report of shots fired

Nice try at pedantry but a complete failure otherwise.
Three years of public schooling down the drain I see.

Actually, I was responding to your pedantic post about what CNN did or didn't say about the AR-15.

So eat a dick.
Wtf are you talking about? Apparently, three years of public schooling is probably your greatest achievement.
probably a liberal dem teacher putting on an anti gun show for the liberal media . Probably One of your ilk Nia .
So if this was a new school shooting of kids, and the Dem Teacher saved the day.
You would want a do-over so a Gun Nutter DOPer teacher saved the kids.
The teachers should not be armed. Real Armed guards is an option.
One shot fired, nobody hurt. No kids were in the classroom. Teacher was arrested. Know what I'm thinking? A nutcase lefty trying to make a point about armed teachers. Or just a nutcase period, like a cry for help. We'll get some information soon I suspect.
Post the number of armed teachers in the country and then the number who have shot up a school so we can see if it's any kind of problem or your wild exaggeration.

It doesn't matter! It happened today, literally just a few hours ago and right in the midst of your stupid advocacy for arming teachers.

So you advocate arming teachers, an armed teacher shoots up a school today, and your response is "show me examples of teachers shooting up schools"...well it just happened today.
/——/ One drunk driver kills someone, so we take all cars away?
One drunk driver kills someone, so we take all cars away?

No, but you also don't give everyone alcohol so they're drunk drivers too, do you?

To combat drunk driving, would you recommend that there be more drunk drivers on the roads? So why do you think more guns would result in less gun deaths?
I'd recommend a designated driver.

Someone to STOP the person from driving.
I'd recommend a designated driver.

Great. A concept borne about by a government-led campaign to combat drunk driving that successfully reduced deaths from drunk drivers by 50%.

So how about a public campaign against gun ownership to accomplish the same goal of reducing deaths by 50%?
I'd recommend a designated driver.

Great. A concept borne about by a government-led campaign to combat drunk driving that successfully reduced deaths from drunk drivers by 50%.

So how about a public campaign against gun ownership to accomplish the same goal of reducing deaths by 50%?



it's unlikely you'll be able to get, or keep, firearms from those doing the majority of the killlings
This is why teachers don't need guns.

Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots at school

DALTON, Ga. (AP) — Police in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody.

Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school.

Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up.

Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta.

The identity of the teacher has not been released.

The high school's website says it has 2,000 students.

From the OP:

"no children were hurt or were in danger"

Kinda different from when crazy kids that the leftist system churns out and then fails to keep in check are left to their devices, huh?

The assumption here is that by virtue of 'teacher status' all human beings holding this role are universally above reproach and infallible... THEY ARE NOT... all the more reason to have more than one armed teacher in any given school... BTW one would have to be delusional to think that a 'rogue' teacher with a gun, has the potential of being the new norm... Quite the anomaly, if your honest with yourself.

yes, two nutjobs with guns would be much more efficient
This is why teachers don't need guns.

Georgia teacher in custody after report of shots at school

DALTON, Ga. (AP) — Police in Georgia say officers have responded to reports of shots fired at a high school and a teacher who may have been barricaded in a classroom is in custody.

Police in Dalton tweeted that no children were hurt or were in danger. Police spokesman Bruce Frazier tells The Associated Press that the scene is secure. Police are not immediately saying what happened inside the school.

Police say the school has been evacuated and students have been taken to the Northwest Georgia Center. Police are advising parents to go there to pick them up.

Dalton is about 90 miles (145 kilometers) north of Atlanta.

The identity of the teacher has not been released.

The high school's website says it has 2,000 students.
Good thing cops never shoot innocent people.
One drunk driver kills someone, so we take all cars away?

No, but you also don't give everyone alcohol so they're drunk drivers too, do you?

To combat drunk driving, would you recommend that there be more drunk drivers on the roads? So why do you think more guns would result in less gun deaths?
/——/ No, I’d recommend that the laws on the books be enforced and drunk drivers get thrown in jail.
My niece goes to this school. She graduates in May. All kids are fine. The teacher is in custody. Not sure what was going on, but he wouldn't even allow kids in the room with him when he shot the gun.
Seems this same school on the 21st, some students turned in a threatening note for the 22nd, they found on the floor in a classroom. They had not determined who wrote the note by the 22nd. They added armed police officers to campus. I wonder if this is in any way related.
yeah , agree or disagree , doesn't matter but looks to me that this article Describes a DRAMA QUEEN TEACHER that is trying to influence the good idea of GUNS in Gun Free Zones called public schools . As i SPECULATE , think and reason , i would say that this teacher is a lefty / dem / liberal . ---------------- course we may find out in a bit of time . --- Teacher In Custody After Firing Gun Inside Georgia High School, Police Say | HuffPost ---

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