Teacher and Staff Shortages Are Causing Cancellations and Remote Learning

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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If I was still going to school I'd be thrilled, but if I was a parent needing childcare I'd be pretty upset too.

I've been teaching for many years in a suburban district. Long about 15 years ago, we would get HUNDREDS of applications for every teacher opening. Those days are long gone. Good schools, decent pay, nice kids. We can't get teachers, subs, paras, aides, critical workers like bus drivers, custodians, etc. We just can't get people.

The Oxford shooting in my area is going to make this problem much, much worse. All the finger-pointing and blame and lawsuits. It was already an incredibly complex, difficult job in the age of behavior issues and social media. It has now been made next to impossible. No one will do this job now. With how awful we are as a society, I'm not sure anyone should. We simply cannot stay cohesive as communities, so how can we support community schools?
Pull your shit together! This kind of spineless, defeatist attitude won’t help anything. Suck it up and get back to work!
Pull your shit together! This kind of spineless, defeatist attitude won’t help anything. Suck it up and get back to work!

I am sure I was teaching before you were born. Through two pregnancies. Through a chronic illness. In two states, three districts. After 9/11, this pandemic and a local school shooting.

Spineless I am not. Truthful I am.
How many teachers actually quit to go and take another job? In my area (all schools have CBA's) it simply does not happen. Any teacher shortages are exclusively the result of early retirements and fewer applications.

If remote learning actually worked, it would be a BOON to public education. Have the best teachers teach EVERYONE (multiple school districts), with locals only assisting, checking homework, and grading exams.


Is anyone "on this"?
How many teachers actually quit to go and take another job? In my area (all schools have CBA's) it simply does not happen. Any teacher shortages are exclusively the result of early retirements and fewer applications.

If remote learning actually worked, it would be a BOON to public education. Have the best teachers teach EVERYONE (multiple school districts), with locals only assisting, checking homework, and grading exams.


Is anyone "on this"?

Three off the top of my head, not including early retirements--that's people in their 40s--and not getting young candidates in. Also, remote learning was a disaster. Have you been in hiding for a year or what?
Just put more kids into each class. Not a problem. 50 kids in a class was just about the standard when I was in elementary school. The nuns successfully kept order with a reign of terror.
How many teachers actually quit to go and take another job? In my area (all schools have CBA's) it simply does not happen. Any teacher shortages are exclusively the result of early retirements and fewer applications.

If remote learning actually worked, it would be a BOON to public education. Have the best teachers teach EVERYONE (multiple school districts), with locals only assisting, checking homework, and grading exams.


Is anyone "on this"?
You apparently don't even know what a CBA is, because you used it incorrectly.

We actually had what we called TV math in junior high. The teacher was on TV and broadcast to every 7th or 8th grade class in the district. The teachers in the large auditorium we used were not math teachers, so they were mostly useless at helping students. The experiment lasted two years and was discontinued because of the failure it was.
Who would want to be a teacher now….
Who would want to be a teacher now….

Doing it remotely might be worthwhile.

But taking your life into your own hands by entering an Inner City Hell Hole classroom, and not being allowed to maintain discipline- that would be a tough way to make a buck.

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