
Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.
Well done! Very Well done. That will rid this country of it's bs cronyism. Did you state what the limits would be.. Eight years sounds about right. With 1/4 their pay for retirement. and they have to go on whatever bs hcr they shoved down our throats.. hang tough..
Uh, getting something on the ballot isn't difficult nor a guarantee it will pass.

For those "tea partiers" like Oreo who "ra ra ra" about democracy, they seem to want to restrict it.

I have to love the pure nativity and ignorance though. "If this passes, congressmen will no longer take bribes! Rainbows will be shooting out of asses! Jesus will come!"

Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.
It should pass, too many fossils think politics is a lifetime gig.
Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.
It should pass, too many fossils think politics is a lifetime gig.

So, In CO, your senators and congress people are NEVER up for re-election? That's odd?
Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.
It should pass, too many fossils think politics is a lifetime gig.

So, In CO, your senators and congress people are NEVER up for re-election? That's odd?

I only ask because I thought the Tea Baggers were for LESS government and FOR more personal responsibility? In our form of government, the PEOPLE choose who gets to stay in office, rather than have the government provide some sort of stop-gap measure such as term limits. I have never even visited Colorado and had no idea your politicians were voted in for life?
Unless it's nationwide, all you're doing is assuring that your state representatives won't get seniority and whatever might come with that in Congress.
Uh, getting something on the ballot isn't difficult nor a guarantee it will pass.

For those "tea partiers" like Oreo who "ra ra ra" about democracy, they seem to want to restrict it.

I have to love the pure nativity and ignorance though. "If this passes, congressmen will no longer take bribes! Rainbows will be shooting out of asses! Jesus will come!"


Yet do you complain that there are indeed term limits for the executive branch??

Term limits are a damn good thing.. career politicians are indeed a bad thing, and they have led us to some of the dreadful places we have not with the size and scope of government
Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.

Sadly it has already been tried by at least 23 states and found to be unconstitutional by SCOTUS.
we have term limits they are called elections....

As stated...

Yet you do not seem to complain about other term limits, such as in the national executive....

When you see someone lime Marion Barry getting elected... it should make anyone support term limits at most any level of government... from school board to state legislature, to the positions in the federal government
Tea partiers in Colorado have infiltrated all areas, caucase's and delegations. We did it--term limits for our U.S. Senators are Congressmen will be on November's ballot. It is certain to pass.

I hope that all of your states are doing the same--this is the only way we can get control of this government. No more decades old senators in government that are continually lobbied by special interest groups and corporations. It changes everything--instead of our senators and congressmen putting their personal political careers and ambitions ahead of what's good for this country and our state.

I hope Colorado does pass term limits. It will give the Congressmen and Senators from my state more power since appointments to key committees are based on seniority.

Good job Tea Baggers
i understand the concept of how the congress works....if you impose term limits then you must refigure the entire structure....based on senority....and is it constitutional?
Certain to pass? That's just dumb, senators don't have that much power like a president, hence why the term limit on presidents.

And its very easy to get an amendment on the ballot, just need like 35K signatures.

I wouldn't be so sure its certain to pass
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